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Can anyone verify whether C. Hamilton Moses (President of Midwest Video of Little Rock Arkansas) or G.R. Morrell (VP of Midwest Video) were in Austin or Fredericksberg between Christmas 1963 and Jan. 6, 1964?

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Douglas, the edition if Life Magazine dated 21 August 1964 carried part 2 of a story titled, How LBJ's Family Amassed A Fortune, It states that both men you mentioned were at LBJ's Ranch during December of 1963. Also a guest was Chancellor Ludwig Erhard.


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+ for those who have followed other topicsm along with the Chancellor was a US trained, pal of US SS member/s, Einsatzgruppen Leader Kommando K, the head of German security, KriminalRat(en) Ewald Peters (head of security under Erhardt and Adenour). Anyone got a photo of Ewald. Apparently he was unmasked by East German Nazi Hunters with the result being he was arrested in January (64) and suicided in Jail a couple of weeks later.

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Can anyone verify whether C. Hamilton Moses (President of Midwest Video of Little Rock Arkansas) or G.R. Morrell (VP of Midwest Video) were in Austin or Fredericksberg between Christmas 1963 and Jan. 6, 1964?

Mr. Caddy,

I never heard of Fredericksberg until you posted this.

I thought it was in Virginia.

Then I came across this oral history interview with Cartha D. DeLoach at the LBJ library and learned quite a lot in the first few pages. Like Fredericksberg is near the LBJ ranch in Texas, that LBJ had FBI agents stationed there.


That LBJ had a bill passed in Congress giving JE Hover a salary for life, and they lived across the street from each other in Washington.

And that after the assassination, LBJ requested an FBI agent be stationed aboard AF1 and that he personally requested and got Special Agent Oran Bartlett.

Bartlett was the FBI agent who found bullet fragments in the back of the limo after it was parked at the Secret Service garage in DC, and served as liason to the Secret Service during the investigation of the JFK assassination. He is also the agent who was with John W. Rice, the Special Agent In Charge of the New Orleans Secret Service office when they both interviewed Adele Edisen at the same time Oswald was being shot.

And LBJ and the Kennedys played a game in trying to get people they knew hired in each other's offices, and the FBI background check was the key.

There's a lot more there too, and it just reinforces my suspicion that these oral histories are not being given the attention they should and there's a lot of little gems that can still be found.

And when something happens twice, it usually happens a third time, so I'm sure I'm going to hear about Fredericksberg again soon.


Edited by William Kelly
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Douglas, the edition if Life Magazine dated 21 August 1964 carried part 2 of a story titled, How LBJ's Family Amassed A Fortune, It states that both men you mentioned were at LBJ's Ranch during December of 1963. Also a guest was Chancellor Ludwig Erhard.


Thank you, John, for this important research lead. That an answer to such a detailed query could be forthcoming so quickly proves once again how valuable the Education Forum is and how knowledgeable its members are.

I also want to thank John Dolva and William Kelly for their responses. While I am not at liberty at this time to explain how the answer to the query and the other information supplied will be utilized, pleased be assured that at some time in the future you will read about the matter in a book and remember it being posted here and your cerebral contributions in helping to solve the mystery.

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Douglas, you're welcome.

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from Bruce Jones post:

Senator Kerry. And those weapons and explosives were coming into the airstrips - yours. Correct?

Mr. Crone. Well, no, it's not mine. It's the company's.

Senator Kerry. The company's.

Mr. Crone. A company.

Senator Kerry. A company. What was the name of the company?

Mr. Crone. La Conya

Any idea what La Conya means?

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