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Hideous sectarian killings across the country since the start of April

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To sum up, the overall conclusion that seem to appear at the end of the seminar can be summarized in the facts that Baluchistan faces an international interference and government in Baluchistan is unrepresentative and has no focus. Foreign agencies including MI6, RAW, Mossad and CIA, seemed quite visible to those who knew the situation of the province in depth, that their sole aim is to destabilize Pakistan.

The author makes the oxymoronic claim of being a peace activist getting masters from the National DEFENSE University which is run by the country’s military and being on the staff of a magazine named “Fortress” whose motto is “FORTIFYING IDEOLOGICAL BOUNDRIES. She wrote - “To sum up, the overall conclusion that seem to appear at the end of the seminar can be summarized in the facts that Baluchistan faces an international interference and government in Baluchistan is unrepresentative and has no focus. Foreign agencies including MI6, RAW, Mossad and CIA, seemed quite visible to those who knew the situation of the province in depth, that their sole aim is to destabilize Pakistan” – but based on what she’s written before only two of the speakers, one of whom was a retired general, mentioned this. Most seem to stress corruption and poor government services. We are never told what evidence, if any, the two men who claimed “foreign agencies” were meddling provided.

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Balochistan and geopolitics

By: Nadir Mir | March 02, 2012 | 8

Recently, a resolution was passed in the US Congress to divide Pakistan and carve out an ‘independent Balochistan’. With this, an old neocon dream was revived. This time the so-called globalists and propagandists, masquerading as human right activists, are the cheerleaders. Against this backdrop, Colonel Ralph Peter’s map of the ‘New Middle East’ truncating, balkanising every country - Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Pakistan and Afghanistan - was reproduced. Despite the fact that it was scorned and reviled even at the time of its earlier exhibition. It seems that the neocons and influential globalists of America desperately want to initiate World War III. Former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger’s interview, If you can’t hear the drums of war, you must be deaf, with Alfred Heinz on November 27, 2011, is a clear expression of this desire. The neocon-globalist geopolitical wish list - the rationale for the so-called ‘independent Balochistan’ - is as under:

i Cripple Pakistan by separating Balochistan (46 percent of its territory with large mineral resources, besides the future global port of Gwadar).

i Balkanised Pakistan forced to give up its nuclear arsenal.

i Establish India’s hegemony over Pakistan.

i Leftover US forces in Afghanistan and US controlled ‘new Balochistan’ to act as strategic central position for multi-regions.

i US controlled Afghanistan-Balochistan to link the Central Asian energy oil and gas pipelines with Gwadar.

i Delink Pakistan and Iran by carving out Balochistan and obviate the Iran-Pakistan energy/gas pipelines.

i Establish US military presence in Balochistan for upcoming US-Israeli war against Iran.

i Block Russia-Pak cooperation with Gazprom (Russian Gas Company) reaching Gwadar.

i Balochistan and Kurdistan to be artificially created to have imperialist bases in the heartland of Islam.

i ‘Independent Balochistan’ - a prelude for Kurdistan to break away from Turkey; separate Xinjiang and Tibet from China; Siberia from Russia; and separate Makkah and Madinah from Saudi Arabia.

i US military presence in Gwadar to control the Gulf. To use the port as an alternative for USA’s 5th fleet based in Bahrain or another fleet if brought near the Gulf.

i Use Gwadar as a military base for intervention in the Saudi Peninsula.

The rationale of these ill-intentioned pseudo thinkers is absolutely absurd. According to them, since the Pakistani elite is exploiting Balochistan, so it should be balkanised. Those who believe that Balochistan should not be a part of Pakistan are geopolitical imbeciles. Indeed, the propagandists making these claims are clueless about regional realities because:

i Pakistan: It will fight a war, even a nuclear war of national survival to defend itself.

i Iran: The Iranian Seistan is part of Balochistan, which the imperialists want to carve out. Therefore, Iran will fight a war in unison with Pakistan to defend Balochistan against the US threats.

i Afghanistan: The Taliban are winning; the Americans are leaving. No Afghan - not even Karzai - will cede the Afghan territory to become ‘greater independent Balochistan’. Nor can landlocked Kabul take up fights with both Islamabad and Tehran.

i Turkey: The Turks will support Pakistan and oppose independent Balochistan. Those who are plotting Balochistan also support Kurdistan to balkanise Turkey. Turkey will oppose Balochistan splitting by Nato, even if Nato is foolhardy to play the diabolical game of neocons.

i Saudi Arabia: The Saudis, too, will support Pakistan and oppose the Balochistan movement.

i India: It has been supporting the destabilisation of Balochistan and will continue to do so. But for India to overtly support Balochistan can lead to a nuclear war with Pakistan. Besides this can also trigger freedom movements in Kashmir, Khalistan, Assam, Tamil Nadu and a dozen other places. Playing the US-Israel game will spoil its relations with Iran, Russia and China.

i China: It will support Pakistan. USA’s aim in Balochistan is to block China from Gwadar. Balochistan today, Xinjiang tomorrow! China’s defence begins from Pakistan.

i Russia: It is Pakistan’s new friend. Besides, the Pak-Iran link is supported by Moscow.

