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There's a new blog address for JFKCountercoup.

What used to be here: http://jfkcountercoup.blogspot.com/

Is now here: http://jfkcountercoup.wordpress.com/

I am giving you the old address too because it is google and easier to navigate the back archive of articles and you can scan down the titles from the date.

I think I successfully migrated the back isses of the old blog to the new WordPress site so now there are two sites, but only the WordPress address is being updated with new material, and there's plenty of new material out there and more to come.

Some recent articles that have been posted:

Did the Single Bullet Take Out Specter?


Confidence In Government


Transparency Caucus formed to promote Open Records:


The Transparancy Caucus is the bi-partisan subgroup of the House Oversight Committeee that we should use in order to get JFK Act Oversight Hearings, and they are involved - they are players.

I still haven't got a full handle on how this blogger thing works, so I can edit the thing, and need some technical advice, or as has been said, "I do request someone to come forward and give me technical assistance."

It would also be nice if some intelligent friends post some appropriate comments before any idiots disuade everyone.

Your comments, advice and suggestions appreciated.

Bill Kelly


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I still haven't got a full handle on how this blogger thing works, so I can edit the thing, and need some technical advice, or as has been said, "I do request someone to come forward and give me technical assistance."

Bill, my blog has a pencil symbol at the bottom. If you click that you can edit your posts.


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I still haven't got a full handle on how this blogger thing works, so I can edit the thing, and need some technical advice, or as has been said, "I do request someone to come forward and give me technical assistance."

Bill, my blog has a pencil symbol at the bottom. If you click that you can edit your posts.


I've figured yours out, I'm just learning the WordPress style after being with Google Blogger for two years. They said that they could no longer support my blog because I used FTP - File Transfer Protocol? And I had to migrate my blog to another site, which I did to WordPress. I liked Blogger better and want to use them but I guess I have to upgrade and get custom domain?

Now I need to edit WordPress photos and text, change category titles and add links to other sites and blogs. I'll figure it out.


Edited by William Kelly
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There's a new blog address for JFKCountercoup.

What used to be here: http://jfkcountercoup.blogspot.com/

Is now here: http://jfkcountercoup.wordpress.com/

I am giving you the old address too because it is google and easier to navigate the back archive of articles and you can scan down the titles from the date.

I think I successfully migrated the back isses of the old blog to the new WordPress site so now there are two sites, but only the WordPress address is being updated with new material, and there's plenty of new material out there and more to come.

Some recent articles that have been posted:

Did the Single Bullet Take Out Specter?


Confidence In Government


Transparency Caucus formed to promote Open Records:


The Transparancy Caucus is the bi-partisan subgroup of the House Oversight Committeee that we should use in order to get JFK Act Oversight Hearings, and they are involved - they are players.

I still haven't got a full handle on how this blogger thing works, so I can edit the thing, and need some technical advice, or as has been said, "I do request someone to come forward and give me technical assistance."

It would also be nice if some intelligent friends post some appropriate comments before any idiots disuade everyone.

Your comments, advice and suggestions appreciated.

Bill Kelly


Saturday, May 29th is JFK's Birthday. He was born 1917, which would have made him 93 years old, same age as my mother.

It's hard to imagine JFK as an old man like his father, sitting in a wheelchair, giving advice, former president, former ambassador to Ireland - well that's the job he said he wanted after leaving the White House, and never got to.

I'll be posting something new every day leading up to June 10, and try to build up some momentum to get people interested in taking about JFK's ideas and policies and the releavance of the Peace Speech to his death.

I also hope that some of my friends here will post some sensible comments on JFKCountercoup, and help me build it up as a central point to instigate political and legal action that will eventually lead to the crime being resolved.


Bill Kelly

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I still haven't got a full handle on how this blogger thing works, so I can edit the thing, and need some technical advice, or as has been said, "I do request someone to come forward and give me technical assistance."

Bill, my blog has a pencil symbol at the bottom. If you click that you can edit your posts.


I've figured yours out, I'm just learning the WordPress style after being with Google Blogger for two years. They said that they could no longer support my blog because I used FTP - File Transfer Protocol? And I had to migrate my blog to another site, which I did to WordPress. I liked Blogger better and want to use them but I guess I have to upgrade and get custom domain?

Now I need to edit WordPress photos and text, change category titles and add links to other sites and blogs. I'll figure it out.


Bill, I've never used Wordpress, but if you give me your logon and password, I could take a look and let you know. Wish I'd known you were doing this beforehand though -- there are plenty of free blogging options that are easy to use - including a very good one based in Ireland - which would have been a nice touch with what you're doing.

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Saturday, May 29th is JFK's Birthday. He was born 1917, which would have made him 93 years old, same age as my mother.

It's hard to imagine JFK as an old man like his father, sitting in a wheelchair, giving advice, former president, former ambassador to Ireland - well that's the job he said he wanted after leaving the White House, and never got to.

JFK’s Home Open to Tours, and Free

Weekend marks late president’s birthday

By Amy Laskowski

May 28, 2010

John. F. Kennedy was born on May 29, 1917, in his family’s home at 83 Beals St. in Brookline.

To celebrate what would have been the 35th president’s 93rd birthday, the National Park Service

will celebrate with music, cake, and free admission to the home on Memorial Day weekend.

The Kennedy family lived in the home from 1914 to 1920. After Kennedy’s assassination, his mother

restored the house to appear as it did in 1917. Original artifacts include the family’s bassinet and photographs.

Guided tours of the home begin at 12:30 p.m. today, May 28, and will be offered every half-hour until 3 p.m.,

with self-guided tours until closing. From noon to 4 p.m. on Saturday and Sunday, pianist Benjamin Warsaw

will play music of the era.


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