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Gil Jesus - does anyone have phone or email contact info for Gil Jesus

Guest Robert Morrow

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Guest Robert Morrow

Does anyone have the phone number or email address for Gil Jesus, the JFK researcher who posts a lot on You Tube? My contact info is Robert Morrow 512-306-1510 and email Morrow321@aol.com. I need to get in contact with Gil Jesus, if possible.

I and a lot of other researchers are trying to track down the source for this BLOCKBUSTER nugget:

Just before John Kennedy headed to Dallas he had a conversation with his good friend Florida Senator George Smathers; here is how it went:

JFK: “Gee, I really hate to go to Texas. I gotta go to Texas next week and its just a pain in the rear end and I just don’t want to go, I wish I could get out of it.

George Smathers: I said “Well, what’s the problem?”

JFK: “Well, you know how Lyndon is, Johnson wants Jackie to ride with him, and all these fights were going on…. I hate to go into all that mess and I hate to go and I wish I could think of a way to get out of it.”

Gil Jesus posted a video on this on You Tube; and it was titled "Johnson wants Jackie to ride with him." It has since been removed from You Tube and we need the source/name of the documentary that it came from.

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Does anyone have the phone number or email address for Gil Jesus, the JFK researcher who posts a lot on You Tube? My contact info is Robert Morrow 512-306-1510 and email Morrow321@aol.com. I need to get in contact with Gil Jesus, if possible.

I and a lot of other researchers are trying to track down the source for this BLOCKBUSTER nugget:

Just before John Kennedy headed to Dallas he had a conversation with his good friend Florida Senator George Smathers; here is how it went:

JFK: “Gee, I really hate to go to Texas. I gotta go to Texas next week and its just a pain in the rear end and I just don’t want to go, I wish I could get out of it.

George Smathers: I said “Well, what’s the problem?”

JFK: “Well, you know how Lyndon is, Johnson wants Jackie to ride with him, and all these fights were going on…. I hate to go into all that mess and I hate to go and I wish I could think of a way to get out of it.”

Gil Jesus posted a video on this on You Tube; and it was titled "Johnson wants Jackie to ride with him." It has since been removed from You Tube and we need the source/name of the documentary that it came from.

I believe that quote appeared in "The Crisis Years: 1960-63" by Michael Beschloss. Not sure if that is the original source. That book was published in the early 1990's

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Guest Tom Scully

Air Force One: A History of the Presidents and Their Planes - Page 73

Kenneth T. Walsh - 2004 - 288 pages - Preview

Look how screwed up it's going to be. You've got Lyndon, who is insisting that Jackie ride with him. You've got [liberal senator] Ralph Yarborough, who hates Lyndon, and Johnson doesn't want Yarborough with him. ...

books.google.com - More editions - Add to My Library▼

The crisis years: Kennedy and Khrushchev, 1960-1963

Michael R. Beschloss - 1991 - 816 pages - Snippet view

ernor John Connally and the liberal Senator Ralph Yarborough. Kennedy feared that the feud between the two men might harm ... You've got Lyndon, who is insisting that Jackie ride with him. You've got Ralph Yarborough, who hates Lyndon, ...

books.google.com - More editions - Add to My Library▼

The last brother

Joe McGinniss - 1993 - 626 pages - Snippet view

You've got Lyndon. You've got Ralph Yarborough, who hates Lyndon. And you've got Connally. They're all prima donnas of the biggest order and they're all insisting that they ride either with me or with Jackie. ...

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