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Questions for Peter Janney on his book Mary’s Mosaic

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Stephen, we do have limited question and answer at the end of each presentation but we have a very full slate of speakers this

year and that time is limited. The presentations are not debates and we refer detailed discussions to the other venues that are

available - there is plenty of time for everyone to talk to the presenters but the presenters are not compelled to talk with anyone,

that's there choice. That has been very important for many of the witnesses and other participants that we have - this year we

have at least two of those folks and we want it to be a friendly environment. This is not to suggest that Peter and Jim would be less than civil to each other but If anyone is looking for a extended or "pointed" discussion they'll have to look out in the hallway or in the bar.

Such discussions certainly occur, I've had a couple of my own, but they don't happen during the presentations.

-- Larry

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  • 5 months later...
Guest Tom Scully

Janney in July:

The Autodafé of Lisa Pease and James DiEugenio:

Tomas de Torquemada and the Spanish Inquisition return in a new era of suppression

of freedom of thought and adherence to a rigid dogma – namely their own prejudices!


.....In addition, Ms. Pease can’t even seem to fathom or consider how "Lt. William L. Mitchell," a man who told police he was jogging on the towpath when he passed Mary Meyer – allegedly just before the murder took place – told police that a "Negro male" matching Wiggins’ description was following her in an effort to frame Ray Crump. "Mitchell" would then testify against Crump at the murder trial nine months later in July 1965 as part of the CIA’s assassination operation. It doesn’t seem to matter to Pease that "Mitchell" has never been able to be located since the trial, or that his known address during that time was documented as a "CIA safe house" by three separate former CIA employees. At the time of trial in July 1965, Mitchell told a reporter that he had since retired from the military and was now a mathematics instructor at Georgetown University – yet no record of his employment there could ever be located, nor was there ever any bona-fide military service record located for "Mitchell," either in the Pentagon where he was listed in the directory at the time of the murder, or in the main military data base in St. Louis. This was thoroughly researched by the Peabody Award-winning journalist Roger Charles, as discussed in my book, a fact that Pease fails to mention in one of her many deliberate omissions, which also included Damore’s consultation with L. Fletcher Prouty (as documented by Damore’s attorney James H. Smith) to finally understand who "Mitchell" was, before Damore confronted him. Of course, Lisa Pease is entitled to whatever flawed point of view she wants to embrace, but she’s not entitled to her own set of facts.

The rest of Pease’s long-winded misstatements criticizing author Leo Damore, Timothy Leary, Robert Morrow, Gregory Douglas and other sources who I attempted to unravel – explicitly noting their deficiencies and limitations – completely obfuscates the clarity of the emerging picture: Placed in a larger context, and juxtaposed with firm documentation, the aggregate unfolding scenario clearly indicates that Mary Meyer’s life was ended by a CIA assassination. But in the Pease-DiEugenio fantasy world, people are either all white or all black, complete truth-tellers or liars, completely reliable or unreliable. There are no shades of grey; there is no ambiguity; and there is no room for the analysis of intricacy and complexity. ....

(This article is also posted on Lew Rockwell.com: http://lewrockwell.c...anney3.1.1.html )

Janney in November:


Monday, April 15, 2013

Bill Simpich's Lancer 2012 presentation on Mexico City

......Staff D Some of the old timers may not know Staff D very well. That was the worldwide communications intelligence division. And, can you read that, okay? And a big part of Staff D’s assets was the wiretap info. The best of their stuff went to their chief who was Bill Harvey. I think most people here know who Bill Harvey was. Show of hands? That helps me. Thank you.

audience member - (mocking Peter Janney’s presentation ) Was it Bill or William?........

(Big Laughter ) Ah, both. ...

Janney in April, 2013:

.........This presentation by Janney apparently was recorded on 11 April, just two weeks ago.

At the 37:00 mark, he is talking about Crump trial witness, William L. Mitchell.

Janney (at 37:30) "....In his testimony at trial, Mitchell attempts to frame Ray Crump."

Janney (at 38:30) "...That allegedly sparked a telephone conversation between the two at the end

of March, in 1993, where Mitchell told Damore how Mary Meyer had been

murdered in what he termed was a CIA operation. Despite many years of searching it was not until last summer that the trail of William L. Mitchell.... this is in August, 2012 now, had become known. I promptly brought this information to my chief intelligence researcher, Roger Charles, who enlisted the support of another Pulitzer nominated investigative reporter by the name of Don Devereaux. What we uncovered was that William L Mitchell entered Cornell University....

Again...thanks to Culto for the image capture from Janney's 11 April, presentation.:


Two parting comments: In his book, Janney does not use the word, "alleged" with regard to one of the pillars of his book, the belief that William L. Mitchell was a CIA assassin using an alais who Leo Damore was able to obtain a confession from on the telephone and then meet in person, soon after.:

Mary's Mosaic: The CIA Conspiracy to Murder John F. Kennedy, Mary ...


Peter Janney - 2012 - Preview - More editions

However, Jimmy Smith has aided the author in the reconstruction and interpretation of his notes from Damore's The time of Damore's call, according to Smith, was between. account of his conversation with Mitchell. to 1500 Arlington Boulevard . ....



It is interesting that people who suspect that elements of the CIA had a hand in the murder of Mary Meyer and are also certain that the Warren Commission engaged in a cover up, white wash, are convinced of Ray Crump's innocence despite nonexistence of a consistent, credible account stated to police investigators or in court by Crump, or since by either Crump or his defense counsel, Dovey Roundtree, explaining Crump's actual activities during the period in question on the day of the murder, or about his failure to produce an alleged alibi witness.

Janney in November bears only a slight resemblance to Janney in July. Who does Janney in April, 2013, think he is fooling?

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