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On 11/22, It was Business as Usual for the Time Life & OSS/CIA

Guest Tom Scully

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Guest Tom Scully

J Russell Forgan began as a chickenhawk and rose to the top of the OSS and Eisenhower's inner circle. Time Life's David Douglas Duncan was the brother-in-law of Americare's Robert C. Macauley, and had a consience, sort of, except when it came to Nixon. Eisenhower came back from WWII voicing the opinion that the MIC should not profit from war. A brief look at the men who advised Ike that republicans would never accept that the lives of American soldiers were an even trade for the anticipated profits of investors in war related business activities.:

Clare Booth Luce was a Dame of SMOM, the Vatican Knights of Malta, that has long been regarded as one of the Vatican's key intelligence groups.

It is impossible to get a membership roll of the American SMOM, they just will not make one public...

....J. Peter Grace and Project Paperclip....


GET 1500 SLACKERS IN 3-DAY ROUNDUP; All Will Be in Army by...

New York Times - Sep 6, 1918

... West Thirtieth Street police station yesterday afternoon was Russell Forgan of Chicago, who said he' was the son of Tames B. Forgan, the Chicago banker.



New York Times - Jan 20, 1906

THE January issues of GP Putnam's Sons will include the biography of "Russell Wheeler Davenport, MA,

Father of Rowing at Yale: Maker of Guns and Armor Plate ..

Alma Gluck's Daughter Weds Yale Graduate

Pay-Per-View - Hartford Courant - May 14, 1929

("Alma Gluck), was married to Russell Wheeler Davenport, son of the late Russell W. Dftvonport of Philadelphia, former vice-president of the Bethlehem Steel .

Martin Confers on Campaign

$3.95 - New York Times - Jul 27, 1940

... conferred here briefly yesterday with Sam Pryor, National Committeeman from Connecticut, who wlll manage the Eastern campaign; Russell W. Davenport, ...


Pay-Per-View - The Sun - Jul 7, 1940

... and that Russell W. Davenport, who quit his job as man- aging editor of Fortune ... wanted either Mr. Mar- tin or Mr. Pryor for his campaign manager,

British Seek Another AEF, Lindbergh Tells 10000 Here;...

$3.95 - New York Times - Apr 24, 1941

... Dr. Hunt and Miss Iatherine Lewis, daughter of John L. Lewis. $ Davenport Says if We Err Our Civilization Will Be Ruined Russell W. Davenport, .



Pay-Per-View - Chicago Tribune - Aug 30, 1952

BY ARTHUR SEARS HENNING The propaganda was laid down by tile publicity staff of Russell W. Davenport of Fortune maga- zine, Henry Luce's Time-Life-For- tune .


Spokane Daily Chronicle - Jul 8, 1952

The Washington Merry-Go-Round By Drew Pearson

Taft, Eisenhower Change Outlook - Past Two Years See Many Revisions

Chicago, July 9. - There have been two important changes in the two leading Republican candidates in recent years. Eisenhower started out as a liberal and has become more conservative, while Taft

started out as a conservative and has become more liberal....

....What happened to Eisenhower was that he came back to this country a military hero in 1946 with no understanding of economic or domestic problems and shortly thereafter was thrown into contact with the

economic royalists of the United States -- including Winthrop Aldrich of the Chase Bank, and Tom Watson...

.... Ike's Economic Creed

When, Eisenhower first came back to the United States after V-E day, he shocked some of his Republican friends. Talking with Russell Davenport of Life Magazine, Gen. Ed Clark, John G. Bennett, and Russell Forgan of the Glore-Forgan brokerage firm, Ike proposed the idea that business make no profit from defense contracts. This brought immediate protests.

"General," reminded Bennett, "you pulled the furniture down on your head once before at the F Street club when you proposed that idea, and you will do it again if you take that stand. It's contrary to the free enterprise system."

Ike glowered.

