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Dr Joseph Mercola

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Since his name has been used to support a particular position in another thread, and actually recieved bipartison support from the warring factions, I think it prudent that people here take a look at the man.

He is the author of two New York Times bestsellers, The No-Grain Diet (with Alison Rose Levy), and The Great Bird Flu Hoax, together with several other books. Mercola is best known as founder and editor of the alternative-medicine website Mercola.com, where he advocates dietary and lifestyle approaches to health and markets a variety of health-related products. Mercola criticizes many of the practices of mainstream medicine and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), particularly vaccination and the use of prescription drugs and surgery to treat diseases.[2] He is a member of the politically conservative Association of American Physicians and Surgeons, as well as several alternative medicine-related organizations.[3]

Mercola has received two warnings from the FDA for marketing nutritional products in a manner which violated the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act.[4][5] A 2006 BusinessWeek editorial criticized Mercola's marketing practices as "relying on slick promotion, clever use of information, and scare tactics."[6]

Mercola is especially critical of new drugs, as well as the economic and political powers which might influence their acceptance.[30] He dismisses many conventional health concerns and medications as useless at best and potentially toxic or fatal at worst. He prescribes exercise, good diet, good sleep, specially filtered water, chlorella, omega-3 fats focusing on fish oils, and energy psychology methods like Emotional Freedom Techniques as an overall cure for most ills.

In supporting this stance, Mercola often has wholly critical views of those working in governmental health care, as well as towards international health organizations. Mercola makes an extensive argument that disease alerts such as swine flu and their resulting immunizations were actually false alarms put forth to terrify the public.,[43]

Mercola was raised as a Catholic. Later in life he switched to evangelical Christianity, but now calls himself spiritual rather than religious. Mercola was formerly a member of the Christian Medical Society but stopped his membership in 2002. Despite a lack of empirical evidence, he promotes religion and prayer as having health benefits, and focuses strongly on studies[49] that advocate this position.

Mercola hosts the theistic writings and beliefs of other website contributors such as Carol Tuttle[50] but has stopped promoting her in 2005. As with his involvement with Emotional Freedom Technique,[51] his support for these modalities gives such approaches value in his spiritual views, frequently presented on the website.


Various of his theories are supported by such groups as the Birchers, while methods of treatment such the "Emotional Freedom Technique" are dangerously similar to the techniques of cults and pseudoreligions such Scientology and The Process Church of the Final Judgement.

In answer to a question that was asked on the same thread:

It is widely known that Ruby believed injections he was being given, were cancer cells. He truly believed he was being murdered in this most unusual manner. And why would he not be paranoid about such a possibility since in January 1964, it was widely reported that elderly patients at the Jewish Chronic Disease Hospital in Brooklyn had been injected with live cancer cells as part of an experiment conducted by two eminent physicians from Sloan-Kettering? A court battle over the records of patients involved kept the story bubbling until at least 1966


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Since his name has been used to support a particular position in another thread, and actually recieved bipartison support from the warring factions, I think it prudent that people here take a look at the man.

He is the author of two New York Times bestsellers, The No-Grain Diet (with Alison Rose Levy), and The Great Bird Flu Hoax, together with several other books. Mercola is best known as founder and editor of the alternative-medicine website Mercola.com, where he advocates dietary and lifestyle approaches to health and markets a variety of health-related products. Mercola criticizes many of the practices of mainstream medicine and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), particularly vaccination and the use of prescription drugs and surgery to treat diseases.[2] He is a member of the politically conservative Association of American Physicians and Surgeons, as well as several alternative medicine-related organizations.[3]

Mercola has received two warnings from the FDA for marketing nutritional products in a manner which violated the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act.[4][5] A 2006 BusinessWeek editorial criticized Mercola's marketing practices as "relying on slick promotion, clever use of information, and scare tactics."[6]

Mercola is especially critical of new drugs, as well as the economic and political powers which might influence their acceptance.[30] He dismisses many conventional health concerns and medications as useless at best and potentially toxic or fatal at worst. He prescribes exercise, good diet, good sleep, specially filtered water, chlorella, omega-3 fats focusing on fish oils, and energy psychology methods like Emotional Freedom Techniques as an overall cure for most ills.

In supporting this stance, Mercola often has wholly critical views of those working in governmental health care, as well as towards international health organizations. Mercola makes an extensive argument that disease alerts such as swine flu and their resulting immunizations were actually false alarms put forth to terrify the public.,[43]

Mercola was raised as a Catholic. Later in life he switched to evangelical Christianity, but now calls himself spiritual rather than religious. Mercola was formerly a member of the Christian Medical Society but stopped his membership in 2002. Despite a lack of empirical evidence, he promotes religion and prayer as having health benefits, and focuses strongly on studies[49] that advocate this position.

Mercola hosts the theistic writings and beliefs of other website contributors such as Carol Tuttle[50] but has stopped promoting her in 2005. As with his involvement with Emotional Freedom Technique,[51] his support for these modalities gives such approaches value in his spiritual views, frequently presented on the website.


Various of his theories are supported by such groups as the Birchers, while methods of treatment such the "Emotional Freedom Technique" are dangerously similar to the techniques of cults and pseudoreligions such Scientology and The Process Church of the Final Judgement.

In answer to a question that was asked on the same thread:

It is widely known that Ruby believed injections he was being given, were cancer cells. He truly believed he was being murdered in this most unusual manner. And why would he not be paranoid about such a possibility since in January 1964, it was widely reported that elderly patients at the Jewish Chronic Disease Hospital in Brooklyn had been injected with live cancer cells as part of an experiment conducted by two eminent physicians from Sloan-Kettering? A court battle over the records of patients involved kept the story bubbling until at least 1966


Does the silence indicate that everyone is fine with Jack White, Prof. Fetzer and others supporting this whack job?

Just curious.

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Does the silence indicate that everyone is fine with Jack White, Prof. Fetzer and others supporting this whack job?

Just curious.

Silence on my part indicates that I was working 2nd shift when your current post was made at 9:30 pm EDT, and is not related to content [or contentment] at all.

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Does the silence indicate that everyone is fine with Jack White, Prof. Fetzer and others supporting this whack job?

Just curious.

Silence on my part indicates that I was working 2nd shift when your current post was made at 9:30 pm EDT, and is not related to content [or contentment] at all.

That's cool, Mark.

See posts 1228 and 1230 in the JVB thread for why I have posted this.

Here is the CNN story selectively quoted by Mercola in his hit piece:


What Mercola - who believes the government is deliberately contaminating the population - avoids spelling out is that it is the same government who admitted that the vaccine was contaminated when it could have just hid those findings.

What he has failed to quote from the CNN story is that the contamination is not harmful. He just stopped quoting when it got to that part, and added on his scare routine.

But this is how Prof Fetzer headed his copy and paste of the Mercola article:


and Jack's response: "This is the first posting in a long while I can agree with. I am suspicious of ANY VACCINE promoted by the government...particularly the annual FLU


So suspicion was good enough for Jack to give this a pass as "serious research".

Let me reiterate. The guy uses scare tactics to SELL his products. He uses new age pseudosychological "healing" techniques similar to those developed by cults, and he believes (as does Jack, apparently - which is why he gave the piece the thiumbs up) that flu alerts are designed to scare the public (forget that he does that very thing with regard to vaccines!)

And those are just a sampling of his nonsensical beliefs and practices.

For those with a serious interest in research? Sure. If your research subject is quacks, right wing kooks or just plain medical fraudsters....

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