Steven Gaal Posted June 2, 2012 Share Posted June 2, 2012 (edited) Physical assault on Ron Paul leader. Please read comments section below brief articles. see http://www.dailypaul...ns-in-louisiana and +++++++++++++++++ see this link for RON PAUL INFORMATION NOT IN ESTABLISMENT MEDIA +++++++++++++++++ see this link for real Republican Delegate Count Sometime next month Romney will get enough delegates for Republican nomination for President. The 'ESTABLISHMENT' media incorrectly asserts ROMNEY has = already= achieved the delelgate count needed. OIL/WATER = ESTABLISHMENT MEDIA/FACTS Edited June 2, 2012 by Steven Gaal Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Steven Gaal Posted June 10, 2012 Author Share Posted June 10, 2012 (edited) RECENT COMMENT FRON RONPAULDAILY SITE ABOUT BAD APPLES (not real Ron Paul people/supporters) IN RON PAULS INNER CIRCLE (below is a link to Sibel Edmonds website Re: Bruce Fein) ====================================================================== RP Inner Circle Submitted by Remnant Patriot on Sun, 06/10/2012 - Hopefully you did a lot of research on this guy, Olson. . .he came fresh from the John "I Want To Be At War For 100 Years" McCain campaign. (Read his background: http://www.linkedin....lson/14/431/82a) Olson was brought to Ron Paul's camp via Jesse (oh my god when are they going to kick him OUT?!!) Benton, via Rand Paul's campaign. That's after Jesse ran in and sacked Rand's campaign chair, did a lot of spin, and settled down the masses - from Rand Paul's slippery tongue getting him into trouble. Did everyone read this about Jesse, from 2008? http://www.dailypaul...ond-choice-i... In case you missed it - Bruce Fein, a Ron Paul insider, is also a piece of work: http://www.boilingfr...reatest-plot... The Ron Paul campaign announcing him: http://www.businessw...110823006296/en In my personal estimation, Rand Paul is an arrogant, self-aggrandizing, pompous arse. He is riding the wave of his Father while not adhering to his Father's counsel and/or following his good example. Rand exhibits a minimal amount of the awesome character Ron Paul has demonstrated for 30 years. This is not the first time in history that a good mans son has chosen his own path: "William Franklin: The son of Benjamin Franklin, William Franklin served as Royal Governor of New Jersey during the critical years between 1762 and 1776. An ardent Loyalist, William split with his father over their political differences in the early days of the Revolution, and after enduring two years of imprisonment, became a leader in the Loyalist cause. He settled in London in 1782, where he worked as an agent for Loyalist claims." The best thing that can happen to Rand would be to first try to get his head removed from his posterior. Secondly would be for him to be defeated in the next election. Maybe then he would shake off his haughtiness. Aside from that - Jesse Benton is behind most of this. . .he saw opportunity (from 2008 http://www.linkedin....lson/14/431/82a) and seized upon it. . .and made a huge mess of everything. A bunch of unseasoned, uncommitted co-opters. . .such a shame. — The price of freedom is eternal vigilance. ~Thomas Jefferson “It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie...the greatest enemy of the State.” ~Joseph Goebbels. Edited June 10, 2012 by Steven Gaal Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Len Colby Posted June 11, 2012 Share Posted June 11, 2012 Who gives a flying fook? Paul never had the slightest chance of winning the nomination and he won't get anywhere enough delegates to shape the platform. Even though many of his supporters don't understand this on most issues he and his son are conservative Republicans, so its no surprise the latter endorsed Romney Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Steven Gaal Posted June 12, 2012 Author Share Posted June 12, 2012 (edited) COLBY // Who gives a flying fook? Paul never had the slightest chance of winning the nomination and he won't get anywhere enough delegates to shape the platform. Even though many of his supporters don't understand this on most issues he and his son are conservative Republicans, so its no surprise the latter endorsed Romney END COLBY ?? ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Yes Mr.Colby is a respector of power,winning winners. Seems Mr. Colby hasnt grasped the purpose of my two posts. The thrust of my post is fairness and the democratic process. The main stream media has falsely stated that Romney has already gotten enough delegates for the nomination,thus narrowing the debate.See this link for real Republican Delegate Count . ++++++++++++++++++++++++ The democratic process has been subverted by the Romney group. SEE POST LINK BELOW + MASSIVE FRAUD AGAINST RON PAUL BY ROMNEY ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ RON PAUL HAS SPOKEN / BEEN AGAINST THE FEDERAL RESERVE,THE PUSH BACK IS BY THE TOP POWERS IN THE WORLD TODAY , CENTRAL BANKS ,like the Federal Reserve. =========================================== The powers of financial capitalism had another far-reaching aim, nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole. This system was to be controlled in a feudalist fashion by the central banks of the world acting in concert by secret agreements arrived at in frequent private meetings and conferences." -- Quote from Caroll Quigley's Tragedy and Hope ,Chapter 20. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ donnybrook in louisiana...... MEANS A FIGHT , good people believe in rules for fights,not about winning. Its about a world view that Mr. Colby lacks,as he is a worshipper of persons and power. ============================== WHEN I THINK ABOUT YOUR RESPONSE THIS WORD COMES TO MIND. Sycophancy ========================================= Alternative phrases are often used such as: apple-polishing ass kissing ass licking bootlicker brown nosing crawler fawning flunky grovelling hanger-on kowtowing lackey lickspittle sucking up toady yes man ______________________________________ a more sophisticated world view ......... see http://www.apologeti...12&article=1440 and below God Is Not A Respecter Of Persons Apr 18 http://www.endtimean...ter-of-persons/ I’ve often heard it said that God is not a respecter of persons. This is of course Biblical, and at times, I’ve really had to pray this through, struggling to get a hold of the idea that what God will do for another person, He’s also willing and able to do for me. Recently though, I’ve seen this concept in a bit of a different light. Before I get into that though, let’s take a look at some of the various verses that mention that God is not a respecter of persons. This is variously translated as “not a respecter of persons” or God “shows no partiality”. The idea is the same, in my un-scholarly opinion. The verses below are all KJV. You will find the word partiality used in the NKJV (hover over the references). Acts 10:34-35 Then Peter opened his mouth, and said, Of a truth I perceive that God is no respecter of persons: 35 But in every nation he that feareth him, and worketh righteousness, is accepted with him. Romans 2:11 For there is no respect of persons with God. Ephesians 6:9 And, ye masters, do the same things unto them, forbearing threatening: knowing that your Master also is in heaven; neither is there respect of persons with him. Colossians 3:25 But he that doeth wrong shall receive for the wrong which he hath done: and there is no respect of persons. 