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Nonsense Alert

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We did a lot of work on that show.

I found out through Bill Turner that the lead investigator was Gus RUsso. Russo actually bragged about this on a big Chicago talk radio station.

Once that happened, you knew the show was a WC panegyric.

That is also how Dale Myers got his fake Single Bullet "reconstruction" on. He and Russo were buds.

We wrote dozens of letter to Jennings and ABC. And we warned them about Russo saying that he had been nominated for a Pulitzer when he had not. That got RUsso's name off the show. But he probably didn't care. He was in it for the money anyway. ANd has been for a very long time.

As was Myers. Which is why he won't talk about his settlement with VB on Reclaiming History.He can't even say what part of the book is actually his. If not, there goes the cash. And that's all he cares about.

Mr. Single Bullet Factman.

What a xxxx. What people will do for money.

I hadn't heard about Myers suing Bugliosi or getting a settlement. That's almost as hilarious as Posner hiring Mark Lane. Is there an article about that at your site or elsewhere?

David Lifton used his contacts in the publishing world to get the skinny on Bugliosi's book. He found he'd had some co-writers, one of whom was Myers, and that the publisher had paid these men off not to talk about their relationship to the book. Lifton reported on this on this Forum. It should be archived.

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