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William Harvey and the CIA 1967 Secret Report

John Simkin

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Gaeton Fonzi (staff investigator of the HSCA) also resisted this attempt to move him off track and intended to interview Harvey but was cheated of this opportunity when he died as a result of complications from heart surgery in June, 1976.

Indeed. That period of 1976 to 1978 was a time when many an individual who may have offered something substantial passed away. Along with Harvey we have people like John Roselli, William Pawley, George DeMohrenschildt, Carlos Prio and David Morales.

Strange that.


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Indeed. That period of 1976 to 1978 was a time when many an individual who may have offered something substantial passed away. Along with Harvey we have people like John Roselli, William Pawley, George DeMohrenschildt, Carlos Prio and David Morales.

Seeing that George DeMohrenschildt gets a mention in the above list, I thought forum members might be interested in this contact sheet.


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Seeing that George DeMohrenschildt gets a mention in the above list, I thought forum members might be interested in this contact sheet.



Interesting James, I have a few never published audio tapes of Dutch journalist Willem Oltmans (who past away last week) interviewing George Demohrenschildt. Very interesting.

I'll make those availlable soon on a website.


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Interesting James, I have a few never published audio tapes of Dutch journalist Willem Oltmans (who past away last week) interviewing George Demohrenschildt. Very interesting.

I'll make those availlable soon on a website.


Good stuff, Wim. I will certainly be interested to hear those. Keep us posted.


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Tell me more about this photo

Who are these guys? Whats the deal with Goss and JFK?



The most current and particular issue I would like to ask you about is the Barry and the Boys photo, especially since our new Director of the CIA, Porter Goss, is purported to be seated with other members of Operation 40.

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Tosh wrote:

"Tim I hope this helps you. Another point to consider...Berry Seal had some pictures, videos of a birthday party in Sildell (?) LA around 1969 I think (ask Wendel or Mrs Seal) It was a Bar BQ in a back yard a birthday for a little girl I think but not sure... look at the video and who is standing next to the grill is a young man about thirty.... ID that man.... I will not do this at this time... Someone else has to do that, Perhaps Wendel, or Mrs Seal.... Also at that party was "Bill Cooper" of Contra Fame who was killed with Buz Sawer after Hasenfus bailed out of the C-123.. ref Jody Bill's Daughter who used to live in Reno and Carl Reiner (?) Jet West Tahoe or Reno airport at the time.... Research this and ask then about Seal and Bill Cooper and some of the early pilots.... I think you will find that very interesting...."

Tosh, thanks for the clues, but I'm not sure I'm up to that level of research. But your suggestion that I identify a man at a birthday party without even stating why I should be interested in him is a wild goose chase, per se. Do I have to find the photo, and then identify the man "standing next to the grill," as well as provide the significance, which you have left me without?

Tosh wrote: "Another point to consider. I wore my watch on my right hand in those days because I was flying a war surplus aircraft from Maranda Air Park and the modified throttle was on the left side of the aircraft and my watch sometimes would hang on the slide bar and I started waring it on the left hand and soon it became a habit... I am right handed... Sorry this is so long.. but you ask.... Tosh"

Indeed I did ask. But now that we're into the watch, about which I didn't ask, did you mean to say that because of the left side position of the modified throttle that you started wearing your watch on the RIGHT HAND, rather than the "left" as you stated?



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This is very helpful about the Barry and the Boys photo. The time frame you provide means Cubela could not have been in attendance. Can you state whether Felix Rodriguez is in the photo? Or Guillermo Novo? I'm probably being a bit thick here, as I understand that you've been clear that the photo is not Operation 40 personnel. When you say, "Most of these people were at a party in Mexico about 1968 or 69. I was the one standing next to the grill of pictures the Seal family have," are you talking about a separate BBQ around the same time as the restaurant photo? And this is one of the Seal family videos? Was the restaurant also in Slidell? Thanks for the leads of Wendel and Mrs. Seal, and the connections to Bill Cooper: "ref Jody Bill's Daughter who used to live in Reno and Carl Riner (?) Jet West Tahoe or Reno airport at the time.... Research this and ask then about Seal and Bill Cooper and some of the early pilots.... I think you will find that very interesting...."

My memory is fuzzy on who made the assertion that there are photos of you wearing your watch on the left wrist. I only meant to clarify that at one point you said "left" when you meant "right." I know that Bob Vernon chimed in with the assertion that you are right-handed, which you have explained very well.

Thanks again. I've really had to adjust my thinking about the photo being Operation 40 in 1963. I anxiously await whatever information you're able to provide about Operation 40. If you were to, hypothetically, have a problem with discussing Orlando Bosch or Felix Rodriguez at this time, would you be able to say that rather than becoming mysteriously vague?


Tim Carroll

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Gaeton Fonzi (staff investigator of the HSCA) also resisted this attempt to move him off track and intended to interview Harvey but was cheated of this opportunity when he died as a result of complications from heart surgery in June, 1976.

Indeed. That period of 1976 to 1978 was a time when many an individual who may have offered something substantial passed away. Along with Harvey we have people like John Roselli, William Pawley, George DeMohrenschildt, Carlos Prio and David Morales.

Strange that.


If you move up to 1975, that summer when the Castro assassination plots first came out of the Church Committee, you immediately had the deaths of Giancana and Hoffa. A complete list of '75 to '78 JFK-related deaths might be an interesting assemblage. I would add William Sullivan, head of the FBI's counterespionage section in 1963, who was mistaken for a deer and shot by the son of a New Hampshire state policeman in 1978. Also, Rolando Masferrer, killed by a car bomb in October, 1975.


Edited by Tim Carroll
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