1 Peter 1:17 And if ye call on the Father, who without respect of persons judgeth according to every man’s work, pass the time of your sojourning here in fear: God is not a respecter of persons So what does it mean that God is not a respecter of persons… that God shows no partiality? First off, have I done anything that is worthy of respect before the righteous Judge of the universe? No. Second, can I do anything – in my own strength – that is commendable before God? No. It is only by faith that we can please Him (Hebrews 11:6), and on top of that, it is not my faith, but the faith of Christ that I live by (Galatians 2:2). From Him, through Him, and to Him are all things (Romans 11:36), and that doesn’t leave much room for me, myself, and I. It is the sacrificed blood of Christ that has made atonement for my sins; not my good works. Likewise, after salvation, my sanctification functions on the same principle. The only reason I can ever approach the throne of God is because of the shed blood of Christ, and His righteousness. God is not a respecter of persons; but… He respects Christ in us! That is the key, and it is the secret that makes the gospel equally attainable for all men. There is nothing that I can do in and of myself that will make me acceptable before God. The only thing that God respects in me is the righteousness of Christ. As that righteousness grows (sanctification), then in one sense we ‘gain respect’ before God but only because He now sees more of His Son in us, and less of ourselves. The problem with this whole idea of God not being a respecter of persons is that we keep on trying to be worthy of respect! Another way of saying this might be that one man is just as good as the next, but in fact, the opposite is true. ALL have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23). So often we try to keep on earning God’s respect, reasoning that “He did it for so and so, therefore He will do it for me too!” This is completely the wrong way around, because God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble (James 4:6). If we want to experience the grace of God, we must humble ourselves before Him… an act that has nothing to do with proclaiming that we also are worthy of His grace. God is not a respecter of persons; so stop trying to be something before God. Read differently, God doesn’t respect men! Humble yourself, and realize that we can only approach God through the sacrifice of Christ. His grace is a gift freely given to us; we cannot earn it. As we decrease, Christ will increase in us, and God will honour that. Edited June 14, 2012 by Steven Gaal Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Len Colby Posted June 14, 2012 Share Posted June 14, 2012 LOL insults are normally employed by a party in debate that deep down knows (or suspects) they are wrong. A bunch of Ron Paul fanatics claiming their messiah has been the victim of fraud or that Romney has not secured the nomination doesn’t make it so. The latter claim in particular is contradicted by every reputable news outlet. Actually it is the Paul supporters who are trying to abuse the democratic process. Several states had GOP caucuses or conventions after the primaries to select the actual national convention delegates. Since the delegates are legally bound to vote for the candidates based on the results of the primaries this is normally a formality. But in a few states in including LA, NV and MA the Ronulans have attempted to manipulate the process by electing their partisans for the slots won by Romney and the others in the primaries. Since they are legally bound to vote Romney or the others they do NOT count as delegates for Paul. When GOP officials take steps to counter their manipulation of the process they cry foul. Some Paul supporters complained that they were not allowed to enter the Nevada GOP convention late but people claiming to be Jewish were, there was an obvious reason for this the event was held on a Saturday. If one wants to back a Libertarian there is a much more palatable candidate than Paul. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Steven Gaal Posted June 15, 2012 Author Share Posted June 15, 2012 (edited) Sorry, caucuses selection may be against primary results,these are state party rules. It seems you have drunk the cool-aid of Romney false info sites. RNC lawyers themselves have stated all delegates are unbound even on first ballot. I believe that in two states ROMNEY is having delegates sign an illegal affidavit. Ben Swann Update on Affidavit: Do NOT sign! | Peace . Gold › Forums › Ron Paul 2012CachedYou +1'd this publicly. UndoMay 23, 2012 – Massachusetts RNC delegates.. do not sign any affidavit! ... "The RNC's use of these rules in their very nature, are illegal, but no-one has ...++++++++++++++++++++++++I saw the live video stream of convention delegate selection in OK state. Regular robert rules of order were broken time and again by ROMNEY chair.....its called cheating and I saw it live. Romney toadys cheated in several state conventions.++++++COLBO QUOTE The latter claim in particular is contradicted by every reputable news outlet. END COLBOhanger-onkowtowinglackeylickspittlesucking uptoadyyes man NOT INSULTS ,valid accurate descriptions.Gee Len did you every understand the posts of Simkin and Caddy on reputable news outlets:WashPO,NYT,News of the World,...ect ????????????????? Guess not,how sad.....sad. Cheater news outlets support cheater Romney.