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Falsus in uno, falsus in omnibus

Peter McGuire

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It only takes one lie, yet many lies and ommissions have been documented. The Warren Report is invalid.

Here is the first one. Although one is all that is needed I will be adding more documented ommissions and outright lies to this list.

"The Commission would appear to have been informed a most important eyewitness to the event - a railroad employee who thought the shots came from the area behind the fence and who thought he saw a man throw something into the bushes when the President's car had passed.

However, just after Weitzman gave that information, Commission counsel said, “I think that's all, and Weitzman was dismissed.

He was not asked for the name or description of the employee. He was not asked if he looked into the bushes or if he found anything there.

Nothing in the 26 volumes of evidence or the Report indicates that the Commission or its investigators made any effort to locate or identify the railroad employee."

Rush to Judgment page 27, Prologue..

Whether or not, Weitzam's testimony meant anything, the fact remains it was witheld.

"Falsus in uno, falsus in omnibus."

The Report is untrue in this instance, ( a material ommission ) and likely untrue in everything contained in it.

I will not give the Report a second chance to lie.

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  • 3 weeks later...

One of the most publicized pieces of evidence originally offer by the police as proof that Oswald fired from the sixth-floor window was the remains of a chicken lunch and an empty soft drink bottle - which, as it turns out, belonged to Bonnie Ray Williams.

The Commission reported, "Police sources were also responsible for the mistaken notion that the chicken bones found on the sixth floor were the remains of Oswald's lunch. They had in fact been left by another employee who ate his lunch there at least 15 minutes before the assassination."

Nevertheless, at the time that the "mistaken notion" still related the bag containing the chicken bones to Oswald, The New York Times reported that Gordon Shanklin, the agent in charge of the Dallas FBI office, said the bag bore Oswald's fingerprint and palmprint.

From Rush To Judgement by Mark Lane page 86.

Busted Again!

So how can the Commission explain this - that at one point they had Oswalds prints on a bag that turned out to be someone elses?

They can't.

Edited by Peter McGuire
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