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Texas Rangers pulled off JFK parade route at last moment

Guest Robert Morrow

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Guest Robert Morrow

Do JFK researchers have any information they would like to relate about this topic? Robert Wenzel can be reached at his web page. http://www.economicpolicyjournal.com/

"My Small Contribution to the History of the JFK Assassination"

By Robert Wenzel of Economic Policy Journal

I see that Lew Rockwell has a fascinating article up on the murder of Mary Pinchot Meyer and the connection to the assassination of JFK. It brings to mind the tiny bit of new information that was brought to my attention about the assassination.

For many years, I was a consultant to Texas Bank, where C. Jack Bean was CEO and chairman. Jack retired from the bank at least 10 years ago, but when he was chairman, I talked to him nearly every day on the phone and perhaps two or three times a year, we traveled on business trips, NYC, Chicago, and San Francisco were some of the cities we hit. I knew him well.

Jack occasionally took his wife on these trips, so I knew her somewhat. Jack was a gregarious man, with a booming Texas drawl and you knew it was going to be a fun time when you were out with Jack. Jack was not afraid to state his opinion on anything and always kept the conversation lively. His wife never interrupted. She just let Jack do his thing.

On a trip to Chicago, one evening I had dinner with Jack and his wife and somehow the topic came up of Jack's early career. It turned that Jack had started out as a Texas Ranger. He was a Texas Ranger for one year, 1963.

I brought up the Kennedy Assassination and he told me that he was on duty that day in Dallas and expected to patrol part of Kennedy's parade route, but at the last minute the Texas Rangers were told they weren't needed. I started to probe Jack a bit on the topic, but his wife who always let Jack go on, gave him something of a dirty look and he changed the subject. The Kennedy assassination, I got the sense, was something that they had agreed Jack wouldn't talk about.

I have had some correspondence with JFK assassination researchers and they have all told me that they had never heard before about the Texas Rangers being pulled off parade duty, but it happened, I got it from the Texas Ranger who was there.

Edited by Robert Morrow
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Guest Tom Scully

Sorry....Bean was a business founder and operator. He was reported to be an honorary Texas Ranger in 1966.


His 2011 obituary supports the honorary Ranger designation and makes no mention of Bean serving as an actual Ranger with arrest powers.

Do you research anything you post, or do you post what tends to support what you already believe? You started a new thread to put this inaccurate story out.

If you cannot support from newspaper articles or official sources that Mr. Bean was ever a Texas Ranger with status of a sworn officer with arrest powers, what is the point of this thread being in this forum?

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Guest Robert Morrow

Sorry....Bean was a business founder and operator. He was reported to be an honorary Texas Ranger in 1966.


His 2011 obituary supports the honorary Ranger designation and makes no mention of Bean serving as an actual Ranger with arrest powers.

Do you research anything you post, or do you post what tends to support what you already believe? You started a new thread to put this inaccurate story out.

If you cannot support from newspaper articles or official sources that Mr. Bean was ever a Texas Ranger with status of a sworn officer with arrest powers, what is the point of this thread being in this forum?

Tom Scully, perhaps Bean had a lot of Texas Ranger friends, perhaps in high places and he heard the inside scoop on what happened on the day of the JFK assassination. Usually inside connections is how one gets made an honorary Texas Ranger in the first place. Perhaps Bean knew the leadership of the Rangers.

As a side note, what is the point of 98% of the unintelligible gibberish, data dumps of 40 year old wedding anouncements that you regularly plague Education Forum with? With little or no analysis. That's about as useful to understanding the JFK assassination as reading bubble gum wrappers.

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Guest Tom Scully

You were impressed enough to start a thread about this, It is crap. Do some homework. Anybody can be a parrot. Stop wasting our time. There is no research potential or value in this thread.

This isn't about me, or about anything other than your entrenched barrage of unsupported, unsubstantiated, unchecked posting activity. When the holes in this subject matter are presented to you, you shift to, "well maybe he ......"

Is there any point where you ever concede that you didn't bring enough to the table to deserve a seat? If the story is so conflicted it cannot stand up, why waste our time with, "well maybe?" You started a thread without bothering to check out what you were going to post. You have a habit of doing his. I've tried to explain your problem to you, very recently, as Jim DiEugenio can easily verify.

You simply pass along everything you read, if it impresses you, with no vetting standard whatsoever.


You posted a piece that stated this man was a Texas Ranger, a member of an elite Texas law enforcement unit at the exact time of the assassination and that he claimed he and fellow Rangers were instructed to stand down. It is not true. Mr. Bean was obviously otherwise engaged in activity incompatible with active service as a Texas Ranger.

This thread is baseless. It should be deleted.


Midcities Memos .

Daily News Texan - Sep 27, 1963

Opening of the new Bean Bag and Box focuses attention on the Richland Park Indust rial Center, In Richland Hills. drive through there this week found the .....

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I was going to post an assinine joke about Beavis and Butthead and pulled off instead !.

Tom could you remove this too?.

Aside ........ I just realised the mods are awake!.:-).

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I've learnt some stuff here. Sometimes the info delivery is a bit abrasive, but hey, ... forgot what I was going to say. Prob just as well.

Seems to be lot of people claiming to be more than they were.

Of course this rings a distant bell. Back to late 2008 when I was just having a look at the Rangers as an angle and in the course of it found an odd similarity to Crowder and a guy in the photos. But he didn't wear a stetson.

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