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Is the invasion of Earth by alien civilization imminent?

Douglas Caddy

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I thought this animation of the predicted path would be educational for members.


Is there something like (3d) that from the asteroids perspective? Obviously the path can't be in the same plane as the moon around earth plane?

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Sorry, no - I don't have a 3D version.


So what excuses is Hoagland coming up with now, and how many of the faithful accept it and eagerly await his next pearls of wisdom?

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Ok, thanks Evan.

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Well Elenin and YU55 have come and gone and despite Richard C. Hoagland’s assertions of their historical cosmic purpose, nothing occurred. He has yet to formally and officially acknowledge this and probably never will.

He bet the ranch on these two entities being supremely significant and lost completely. There is no doubt that even his most ardent fans will examine his speeches and writings with far great caution in the future.

These days Hoagland uses his Facebook page, where he now has over 27,000 Friends, to communicate daily, no longer putting much emphasis on his website, www.enterprisemission.com

I find his Facebook page to be full of fascinating and valuable postings on all types of subjects. Almost all of the posts are made by his Friends and not by Hoagland himself but frequently Hoagland will comment on them. His knowledge of science and aerospace is broad and a lot can be learned from what he writes when he is not caught up in a specific foray, such as Elenin and YU55. He is always courteous and gentlemanly in his comments, so there is no way that one cannot come to like him as person while still disagreeing whenever that occasion arises.

Here is a post made a few hours ago by one of his Friends, which reflects the mindset of many others in the wake of his recent debacle:

“As to the "Richard is God / an imposter debate ... Look. RCH is obviously intelligent, informed and intuitive ... but still human, so not perfect, infallible. I enjoy his wonderful input, but don't automatically take it as absolute gospel. Does not an open mind require healthy skepticism?”

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Guest Dale Thorn

I attended MUFON meetings for a couple of years in Burbank, to learn a little and sell my UFO database. Met some interesting people. Once when a guest speaker was talking about her abduction, I looked up abductions in my database (a collection of 150 or so articles), and I discovered that almost all of them occurred at night, usually from the sleeping quarters. Hmmmm. So one night at dinner after the meeting, I asked a principal about some of what I perceived as groupies hanging on and sticking close to other principals, and he said "It's one of the perks of being big in MUFON." What struck me as being far more relevant were "admissions" by government-connected members, and the stories published circa 1987 by John Lear, Bill Cooper and Bob Lazar. I got the idea that one of their functions was to leak secrets about various nefarious government research projects a la Mengele and others, but to avoid being arrested they would cloak the details in UFO/alien terms and publish them as UFO stories.

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