"Yes," interposed broker Forgan, "If John hadn't called you on that, I would have." Eisenhower argued that a man's life is more important than cor-porate profits and when you ask a boy to sacrifice his life at war it's only fair to ask a corporation to sacrifice its profit. "You can't tell that to the re-publican party," his friends warned him. And in the end Ike agreed he would compromise by taking a stand for a "fair return on investments."

Progressive Republican

And gradually, as the general has been exposed to his more con-servative political friends, he has drifted away from his old position as a moderate liberal. In 1948, when the Democrats were trying to persuade Ike to run on their ticket, Ike lunched with the late Harold Ickes who began his political life as a Roosevelt bull-mooser. In reply to a question about his political views, Eisen-hower told Ickes:

"I think you know my brother Milton (a former agricultural official under Henry Wallace and now president of Penn State). My views are about the same as his. I am a progressive Republican." But later, in New York, and un-der the steady drum-beat of po-litical advisers who have urged Ike to out-a-Taft Taft, the general has shifted steadily towards the conservative side....


Marcia Davenport, Biographer, Is Dead at 92

Published: January 20, 1996

...Mrs. Davenport wrote in her autobiography that her parents, whose marriage ended in divorce, "were part of the tidal wave of emigration from the Russian Pale and Eastern Europe which in a generation swept a million people, fleeing persecutions, pogroms and conscriptions, onto the shores of Manhattan Island."

Her mother later married the violinist Efrem Zimbalist. Young Marcia went to private schools in Pennsylvania and attended Wellesley College. She was on the staff of The New Yorker from 1928 to 1931 before becoming a freelance lecturer, music critic and commentator as well as an author.

Mrs. Davenport's first marriage, to Frank D. Clarke, ended in divorce, as did her 1929 marriage to Russell Wheeler Davenport, a novelist who became a prominent editor at Time Inc.

(Right wing actor and J. Edgar Hoover poster child, Efrem Zimbalist Jr. was the brother-in-law of Russell Wheeler Davenport.)


Early years

Efrem Zimbalist Jr. was born in New York, New York, the son of famed violinist Efrem Zimbalist, Sr. (1890–1985), born in the southwestern Russian city of Rostov-on-Don,[1] and operatic soprano Alma Gluck

(1884–1938), who had been born as Reba Feinsohn in Iaşi, Romania.[2]

In 1963 and 1964, Zimbalist joined fellow actors William Lundigan, Chill Wills, and Walter Brennan, in making appearances on behalf of U.S. Senator Barry M. Goldwater, the Republican nominee in the campaign

against U.S. President Lyndon B. Johnson.[3]....


A 1940 graduate of Yale University, Zimbalist had a stage career as both actor and producer. Zimbalist's first recurring role in a television series was as roguish gambler "Dandy Jim Buckley" on Maverick opposite James Garner in 1957; after five appearances, Zimbalist left in 1958 to play the lead, Stuart "Stu" Bailey, in 77 Sunset Strip, a popular detective series running until 1964.....

The F.B.I. television series

Zimbalist was arguably most widely known for his starring role as Inspector Lewis Erskine in the Quinn Martin television production, The F.B.I., premiering on September 19, 1965 and closing with the last

episode on September 8, 1974. Zimbalist was generous in his praise of producer Quinn Martin and of his own experience starring in the show. Those who worked with Zimbalist on the show were equally admiring of the star's professionalism and likeable personality.[6]

Star Zimbalist maintained a strong personal relationship with J. Edgar Hoover, who requested technical accuracy for the show, and that agents be portrayed in the best possible light. Actors who played F.B.I. employees were required by Hoover to undergo a background check.[6] Zimbalist passed his background check with ease. He subsequently spent a week in Washington, D.C., where he was interviewed by Hoover, and at the F.B.I. academy in Quantico, Virginia. Hoover and Zimbalist remained mutual admirers for the rest of Hoover's life.[6] Hoover would later hold Zimbalist up as an image role model for F.B.I. employees to emulate in their personal appearance.[7]

The Society of Former Special Agents of the FBI Inc.[8] honored the character of Lewis Erskine in 1985 with a set of retired credentials.[9] On June 8, 2009 FBI Director Robert Mueller presented Zimbalist with a plaque of an honorary special agent for his work on the TV series The F.B.I., which he worked on in collaboration with the FBI itself and his friend J. Edgar Hoover.[9][10]


...Document #1513; April 22, 1960

To Charles Douglas Jackson

Series: EM, AWF, Administration Series...