+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++You have a negative knowledge base ( what u think u know is 180 % wrong) on this issue. ######################################## Breaking - Lawyers for Ron Paul make HUGE announcement! We are Uniting to Change the World with President Paul!Submitted by Real_Paulitics on Fri, 06/15/2012 - 04:42 inNo joke!!!The lawyers for Ron Paul have announced theybare taking over the Ron Paul campaign and they will challenge every single voter fraud claim this Whole election.Romney rigged this election, & they claim they have proof.Ron Paul WILL BE ON THE NOMINATION!!!the delegates will all be UNBOUND!We are NOT letting this Tyrannical takeover Happen!!This announcement happened at 10 pm Thursday.The lawyers are offering support to EVERY DELEGATE TO ENSURE THEIR RIGHT TO VOTE THEIR CONSCIENCE! no matter what candidate they support, we will help them vote for their true choice.This audio clip is the most important clip of this WHOLE Campaign.http://www.ronpaulfo...36-MAJOR-ANN...If you quit on the movement, you owe Ron Paul an apology....And get your ASS BACK IN GEAR!!! Ron Paul 2012 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ I believe the lawyers have a case for I saw ROMNEY cheating live. Steven Gaal Edited June 15, 2012 by Steven Gaal Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Steven Gaal Posted August 4, 2012 Author Share Posted August 4, 2012 How The Republicans Stole The Nomination From Ron Paul #################################################### Submitted by FSUJAG54 on Tue, 07/31/2012 - 17:05 ( This is the most comprehensive collection of evidence to suggest that the Republican Party has stolen the nomination from Ron Paul. It is broken down into state-by-state and facts are differentiated from "incredible circumstances" and opinions. Please read, comment, and share it far and wide. America needs to know that Mitt Romney is NOT the legitimate Republican nominee. ----------------------o------------------ Baseless allegations or a few isolated incidents may not be cause for concern, but there is enough video evidence in this report to disturb anyone who cares about fair elections. Rule changes, disregard for existing rules, cancelling elections, running off with ballots, secret vote counts, throwing out votes, threats, physical violence, and arbitrary replacement of delegates are activities unbecoming of a democratic society. Whether you’re a Ron Paul supporter, or even a Republican, is irrelevant. That the Republican Party will seemingly stop at nothing to ensure their selected candidate is the nominee should be deeply troubling for all Americans. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Len Colby Posted August 5, 2012 Share Posted August 5, 2012 That the Republican Party will seemingly stop at nothing to ensure their selected candidate is the nominee should be deeply troubling for all Americans. The irony of this is quite rich, it is the Paulistas who tried to subvert the will of most GOP primary/caucus voters by exploiting parliamentary manuvers then they cried fowl when party leads took measures to block them. I'd prefer to have seen Paul win the nomination it would virtually guarantee Obama's re-election and force the incumbent to address deficiencies with his presidency. But must GOP voters thought otherwise, everyone except the Ronulans accepts that in democratic elections the will of the majority, or at least plurality prevails. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Steven Gaal Posted August 5, 2012 Author Share Posted August 5, 2012 The irony of this is quite rich, it is the Paulistas who tried to subvert the will of most GOP primary/caucus voters by exploiting parliamentary manuvers then they cried fowl when party leads took measures to block them. // Colby ITS NOT SUBVERSION ,its the RULES !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Caucuses and primaries can lead to very different results. The key is Romney CHEATED in caucus procedures. Obama didnt cheat in caucuses in 2008 but he benefited from caucuses. ((SEE BOTTOM LINK)). THE KEY IS ROMNEY CHEATED IN ((THATS IN )) the caucuses. The party ,not the State run, the caucus. Romney gave big money to the state parties (Paul gave zero) and they cheated for Romney. Its not that you can vote = its who counts the votes. ############################################################## 2012 U.S. Elections: What is the difference between a primary and a caucus election? It's time for a civics lesson. ------------------------------------------------ The main difference: a primary is state-run, while a caucus is party-run. A primary is run just like a regular election. You go to your assigned precinct, cast your ballot, and leave. The government picks up the cost, and the government tabulates the results. In very high publicity elections, this is preferable. One might ask why a party would choose anything other than a primary, since the government picks up the tab (as opposed to the caucus, which the party pays for.) The answer is that the primary is open to everyone. Democrats can vote in a Republican primary, and vice versa. There's no guarantee that you're getting the nominee that your party actually prefers. The caucus is party-run, and the rules of every caucus are different. Caucuses can be divided into basically two categories: the unassembled caucus, and the assembled caucus. In Virginia, we call our unassembled caucus a "firehouse primary." In the firehouse primary, precincts are combined (note that the Iowa caucuses, as a general rule, do not combine precincts) into a few polling places in the county. Otherwise, it's run like a regular primary. You go in, you cast your ballot, and you leave. The party picks up the cost and the party tabulates the votes. You typically get much smaller turnout in a caucus, but you know you're getting the party faithful with only a few interlopers. A party may choose a firehouse primary if it wants to use a form of voting that the state doesn't sanction: for example, Democrats in Charlottesville, VA, have been nominating their local officials through Instant Runoff Voting. The state is only equipped to conduct first-post-the-post elections, so they must use a firehouse primary if they want IRV. Iowa held "assembled" caucuses last week. Virginia refers to these as "mass meetings." At mass meetings, those wishing to vote show up at the appointed place and time and cast their votes. Voting does not take place over several hours or an entire day; it can be conducted by show of hands, if the rules of the meeting allow. The main reason to have a mass meeting is to elect party officials and delegates to higher-level conventions. In Iowa's case, the people at the precinct caucuses voted in what amounts to a Presidential straw poll and then elected local party officials and delegates to their county conventions. The assembled caucus is useful for the sort of inside baseball local politics that is essential for our system to function, but not particularly glamorous to the average citizen. Virginia's local mass meetings will be starting up in February and run through May. We'll be electing local GOP/Democratic chairpersons, as well as members of the local