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Barbara Olson

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WTC leaseholder Larry Silverstein somehow knew to have a doctor's appointment that morning instead of his usual daily breakfast in the tower. President Bush's cousin Jim Pierce somehow knew to move a business meeting he had scheduled in the tower that morning to a building across the street. But no one was looking out for poor Barb, if they knew she was flying that day.

I believe there's a rule that all scapegoats and patsys must die so they can't spill the beans.

Olsen's "phone call" was set up to let everyone know immediately that "muslim terrorists with boxcutters" were to blame for taking down America on 911.. Otherwise there would be no reason to wage war with Osama bin Boogeyman and Saddam Hussein, neither of which had anything to do with Dick Cheney's master plan to go to war for oil and profit.

He and his wealthy cronies, like Silverstein, really racked up after 911.

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