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Forum Permission masks


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Apologies for the disappearing areas of the forum this afternoon. We had a temporary problem with permission access masks which is now resolved.......... there is no conspiracy :D

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We have different levels of access to the forum based on groups - guests, member, moderator, administrator. At the lowest level "guests" - certain parts of the forum are masked from view. Guests can see most of the forum and read the forum but not reply. Members can see everything and post where they like but not moderate or edit the posts of others, moderators can moderate posts in their allocated area and administrators can moderate the whole board. Moderators and administrators can also upload files to the forum.

There is a section of the board where the administrators can set who can do what in each forum. It is possible for instance to allow a group of members to upload files - I have created a JFK mask where members in that group can upload photographs to study and debate.

Yesterday for some reasons it all went haywire meaning that forums appeared to disappear from the main page. John and I had to go through each one resetting the permission levels.

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