party committees, for each locality. We will also be electing delegates to our district and state party conventions. These delegates vote on who will be sent to the national convention and who will be our nominees for the Electoral College. Some localities may nominate people for City Council or Board of Supervisors through their mass meeting, as well (although those are typically done through unassembled caucus). Like I said, they're essential for our system to function, but most people have no reason to care. ########################################### The difference in caucus and primary vote percentage in Washington is no fluke. The Democratic side in 2008 featured four states with both caucuses and primaries. (Only Texas's primary awarded delegates, but all the primaries featured much higher turnout than the caucuses; Obama lost the Texas primary, but won the Texas caucus.) The candidate who elicited the most vocal and enthusiastic support, Barack Obama, did, on average, 16.8% better in the caucuses in these states. Who knows what might have happened, in 2008, if all states voted by primary alone on the Democratic side, or solely by caucus on the Republican side? So, caucuses and primaries can lead to very different results. Whether you prefer one over the other depends on what you hope for the nomination process to accomplish. In 2012, Mitt Romney would likely be a heavier favorite for the nomination if there were no caucuses. By the same token, he'd almost certainly have done worse if more states had decided to caucus, instead of holding a primary ballot. Either way, the process is the process. But when parties contemplate changing their rules and behavior from one cycle to the next, they should know what they're getting into. ############################################## 2008 Obama benefited by Caucus results Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Len Colby Posted August 5, 2012 Share Posted August 5, 2012 (edited) The irony of this is quite rich, it is the Paulistas who tried to subvert the will of most GOP primary/caucus voters by exploiting parliamentary manuvers then they cried fowl when party leads took measures to block them. // Colby ITS NOT SUBVERSION ,its the RULES !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Caucuses and primaries can lead to very different results. The key is Romney CHEATED in caucus procedures. Obama didnt cheat in caucuses in 2008 but he benefited from caucuses. ((SEE BOTTOM LINK)). THE KEY IS ROMNEY CHEATED IN ((THATS IN )) the caucuses. The party ,not the State run, the caucus. Romney gave big money to the state parties (Paul gave zero) and they cheated for Romney. Its not that you can vote = its who counts the votes. ############################################################## Get back to us when you turn up anyone who isn't a Ron Paul groupie who backs your position 2012 U.S. Elections: What is the difference between a primary and a caucus election?It's time for a civics lesson. ------------------------------------------------ The main difference: a primary is state-run, while a caucus is party-run. A primary is run just like a regular election. You go to your assigned precinct, cast your ballot, and leave. The government picks up the cost, and the government tabulates the results. In very high publicity elections, this is preferable. One might ask why a party would choose anything other than a primary, since the government picks up the tab (as opposed to the caucus, which the party pays for.) The answer is that the primary is open to everyone. Democrats can vote in a Republican primary, and vice versa. There's no guarantee that you're getting the nominee that your party actually prefers. The caucus is party-run, and the rules of every caucus are different. Caucuses can be divided into basically two categories: the unassembled caucus, and the assembled caucus. In Virginia, we call our unassembled caucus a "firehouse primary." In the firehouse primary, precincts are combined (note that the Iowa caucuses, as a general rule, do not combine precincts) into a few polling places in the county. Otherwise, it's run like a regular primary. You go in, you cast your ballot, and you leave. The party picks up the cost and the party tabulates the votes. You typically get much smaller turnout in a caucus, but you know you're getting the party faithful with only a few interlopers. A party may choose a firehouse primary if it wants to use a form of voting that the state doesn't sanction: for example, Democrats in Charlottesville, VA, have been nominating their local officials through Instant Runoff Voting. The state is only equipped to conduct first-post-the-post elections, so they must use a firehouse primary if they want IRV. Iowa held "assembled" caucuses last week. Virginia refers to these as "mass meetings." At mass meetings, those wishing to vote show up at the appointed place and time and cast their votes. Voting does not take place over several hours or an entire day; it can be conducted by show of hands, if the rules of the meeting allow. The main reason to have a mass meeting is to elect party officials and delegates to higher-level conventions. In Iowa's case, the people at the precinct caucuses voted in what amounts to a Presidential straw poll and then elected local party officials and delegates to their county conventions. The assembled caucus is useful for the sort of inside baseball local politics that is essential for our system to function, but not particularly glamorous to the average citizen. Virginia's local mass meetings will be starting up in February and run through May. We'll be electing local GOP/Democratic chairpersons, as well as members of the local party committees, for each locality. We will also be electing delegates to our district and state party conventions. These delegates vote on who will be sent to the national convention and who will be our nominees for the Electoral College. Some localities may nominate people for City Council or Board of Supervisors through their mass meeting, as well (although those are typically done through unassembled caucus). Like I said, they're essential for our system to function, but most people have no reason to care. ########################################### An another obscure anonymous source. there are 3 types of primaries, many is not most are 'closed' and only registered party members can vote, many are semi-open only party members and independents only 20 are open. http://grassrootsidg...osed-primaries/ ##############################################2008 Obama benefited by Caucus results http://www.talkleft....5/27/92144/7994 So claims a Hillary partisan who produced no evidence. Even sp she only claimed 