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Jonathan Demme to direct JFK movie

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A more accurate portrayal of Oswald would present Kennedy's alleged assassin as an intelligence operative involved in a false defector program, a phony Castro supporter who hung with right wing extremists and anti-Castro groups in New Orleans, a cartoon Marxist befriended by ultra-conservative White Russians in Texas, and a tragic fall-guy who was reportedly seen meeting in Dallas with the CIA's head of Cuban operations.

I'm surprised you didn't reply to this Greg.

Why? It's not entirely accurate, either. But then, it wasn't making any claim other than being "more accurate" than the WC portrait... which it is.

Because you've grown on me like an ol' wart I'm too lazy to have burnt off, Len, I'll let you in a on a little secret. To understand the path Oswald was sent on, you have to understand firstly that he was sheep-dipped in NY as a "troubled youth" and why he was. I've gone down one or two wrong paths trying to figure the New York period out, but I am confident I now have the who, what and why.

I don't know Greg the "Two Oswalds" theory is perhaps the only one harder to swallow than LNT/SBT

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