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Jack Ruby {LHO assassin} testified to Chief Justice Warren...

"there is an organization here Chief Justice Warren, if it takes my life to say it, there is a John Birch Society {JBS}

a very powerful organization right now in activity, and {General} Edwin Walker is one of the top men in this


The black bordered ad " Welcome Mr. Kennedy, to Dallas" was a creation of the John Birch Society through JBS Schmidt and Grinnan,

who maintained they were acting "solely as individuals"

Grinnan, was a Dallas independent oil operator and John Birch Society coordinator in the Dallas area.

The WANTED FOR TREASON ad handbill, Robert A. Surrey was eventually identified by FBI as the author. Surrey a 38 year old printing

salesman employed by Johnson Printing Co. in Dallas,Tex has been closely associated with General Walker for several years in his

political and business activities.

Dallas Police Officer J.D. Tippit at the time of the JFK assassination was working weekends in a Dallas restaurant owned by a member of

The John Birch Society.

Check out Jack Ruby's testimony to Warren and Rep. {later US. President} Gerald Ford.

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