3 states had primaries and causes and that Obama got delegates based on the latter but he won all three states and the winner gets disproportionally more delegates Edited August 5, 2012 by Len Colby Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Steven Gaal Posted August 6, 2012 Author Share Posted August 6, 2012 Get back to us when you turn up anyone who isn't a Ron Paul groupie who backs your position // END Colby ################################################ I am not a Ron Paul supporter. I said I saw on live stream (in this thread) Romney paid off State Party Leaders cheat. Ron Paul Not Ending Rachel Maddow Oklahoma Cheating Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Len Colby Posted August 7, 2012 Share Posted August 7, 2012 Get back to us when you turn up anyone who isn't a Ron Paul groupie who backs your position // END Colby ################################################ I am not a Ron Paul supporter. Really? Because you're doing an awfully good imitation of one! Who do you hope will be elected? I said I saw on live stream (in this thread) Romney paid off State Party Leaders cheat. You have a very active imagination, you remembered me saying I had a PhD when I said nothing of the sort. You have yet to post a clip showing this. Why were to watching live feed of a GOP state convention if you weren't supporting a candidate? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Steven Gaal Posted August 7, 2012 Author Share Posted August 7, 2012 (edited) . You have yet to post a clip showing this. Why were to watching live feed of a GOP state convention if you weren't supporting a candidate? // END COLBY Sorry I dont have super computerspace to copy everything I view in on the computer,however there are other sources of information on this said topic. You have asked why I saw the live stream. I know a Ron Paul supporter and I knew there was previous delegate Romney cheating. My friend couldnt watch , so I decided to sit & read in front of my computer and watch (lots of down time at these events) and see if the cheating was repeated. IT WAS ! ((Gaal)) ################################## FROM POST #1 THE MAIN RON PAUL SITE ___________________________ see this link for RON PAUL INFORMATION NOT IN ESTABLISMENT MEDIA This of course would be how a thinking man would find Oklahoma Ron Paul information. Just GOOGLE OKLAHOMA with above link ################################################# FROM ONLY LINK IN POST #7 http://jaretglenn.wo...-from-ron-paul/ Oklahoma: Kevin Kervick of The Examiner reports that the Oklahoma convention had to be moved to the parking lot because Robert’s Rules were ignored, delegate credentials were not verified, a convention chair was never appointed, motions made from the floor were ignored, the Chairman illegally elected a slate of Romney delegates, and the convention was closed without a two-thirds majority vote. Consistent with Robert’s Rules, Paul supporters reconvened in the parking lot to elect delegates. Paul supporters have now filed a law suit to ensure their delegates will be seated. LINK FROM CLICKING words Oklahoma Convention above ( then see this site for other videos) http://www.examiner....rocess-oklahoma This turn of events came at the end of a long afternoon during which there was a lot of animosity in the air. This video contains a conversation with a Ron Paul supporter who witnessed some violence perpetrated against a fellow Ron Paul supporter by a person who was identified as an older 'Establishment guy'. According to this report, the older gentleman hit the Ron Paul supporter in the back of the head. The Sergeant at Arms intervened to remove the Ron Paul supporter but apparently did nothing to the man that hit him. Later, an observer at the scene said that after the convention prematurely ended, the lights were immediately turned off and the walls to the convention center started to close in on the attendees. One person in attendance told me he believes the portable walls were rearranged in a manner that made it possible to exclude voters from affected districts from the ongoing process. Roberts’ Rules of order, which are supposed to govern the convention, were flatly ignored as the GOP pushed its autocratic agenda. Contrary to popular belief ((what Len Colby thinks,see his post #8 above,Gaal)), nominees for the Republican Party are not selected when the state holds its local caucuses. That vote is nothing more than a beauty contest designed to gauge the popular support for candidates. The delegates that select the eventual nominee are selected at state conventions. In this way, the candidate that has the best grass roots support and the most invested supporters often sees improved chances when the state conventions convene. This is the way the Founders envisioned the process working because they wanted the citizens that were most invested in the outcome to have the greatest influence. They feared the tyranny of the majority, which is a flawed pure democracy system in which a special interest could galvanize a majority of voters to select a poor candidate who might be supportive of a particular popular agenda or be a favorite of a big money interest that can buy a lot of votes. This is precisely what GOP operatives seem to have attempted to orchestrate in Oklahoma in an attempt to force Mitt Romney on a group of delegates that wanted to vote for Ron Paul. In Oklahoma, the party leaders made a complete mockery of the democratic process. According to many witnesses on the scene in Oklahoma, and with verifiable evidence from a live video feed from the event, the following violations to Roberts’ Rules of Order occurred. · Delegate credentials were never verified. · A convention chair was never appointed, which is required by Party rules. · Many motions on the floor and calls for division were ignored by the existing chair. · The temporary chair adjourned the convention even though the vote to adjourn was rejected by an estimated two thirds of the attendees. When the meeting was adjourned after the corruption that had ensued previously, a group of stalwarts decided to take matters into their own hands and take over the process. They gathered people inside the hall and summoned them to meet in the parking lot. This is entirely consistent with the rules of order, which allow for participant action when the presumed leaders act with impunity to operate outside of the rules. Consequently, the real Oklahoma Republican Party convention occurred after many of the participants had already left. The parking lot convention elected a convention chair who conducted the proceedings with confidence and dignity. After several hours of procedural meandering and roll call votes, the