Dear C. D.: Yesterday on the plane I had an opportunity to read two of your letters of the eighteenth and, as always, found much of interest in your ideas (and in Mr. Patterson’s suggestions). I shall discuss the various matters with the Secretary of State before he leaves town early next week.1

Meantime, the important thing is the congratulations that are deservedly due you. I can well understand that the job of publisher of Life will be a demanding one, but at the same time I know that you have energy abundant--and more--for such a task.2

Thanks so much, too, for the copy of Mr. Duncan’s handsome book on the Kremlin. I shall send him a note of appreciation, too. As to the suggestion about Mr. Khrushchev, I’d be happy to take him a copy (if he has not already received one from the publishers or Mr. Duncan--or someone). Perhaps I should take it along with me to Paris, since I think half the pleasure of books like this one is the first glimpse.3

Needless to say, it gives me a great feeling of gratification to know that the "old fire horse" is in there pitching (if I may mix a metaphor).4

As ever

1 Eisenhower had returned on the preceding day from an eleven-day golfing vacation in Augusta. One of three letters Jackson had written on that day referred to a conversation he had had with Morehead Patterson, former U.S. representative to the International Atomic Energy Agency. Patterson had suggested that Eisenhower tell Soviet Premier Khrushchev at the Summit Conference that he was just as interested in Atoms-for-Peace as he was in December 1953 and that he would turn over the fissionable material of twenty-five stockpiled atomic bombs to the appropriate international agency for peaceful uses. Patterson also suggested that one or more of the obsolete bombs could be made into full-scale or miniature plowshares that Eisenhower could present to Khrushchev and other members of the Presidium during his visit to Moscow (Jackson to Eisenhower, Apr. 18, 1960, AWF/A). For background on Patterson see Galambos and van Ee, The Middle Way, no. 667; on Eisenhower’s Atoms for Peace proposal see ibid., no. 598; and on the President’s scheduled visit to Moscow, no. 1456 in these volumes.

Secretary Herter would leave the United States on April 25 for pre-summit talks in London before attending meetings of the Central Treaty Organization in Tehran.

2 On the preceding day, in a shift involving fifteen executives, Time, Inc., had announced the appointment of Jackson, formerly administrative vice-president, as publisher of Life (New York Times, Apr. 22, 1960).

3 Jackson had also written about the publication of a "truly extraordinary" book about the Kremlin and its art treasures by David Douglas Duncan, a former Life staff photographer. Duncan had asked Jackson to send Eisenhower "a specially inscribed copy" and had offered another copy for the President to give to Khrushchev when he visited Moscow (Jackson to Eisenhower, Apr. 18, 1960, AWF/A; see also David Douglas Duncan, The Kremlin [Greenwich, Conn., 1960]).

Jackson would respond that Duncan was arranging for a special copy of his book for Eisenhower to present to Khrushchev in Paris. Duncan would also offer to supply an unlimited number of copies for members of the U.S. delegation to present to their Russian friends (Jackson to Eisenhower, Apr. 29, 1960, AWF/A; see also Whitman to Goodpaster, [Apr. 29, 1960], AWF/A, Jackson Corr.).

4 In a third letter, written on this same day, Jackson had told Eisenhower that "the prospect of an epic international conference" had made him feel like "an old fire horse at the sound of the gong." He had enclosed the seven-page draft of a possible statement Eisenhower might make to Khrushchev at the Summit Conference, .....


David Douglas Duncan Weds Shelia Macauley

$3.95 - New York Times - Jul 19, 1962

... daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Milton L. Macauley of Deer Park, Greenwich, Conn., to David Douglas Duncan of Kansas City, Mo., He is the son of Mrs. KS Duncan ...

