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Hugo Langendoen

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My name is Hugo Langendoen, born in Rotterdam (The Netherlands, Europe) on september 21st 1973, making me almost 38 years old now. In daily life I work as a math-teacher at a secondary school near Rotterdam. I teach math to the older students. I have got a masters-degree in teaching mathematics. I also am responsible for constructing the school time-table.

My interest in the Kennedy family and assassination started when I was 15 years old. My parents just cleaned up the attack and they found an old scrapbook which my mother kept during november 1963. This was the first time I read about it, and I was interested immediately. I had to do an oral presentation at school in the week after that, so i decided that the subject would be JFK. And that interest never went away since.

In the years from then I collected over 380 different books on the case and on the politics of JFK and LBJ.

I have to admit that I did not read all the books so far (it always cost less time to buy a book then to actually read it; especially because English is not my main language. In Dutch there are not so many books on the case, that is why I also have the idea to write a book in Dutch).

I did not write a book so far, but I did compile a little booklet in Dutch as a starting point for my Kennedy workshop in Berlin. In recent years we went on a school trip to Berlin, and each of the teachers had to prepare a workshop. Some choose to do it about the Wall, and I - off course - did it about the famous speech at Schoneberg Rathaus in June 1963. It was fascinating to see that the students were really interested. One of them also did a history assignment on the subject as well.

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Thanks Evan for the welcome!

I am really looking forward to get into the discussions. Off course I will have a lot of reading to do to catch up with the pro's here, but I will try to do the best I can.

It is a good way of expanding my knowledge in the Kennedy case, and off course an excellent way to practice my use of English as well.

Hopefully you all will forgive me when I make some mistakes in words or grammar :-)

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Well, don't look at me for JFK stuff. I'm space and aviation orientated and know close to nothing about the JFK assassination. If you want to know about Apollo, or manned spaceflight, then I'm your man!

Hope you enjoy yourself here and you find the forum a wealth of information.


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hi hugo. sorry about this. welcome of course, but could you in any way hunt up a pic of Ewald Peters who was West German KriminalRat under Adenour and Erhardt (sic). He died of an apparent suicide in jail in feb 64. (Nazi, EinsatzGruppenFuhrer.) ?

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hi hugo. sorry about this. welcome of course, but could you in any way hunt up a pic of Ewald Peters who was West German KriminalRat under Adenour and Erhardt (sic). He died of an apparent suicide in jail in feb 64. (Nazi, EinsatzGruppenFuhrer.) ?

Hello John,

I did some digging around on the internet at some German sites, but I only found some texts involving this Ewald Peters.

I see that you have a Dutch article on the forum with a picture? But I could not read the article because the picture is too small.

If you can make a better scan I can do a translation of this article because Dutch is my first language :-)

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Well, don't look at me for JFK stuff. I'm space and aviation orientated and know close to nothing about the JFK assassination. If you want to know about Apollo, or manned spaceflight, then I'm your man!

Hope you enjoy yourself here and you find the forum a wealth of information.


My main reason for becoming a member of this forum is the JFK assassination. But when browsing around I noticed that this forum has a lot more interesting subject to offer.

And I am always interested in everything that has to do with the JFK era, so I guess the spaceprogramm falls into that as well :-)

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Thanks Hugo, I'll get back to you on that one . for now, I think I found the pic by searching the net using his name under image option.

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Sorry Hugo. I can't find it according to memory as to how I found it. Is there any way that the mag can be id'd according to its contemporary style? If so then a look at likely stored copies or maybe there's some online database. There are probably further pages and referals. One thing I found when I tried to go through Le Monde and Der Spiegel was the rivalry between Germany and France which might indicate that a photo is possibly more likely to be derived from a French source let alone the East German NAZI hunters who uncovered him in the first place. Even though he was trained in the US and oversaw Kennedy's Berlin visits and was (apparently) in the US in early November, late november (probably) and late December (definitely) and was a pal to at least one SS member, there don't seem to be any US sources. It's almost like there and in Germany he never existed. But he did.

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Sorry Hugo. I can't find it according to memory as to how I found it. Is there any way that the mag can be id'd according to its contemporary style? If so then a look at likely stored copies or maybe there's some online database. There are probably further pages and referals. One thing I found when I tried to go through Le Monde and Der Spiegel was the rivalry between Germany and France which might indicate that a photo is possibly more likely to be derived from a French source let alone the East German NAZI hunters who uncovered him in the first place. Even though he was trained in the US and oversaw Kennedy's Berlin visits and was (apparently) in the US in early November, late november (probably) and late December (definitely) and was a pal to at least one SS member, there don't seem to be any US sources. It's almost like there and in Germany he never existed. But he did.

I see that you posted more on Ewald Peters in the JFK forum. I will look into it, and provide a translation for the Dutch text.

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