real slate of delegates was selected. As the parking lot convention waned, participants started cheering and chanting ‘Ron Paul Ron Paul’ and ‘We cannot be bought’, which was an obvious reference to the Romney campaign which has been repeatedly accused of paying people to endorse the Governor and to serve as his delegates. All of this was captured live by a feed that sent the proceedings around the world on the internet. Preliminary estimates are that Congressman Paul captured 95% of the Oklahoma delegates. This was an amazing feat and a political coup of epic proportions. The Ron Paul Revolution continues. Kevin Kervick is the author of Discovering Possibility: A Common Sense Conservative Manifesto (For Classical Liberals Too). ################################# Whether you’re a Ron Paul supporter, or even a Republican, is irrelevant. That the Republican Party will seemingly stop at nothing to ensure their selected candidate is the nominee should be deeply troubling for all Americans. = If anyone doesnt think there was Oklahoma Romney cheating, please contact Kevin Kervick = . Edited August 7, 2012 by Steven Gaal Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Len Colby Posted August 8, 2012 Share Posted August 8, 2012 (edited) Uuuuuh Steve the "Examiner" is to newspapers what Wikipedia is to encyclopaedias, anyone can write for it except the former if more dominated by CTs and Ronulans. The author is a Ron Paul groupie from CT who now lives in NH it's not clear if he was even at the convention. The video clips prove nothing. Get back to up with independent evidence. Sorry I dont have super computerspace to copy everything I view in on the computer, But's hard to believe no Paulistas recorded it, why haven't they posted any clips? however there are other sources of information on this said topic. Cite any independent ones I knew there was previous delegate Romney cheating. My friend couldnt watch , so I decided to sit & read in front of my computer and watch (lots of down time at these events) and see if the cheating was repeated. IT WAS ! Care to elaborate why previous 'cheating' were you aware of? What 'cheating' do you see in OK? Do you really expect us you are NOT a Ron Paul supporter? Why don't you want to tell us who you support? EDIT - Typo Edited August 8, 2012 by Len Colby Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Steven Gaal Posted August 8, 2012 Author Share Posted August 8, 2012 (edited) Care to elaborate why previous 'cheating' were you aware of? What 'cheating' do you see in OK? // END COLBY I SAW In Oklahoma, the party leaders made a complete mockery of the democratic process. According to many witnesses on the scene in Oklahoma, and with verifiable evidence from a live video feed from the event, the following violations to Roberts’ Rules of Order occurred. · Delegate credentials were never verified. · A convention chair was never appointed, which is required by Party rules. · Many motions on the floor and calls for division were ignored by the existing chair. · The temporary chair adjourned the convention even though the vote to adjourn was rejected by an estimated two thirds of the attendees. _______________________________________________________________________________ News 9 Oklahoma's Own http://www.examiner....cceeds-oklahoma +++=================+++ If you follow mainstream election coverage, you might think Mitt Romney has coasted to an honest, easy, well-deserved Republican nomination. Unfortunately for Republican voters, nothing could be further from the truth. The primary process has been an all-out slugfest and many of the delegates Romney has won may be the result of dirty tricks and even election fraud. The following narrative includes links to reports, first-hand testimonials, and video evidence highlighting actions taken by the GOP to ensure a Romney victory, at the expense of fracturing the party just prior to the general election. Party leaders at the county and state level have changed or violated party rules, cancelled caucuses, changed vote counts, thrown out entire counties of votes, counted public votes privately, called-in the SWAT team, and inexplicably replaced Paul delegates with Romney delegates to block Ron Paul from winning the nomination. Iowa: Days before the caucuses, Paul held a commanding lead in the polls and all the momentum, with every other candidate having peaked from favorable media coverage and then collapsed under the ensuing scrutiny. Establishment Republicans, like Iowa’s Representative Steve King ®, attempted to sabotage Paul’s campaign by spreading rumors he would lose to Obama if nominated. Even though the Iowa GOP platform reads like a Ron Paul speech, shortly before the caucuses, Iowa Governor Terry Barnstad told Politico , “[if Paul wins] people are going to look at who comes in second and who comes in third. If Romney comes in a strong second, it definitely helps him going into New Hampshire”. The message from the Governor to voters of his state was: a vote for Ron Paul was a wasted vote. Huffington Post reported that Paul was ahead by one point over Romney and Rick Santorum in entrance polls conducted by Edison Media Research for the AP before the caucuses. For the first time ever, the Iowa GOP changed the final vote count to a secret location . After the caucus, results from 8 precincts (including those with colleges, in a state where Paul won 48% of the youth vote) went missing. Interestingly, these were all precincts Romney lost in 2008. In addition, GOP officials discovered inaccuracies in 131 precincts. Though polling in a comfortable first place, Paul finished third in this non-binding straw poll, behind Romney and Santorum. Iowa originally reported Romney in first, Santorum in a close second, and Paul third. After the recount, Santorum was named the winner with Romney in second. No mention was given to how the recount affected Paul’s vote count. Iowa GOP chairman, Matt Strawn, later resigned and was replaced by Paul supporter, A.J. Spiker and Paul went on to win the majority of delegates. Florida: The Florida GOP broke party rules by switching to a winner-take-all state before the date allowed, which favors the candidate with the most money for advertising and attack ads. Senior Advisor to the Ron Paul campaign, Doug Wead, claims this was done specifically to favor Romney. Nevada: There is bad blood between Paul’s supporters and establishment Republicans in Nevada. This dates back to 2008, when Convention Chair, Sue Lowden and her enlisted delegates got up and walked out of the convention when it became apparent Paul’s supporters would claim a majority of the delegates. She claimed she would reconvene at a later time, but instead approved