Artist, Writer Wed‎ Hartford Courant (Pay-Per-View)

Marriage Announcement 3 -- No Title‎ Hartford Courant (Pay-Per-View)

all 3 news articles »

Mrs. Leila L. Rice Becomes Bride Here

$3.95 - New York Times - Jul 30, 1965

David Douglas Duncan a sister of the bridegroom, was matron of honor, and Mr. Macauley was his son s best man. The bride s previous marriage ended in ...


An Eye For Essential Emotion; The Photographer David Douglas Duncan Distills a Lucky Life


Published: December 24, 2003

David Douglas Duncan is the first to admit he is lucky: certainly lucky to have emerged unscathed from combat photography in World War II, Korea, Vietnam and several smaller conflicts; lucky to have become a friend of one of the 20th century's most famous artists, Pablo Picasso, about whom he published six coffee-table books; lucky to be in good health as his 88th birthday approaches in January....

....The result is not another coffee-table book, but a 464-page volume the size of a hardcover novel. ''I felt it might have a chance of being read -- on planes, in bed, anyplace -- if it could be hand held,'' he explained at his hillside home here, 15 miles north of Cannes, where he has lived since 1962....

....''I'm an embarrassment to Sheila,'' he said of his wife, who is also an artist. ''I'm giving a slide show on Korea or Vietnam, and, bang, it hits me. Tears roll down my face.''...

.....For Mr. Duncan, however, Korea and Vietnam were very different conflicts. In the case of Korea, he noted, the North attacked the South, which needed to be defended. But Mr. Duncan was openly critical of the war in Vietnam. His powerful photographs of the siege of Khe Sanh in early 1968 appeared in Life, but he wanted to say more.

Back in the United States, he published ''I Protest!'' a paperback that included 122 images along with text denouncing not only the American tactics but also the entire rationale of the conflict. He charged $1 for the book and sold 250,000 copies.

''I don't think you can impose a social order from the top down,'' he said. ''That's what I was saying: 'These guys are being killed away from home for an issue that doesn't involve us. It's not an American issue. It's a Vietnamese issue.' ''You could just change the date, change it to Iraq today. I think we're a bunch of preachers. We try to impose our will on people all over the world.''

Mr. Duncan is still proud that he spoke out against the Vietnam War, perhaps even more proud than he is of his images of the conflict....

....There is also a photograph of Mr. Duncan taken by Richard M. Nixon, who was then a naval lieutenant. The two men remained in touch over the years. In 1968 Mr. Duncan photographed Nixon writing his acceptance speech at the Republican convention. And on the day Saigon fell in 1975, Mr. Duncan happened to be with Mr. Nixon at his home in San Clemente, Calif. But Mr. Duncan was unable to record the moment on film.

''I blew it,'' he recalled. ''I'd left my camera in the car. I was just visiting him. But I am sure that had I said, 'Look, this is world news, Saigon is falling today and I'm with the man himself,' he would have said yes. I didn't ask him. I really blew it.''

After World War II Mr. Duncan joined Life, and his travels took him to wars in Palestine, Greece, Turkey, Korea and Indochina, as well as to Japan, India, Egypt, Morocco and Afghanistan. He resigned from Life in 1956 to protest an article that accompanied his photographs from Afghanistan, but it was for Life and ABC-TV that he returned to Vietnam in 1968. A second Vietnam book, ''War Without Heroes,'' was published in 1971.

By then Mr. Duncan had settled in the south of France, a region he knew thanks to meeting Picasso there in 1956. The two men hit it off and remained close until Picasso's death in 1973. ''Photo Nomad'' includes many pictures of Picasso at work and play, but perhaps the most striking one is of Picasso sitting in the bath and beaming as he washes himself.

''I always called him maestro,'' Mr. Duncan said of Picasso. ''He called me Ishmael. I never knew why.....

2007 Intelligence Officers' award went to Singlaub :




It seems Eisenhower might have been a great president if he had followed his instincts and plain common sense, instead of the advice of his right wing friends.....Obama, too!

Edited by Tom Scully
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