John Dolva Posted January 22, 2010 Share Posted January 22, 2010 From Wikipedia: Needlepoint is a form of canvas work embroidery, in which yarn is stitched through an open weave canvas in which vertical and horizontal threads are formed to make precise holes between the thread and then hand painted or printed with a design. Stitchers use different coloured yarn or thread to cover each area with the corresponding colour on the canvas. The types of stitching and threads used on the canvas make it more durable than surface embroidery using fine count aida*. Needlepoint worked on very fine (high-count) canvas (16 or more mesh holes per line inch) is called petit-point. Needlepoint is often referred to as "tapestry" but differs from true tapestry, which is woven on a vertical loom rather than stitched on canvas mesh. Finished works may be made into pillows or upholstery, may be displayed on the wall, framed or unframed, or made into holiday ornaments, purses, stuffed standup figures, or rugs. *Aida is the most popular cross-stitch fabric. The threads are woven in groups and are separated by tiny holes. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
John Dolva Posted January 23, 2010 Author Share Posted January 23, 2010 (no image insertion features in the Art and Design forum (duh) apart from linking, so for the below, it's just an example of charcterising any image) Using Image Analyzer, by converting the above image into a grayscale one can then use the 'characterise' function to produce a text file of a colored image which can then in turn be used to locate hues and stitch points on the cloth one chooses. So with a colored image of choice as a guide a simple method for producing a needle point pattern to work from may easily be produced. ,,,,,,,;*=%$%+=(*=====+=*!,,,,,,,!*=++++++++$55052$%+(!, ,,,,!=$%+$$%+++=****=+=+=,,,,,,(+=+++++++++%%+======++= ,,!*$=(*=*(((*+====+;,,,,;=+=,,,;=======+$8AAA82*,,,,,,,!( ,==((!,!;;;(=%%+++%=!,,,,*+52%=*=+%$250E©©©©©©8*,,,,,,,, ,=$;!(=+++===+++++$2%=+=!,,*QQ8*,,*80505mm85%=%%5Q8=,,:::: !2%++*;,,,,,,!(++*;:::,;(=%8Q8*!*82+;,::,*!::::,!%A8(:::: %=(,::,,,:,,:,;(;!!!!;!!!!;(;(*(;;!,,,,,!!:::::::,$Q2!:: !=*,:::::,,,,,,;**===================***((=(;;:::::::!$8=: *;::::::::::,,,!!*QEE#m02$%0m0$22558QmE;::::::::::::!$0 :::::::::::::::::;222$%$%%%$2#5$%%%%%$2(::::::::::::::: :''':::::::::::::*%$2Q©HNH©EQHH#558Q#©m5%%=,::::::'''''''' '''''::::::::::::*%5©A%;:...,#EQ' .;282(::::::''''''''' '''''':'::::,((;!$0=.!0A* ,mAm, .5mA:.+=,!!!,'''''''''' ''''''''':+#=!!!;!.. +mm#: =H©H$. :EEm: .':':!Q+'''''''' ''''''''''';%'.+E(:.. !(, ,#2!A©; .!: .,=5''=$!''''''''' .'''''''''''+$=2#Q2+!':;$AQ,:!#5$*(;=5m#$=!''''''''''' ....''''''''':!=(=###E8#E8QH(:::%©mQmmA0EQ(=*''''''''..... ......''''''''':*%EE#©©©©AH0,:::,Q©AE#QAm8=!''''''........ ........'''''''':,0QQQm#EEm,::::©E©Emmm%''''............ ...........''''''',*(,,%©©!:'. .::0H8::!;,''.............. ...............''''!;=5#©2::'...::,Em22++:................ ................''';***%©;::,!,!:''(+(*=*................. ...................,(*8H0::,!;*,;'':$0+(;............... ....................%QQQ5%=**=%=*=$5%5A8'........ . . ....................!(;%28Q#QQmm8###50$='........ ....................:=5Q©©82m###E8AQQQ2!.... .....................!©#m#QA5$2%208A2m%... ......................0HEA22=205%+2$0#:.. ......................,E022550888052%$.. .......................$22555%080%22+( .......................!852255005552%. ..!!!,:'..........''....Q©Q80008AQEH{:content:}nbsp; .. ...''' :%A802+(''$!A858A= '#M©E©©©HH©HMQ.00082!;5$,.':=+20+(; ++8QQA558Q(:%0A2288QA,..$NMH#©#H©HMN* %AAQ8:8Q22:::$QA8508 ©E=!*%50A5:;A0AA*8QQ2....QMHQmAE©NM5. :AQ8+:QA82%':!8QQ8%( '2©m*..:!,'+0088(0AA!.,,,,©#*=++$Nm:,,'$A5=:5052%.'',(:.*Q ...'$©m*......!+2$2+.,;;!.=#=+=+AE'!;!::52%==,. .*mE+ .....'2©m(..+00('!5$;.!;(;' %#5580'';;!,.*58(;%2=! .*mE+. ......'2©m8Q0,::+Q8,':,,,' 2#Q0. ',!!,.28Q$,':!$==EE=. ........'2HH#0*+QA! == .$0QA+%AE#E=. ..........'2H©852: =AmAEHE*. ............'$©Q(. '2#Q( ..............'2©Q( ;$8A25: '$©m( ................=HHQ( :A0AAQ' '$©NE. ................!Nm5©Q( 22QA5 :2©Q$HQ ................,H2 '2©Q=5( '8AQ!.=*0©A! .©Q ................:H2 '0HNm. !Q5.0NNQ, .©A ................'H5 ,2©A!.';8©0; .©8 ................'H0 '2©##©5: .©0 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
John Dolva Posted January 23, 2010 Author Share Posted January 23, 2010 Then using MwSnap to take a snapshot of the text and with IA smoothing the text and fiddling with contrasts the image is revealed. The color photo would provide the hues to use for the different characters. (as a sideline pertinent to image analysis, tests have been done to see how many pixels (and in this instance Needlepoint thread distribution) are needed to recognise persons by test subjects. The study used Kennedy as one example, showing that well known images require very few points or pixels. Unknown images at the same resolution are far harder to recognise, and basically enter the realm of inkblot tests) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
John Dolva Posted February 12, 2010 Author Share Posted February 12, 2010 (edited) As a spinoff from this and another post, here's the mona lisa texted, then the text smoothed and a value shift and it looks to me she's turned into a relatively modern model modelling an unusual but nice top. This could be another way of designing clothes, as well as seeing that the more things chnage the more they stay the same, which is really a political statement about the seduction of fads and its role in continually renewing an otherwise potentially satisfied market, while it's really just the same old same old. Edited February 12, 2010 by John Dolva Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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