the McCain slate of delegates. This year, Paul supporters expected shenanigans; so his State Chairman, Carl Bunce, planned to win by outworking Romney. Just before the caucuses, he claimed to have “more IDs than Romney had votes in ’08″. This means through canvassing door-to-door and phoning voters, he had identified about 25,000 voters committed to show up and vote for Paul. On caucus day, the media was denied access to most caucus sites and the few that were permitted were not allowed to take photos. Others were even ejected from sites. This CNN clip shows GOP staff preventing a Paul supporter from entering the premises to vote at a special caucus that was set up at the last minute for Newt Gingrich backer, Sheldon Adelson. Here, participants were asked to sign an affidavit (under penalty of perjury) stating they were Jewish and couldn’t vote earlier in the day due to “religious reasons”. CNN showed live coverage of votes being counted at this event, with Paul amassing nearly 60% of the votes. In some precincts in Clark County, the largest in Nevada, the number of ballots did not match the number of voters signed in at the caucus. Though votes were to be counted publicly, they were largely counted in private. The vote count was also inexplicably dragged out for several days, leading to a victory for Romney. Nevada State GOP Chairwoman, Amy Tarkanian resigned the day after the caucuses. Another interesting note is that Paul’s 2012 votes had doubled, tripled, and more than quadrupled his 2008 votes in every state leading up to the Nevada caucuses, yet Paul received only 88 more votes there. Of all the places for this to occur, Nevada, the country’s most libertarian state; is the last in which anyone would expect this. In spite of these irregularities , Paul won 22 of 25 state delegates and replaced state party officials with Paul supporters. Romney supporters then formed their own state party, called “Team Nevada”. The RNC then bypassed the official state party in order to organize for Romney and send all funds to Team Nevada. Colorado: Romney supporters were caught passing out fake Ron Paul slates at the state convention. The RNC has not investigated or even commented on the matter. Minnesota: Doug Wead, claims the state party instructed members not to vote for any delegates under age fifty because most young delegates support Paul. Missouri: WXIX Cincinnati’s Ben Swann covered the fiasco in St. Charles County. Temporary Chairman, Eugene Dokes, started the meeting by banning video recording devices, a first for this event. Robert’s Rules of Order require the temporary chairman to accept nominations and elect a convention chairman to run the event. Instead, he appointed a chair of his choice. The crowd immediately erupted with booing. Shortly after, Dokes adjourned the meeting without the required two-thirds majority, called the police on attendees, and left. In adherence to state rules, Paul supporter, Brent Stafford, along with one of the top parliamentarians in the state, reconvened in the parking lot and attempted to resume the event. Shortly after, the SWAT team arrived and arrested Stafford, who was following state party rules. Dokes later admitted on talk radio that he and other state party officials deliberately broke the rules to prevent Paul from winning. Maine: Ben Swann reported on shenanigans in Maine . Even though only 84% of votes had been counted; State GOP Chairman, Charlie Webster, declared Romney the winner over Paul by less than 200 votes. Hancock and Washington Counties hadn’t voted yet because Webster cancelled the caucuses due to an impending snowstorm, promising they could vote later and their votes would be counted. The snowstorm never occurred and he later reneged on his promise, telling voters in those counties their votes would not be counted after all. Washington County was Paul’s strongest in the state in 2008. Though other states with close outcomes held recounts, this was never a consideration for Maine. At least one of the counties that did vote claims the state party recorded its tallies incorrectly. Matt McDonald, pastor of a small community church in Belfast, was nominated as the chairman of his caucus. He says the state instructed the caucus chairmen not to read any of the vote totals aloud, but rather to send the results straight to Augusta without a public reading. McDonald made a motion to change this rule, and it was approved unanimously. McDonald says 22 voters showed up, resulting in 8 votes for Paul, 7 for Santorum, 5 for Romney, and 2 undecided. When he called the votes into Augusta, he was told they already had the results and the totals read 9 for Romney, 5 or Santorum, and 2 for Paul. When McDonald told her the tally had been counted publicly, he says “her voice changed and she said…we’ll record this”. Doug Wead claims, “On every occasion, the votes that were lost were Ron Paul votes and the person responsible for reporting them were Mitt Romney supporters…in one case the votes were actually transferred from paper to…a computer and the lady doing the transfer was a Mitt Romney person”. To date, these tallies have not been corrected and Romney is still credited with the straw vote win while the media continues to report that Paul never won a state contest. Arizona: The Examiner’s Kevin Kervick reports “ballot stuffing, rule violations, and improper vote counting that occurred behind closed doors” at the convention. In addition, Paul supporters allege threats of physical violence from Romney supporters. Michigan: Doug Wead reports, ” Michigan, unlike any other state…had a special party rule forbidding any precinct delegate vacancies from being filled at county conventions until after the state delegates and alternates were chosen. In other words, countless Ron Paul supporters attending county convention were forcibly blocked…because they weren’t elected precinct delegates in 2010-long before the Ron Paul 2012 campaign began”. Wead also claims “documented instances in multiple counties where county party officials “edited” the state delegation lists after the county conventions adjourned”. Wyoming: A commenter on Paul supporter website,, explains how members of the Republican Executive Committee (all Romney supporters) illegally cast votes in the delegate selection vote. Washington: At the state convention , a Ron Paul delegate claimed bubble ballot sheets were withheld in King County’s district 36. He also claims the 37 th district caucus was forced to conduct the meeting outside because Chairwoman, Lori Sotelo, was irritated when a Ron Paul supporter was elected to run the caucus, instead of her choice. Ben Swann interviewed a voter in Pierce County, Washington; who claims the local