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I am grateful to Logan for his great discovery.

Jack White

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Thanks to Jerry Logan for calling this Nix frame to my attention.

It shows yet another metallic device along Houston Street which

appears to be a telescoping aluminum photographer's stand. Is

this a whistleblower clue, or just clumsy mistake?

Thanks, Jerry. This is a valuable contribution. I know that Jerry

thought it was a scratch on the film...but I give credit where credit

is due!



Edited by Jack White
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Jack, the ''set key'' is the Continental chrome badge.

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Jack, the ''set key'' is the Continental chrome badge.

My only regret is that Jack seems to have neglected the particle beam weapon directly above the photo stand.


I will tackle that next, thank you.

Logan's Particle Beam Weapon turns out to be a pipe fastened to the wall FOR ONLY ONE FRAME.

I think that these were other photo devices, probably remotely controlled.

For all we know, there was a remotely controlled device on the Z pedestal. Mr. Z was not on it.



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Jack, the ''set key'' is the Continental chrome badge.

My only regret is that Jack seems to have neglected the particle beam weapon directly above the photo stand.


I will tackle that next, thank you.

Logan's Particle Beam Weapon turns out to be a pipe fastened to the wall FOR ONLY ONE FRAME.

I think that these were other photo devices, probably remotely controlled.

For all we know, there was a remotely controlled device on the Z pedestal. Mr. Z was not on it.


You're absolutely right Jack! That is not a particle beam weapon. It's another remote camera hidden in a 15 foot pipe to go along with the tripods and photo stands that seem to pop up every 3 feet or so along the west curb of Houston. I speculate that what we're seeing is evidence of the partial failure of the auto obscure function built into the robo cams.

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