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JFK movies from Youtube?

John Simkin

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I have been asked to start a new thread on JFK movies from Youtube?

I wish someone at a TV network or Life magazine or the military would put The Other Film on youtube. Someone must have access to it. What are they waiting for? Just release it. Most intelligent people believe there was a conspiracy, but there is nothing we can do about something that happened 49 years ago. Show us the film. Did H.L. Hunt have it?

Kathy C

I thought the other film was just a rumor / urban myth? You're talking about what others call the 'real zapruder' film correct? Unedited version where you see the entire car stop and he get shot form the front with back of head blown out? If it exists, who's seen it but a handful of people. I would imagine somebody owns it in a private collection and we'll never see it.

There was a researcher named Rich Dellarosa, now deceased, who saw the other film 3 times. Twice when he was in the service and once on a college campus. This was not the Zapruder film. This was a different film. You could see the turn on Elm St, where I think someone tried to shoot Kennedy. You see how slow they were going. Then there's the limo stop and I think Secret Serice agents rushed to see if they could help Kennedy. All raced to Parkland. When the limo stopped, Kennedy received at least 2 shots, from the back and from the front which were lethal. That's the best of what I remember him telling me.

There's also another gentleman on this forum who saw the film once, possibly on a college campus. The film was shot from a similar viewpoint of Zapruder's. But it's a mystery how or where the camera was.

Kathy C

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