Republican leadership passed out what they called a “unity slate” to voters and said it represented an equal distribution of delegates committed to Romney, Santorum, and Gingrich. The plan was to organize to block Ron Paul supporters, who outnumbered the other candidates’ supporters, from receiving the lion’s share of the delegates. The Republican leadership prevailed. Alaska: In spite of last-minute rule changes and violations of party rules, Paul supporters ousted longtime state chairman, Randy Ruedrich, and voted-in Paul supporter, Russ Millette. Ruedrich then tried to sabotage the state convention and transferred all of the state party’s $100,000 to the local Capital City Republicans in Juneau, effectively bankrupting the party now controlled by Paul supporters. Georgia: This video shows GOP Chairwoman, Sue Everhart, at the Athens Clarke County GOP meeting admitting “shoddy treatment of the Ron Paul people at that [2008] convention” and publicly apologizing. She presents the rule book that she helped to write and claims it won’t happen again. The video then shows the actual convention and party leaders breaking those rules to force their pre-selected slate of delegates and prevent Paul’s supporters from electing their own. Party leaders then adjourned the meeting illegally and ran out of the meeting. Massachusetts: Paul won 16 of the 27 delegates selected so far in Romney’s home state. In addition, he swept all 6 from Romney’s home county. As a result (for the first time ever in the state), delegates were asked to sign an affidavit stating ” I certify under the pain and penalty of perjury, that on the first ballot at the 2012 Republican National Convention, I will affirmatively Vote for Mitt Romney, the winner of the 2012 Massachusetts Presidential Primary.” The state GOP then covered up Romney’s embarrassing loss by invalidating ballots and ousting the Paul delegates. North Dakota: Ben Swann reports the selection of delegates was unfair: the GOP handed out pre-printed ballots with a slate of delegates with 60% of them being Mitt Romney supporters in a state where he won only 26% of the vote. Oklahoma: Kevin Kervick of The Examiner reports that the Oklahoma convention had to be moved to the parking lot because Robert’s Rules were ignored, delegate credentials were not verified, a convention chair was never appointed, motions made from the floor were ignored, the Chairman illegally elected a slate of Romney delegates, and the convention was closed without a two-thirds majority vote. Consistent with Robert’s Rules, Paul supporters reconvened in the parking lot to elect delegates. Paul supporters have now filed a law suit to ensure their delegates will be seated. Virginia: Doug Wead claims “at a district convention, they coaxed the Ron Paul delegation outside and then locked the door. The pastor of the church that was hosting the event was, himself, locked out”. U.S. Virgin Islands: Ron Paul won his first caucus, only to have the GOP take down the straw vote results from their website showing Paul the victor with 29% over Romney’s 26% and replaced with a note from the party claiming Romney won because he won more delegates. Paul’s Official Campaign Blogger, Jack Hunter, explains how every other contest determined the victor by the straw vote, except the one straw vote Paul won. Alabama: An inexplicable gap exists between Paul’s popular vote count and his delegate vote count. This is odd because voters choose both on the same day and on the same ballot. Alabama Republican Party rules state that voters can only vote for one candidate and then must choose between his delegates. Statewide, Paul received only about one-third as many votes as his delegates. This means voters chose another candidate, but selected Paul’s delegates. No other candidate’s totals showed a similar pattern. Louisiana: Ben Swann reports a clash between the old Louisiana State GOP leadership and newly-elected leaders who support Paul. Old Chairman, Roger Villere, angered attendees with last-minute rule changes the night before the convention. At the start of the convention, Villere attempted to recognize the former Chair of the Rules Committee, who had been voted out the night before. When new Chair, Alex Helwig, rose to address the delegation; Villere instructed security (comprised of off-duty Shreveport Police) to remove him . They arrested him for trespassing and broke several of his fingers. Next, an overwhelming majority elected a new Convention Chair, Paul supporter Alex Helwig. Members then turned their chairs to face Helwig, with their backs to Villere. In desperation, Villere instructed the police officers to remove the duly-elected Herford. They did so and dislocated his hip in the process, sending him to the emergency room. The reconvened group followed state party rules and went on to elect a majority of Paul delegates, which the state party later replaced with its own slate of Romney delegates. The Paul campaign has appealed to the RNC, but it is unlikely that the RNC will reinstate the Paul delegates. Oregon: This YouTube video shows establishment Republicans in Congressional District 4 attempting to steal the ballot box and leave the premises when it became apparent the Ron Paul supporters were in the majority. A Paul supporter is chased away from the ballots and claims he was accosted by an establishment party member. Wisconsin: MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell reports Romney violated state campaign laws by bribing voters with free subs. In other states, Paul supporters claim vote-flipping occurred with electronic voting machines. Once about 40% of votes are reported, there is typically little variation in the final numbers. However on several occasions, at about 40% Romney’s trajectory “flipped” with the leader, which was often Paul. Austin Election Judge, Anne Beckett, has come forth publicly to claim she witnessed this firsthand. Baseless allegations or a few isolated incidents may not be cause for concern, but there is enough video evidence in this report to disturb anyone who cares about fair elections. Rule changes, disregard for existing rules, cancelling elections, running off with ballots, secret vote counts, throwing out votes, threats, physical violence, and arbitrary replacement of delegates are activities unbecoming of a democratic society. Whether you’re a Ron Paul supporter, or even a Republican, is irrelevant. That the Republican Party will seemingly stop at nothing to ensure their selected candidate is the nominee should be deeply troubling for all Americans. Edited August 8, 2012 by Steven Gaal Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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