So, the geopolitics of the region negates any viability of an independent Balochistan. In addition, anti-Americanism in Pakistan has a complex dynamic. The US meddling in Balochistan will not create an ‘independent Balochistan’, but will initiate a war, perhaps, leading to World War III.

The situation in Balochistan certainly demands immediate attention. Out of 150 Baloch tribes three major ones Marris, Bugtis, and Mengals have had problems or are in conflict. The issue of Bugtis is greatly linked to the murder of Nawab Akbar Bugti. A fair trial of those responsible is their demand. The Mengals can be communicated with. Some of the Marris leaders are more adamant and would need to be worked on. Pakistan needs to accommodate most of the Balochistan demands and satisfy the people, while ensuring its national interests. Half the demography of Balochistan which is Pakhtun are patriotic like the great majority of Baloch.

Bugti’s killing by Musharraf led to the present Balochistan crisis. The army or the ISI is not responsible. USA and India did not oppose Musharraf’s actions in Balochistan. This was a US-India baited gambit (to lure Musharraf into a crackdown and create turmoil for instigating independent Balochistan). Musharraf was praised by Washington and assured by Delhi of its non-involvement in Balochistan, luring him into the mess Pakistan faces today in the province. For all this time a covert war was being waged for claiming independence of Balochistan. During this period a worldwide network was established. This became overt in February 2012 as war with Iran is near centre stage in 2012. However, those who are planning war against Pakistan must be told that the choice is between peace and total war; indeed, the country will be defended at any price!

The writer is a retired brigadier of the Pakistan Army and is the author of the book Gwadar on the Global Chessboard.

Blog: wwwpakistangeopolitics.blogspot.com


"Playing the US-Israel game will spoil its relations with Iran, Russia and China."

Oh the Balochistan Independence is A US-Israel game



THE NATION (redux)

A threat in the making

By: Imran Malik | March 19, 2012 | 4


Maverick US Congressmen Rep Dana Rohrabacher (R-California) and Rep Louie Gohmert (R-Texas) have initiated efforts to change the entire political structure of South West Asia (SWA) by creating an independent Balochistan comprising Pakistani, Iranian and Afghan Baloch areas in cahoots with the Afghan Northern Alliance (ANA) and a group of angry Pakistan Baloch Sardars (PBS). In February, they organised a public congressional hearing on Balochistan and then introduced a Baloch right to self-determination bill before the US Congress.

Their implied imperatives for this proposed policy shift are multifarious.

The geopolitical imperatives: By creating such a Balochistan, the US will be able to punish Pakistan for its many actual and perceived sins, including - being ostensibly responsible for its calamitous defeat in Afghanistan. By default, the statures of India and Israel would rise in the region and make them even more aggressive. Russia, China and the CARs will be effectively kept away from the Arabian Sea and the Greater Middle East Region (GMER). Iran’s envelopment would be total and its ability to project power severely constricted. The US-India-Israel nexus will emerge most dominant.

Such a US dominated independent unified Balochistan would literally cut Pakistan to size, unleashing powerful centrifugal forces that will send it splintering. This will kick-start an unstoppable ethno-regional chain reaction. All divided ethnic-tribal-sectarian populations across the Iran-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India-Nepal-Bangladesh-Sri Lanka complex and beyond will find cause to redraw the existing political borders to create similar states for themselves too. This will massively destabilise the whole South Central Asian Region (SCAR) and the Greater Middle East Region (GMER) and unleash uncontrollable upheavals, turmoil and strife - creating fertile grounds for further exploitation by the US-led West!

The geostrategic imperatives: A severely truncated Pakistan is presumed to be more amenable to pressures applied by the US and its protégé India, the “regional cop-in-waiting”. However, as a natural corollary to this ‘proposed dismemberment’ of Pakistan, there would be an immediate and critical lowering of nuclear thresholds in the SCAR-GMER! The ramifications would be severe and with extra regional connotations! Balochistan constitutes the most vital and critical strategic space for Pakistan and it will “employ all elements of its power to protect this vital space so critical for the province’s solidarity, territorial integrity and survival as a unified nation!”

Were the US to base forces in this proposed territory of Balochistan, it would acquire the strategic central position in SWA. It will effectively control all Pakistani ports on the Arabian Sea/Mekran Coast and dominate the Iranian ports of Chabahar and Port Abbas. It will also be able to project power through the Straits of Hormuz, the Persian Gulf, the Arabian Sea and by implication the Indian Ocean. Russia, China and the CARs will be contained, while the envelopment of Iran would be complete. Iran’s dominance of the Straits of Hormuz would be critically circumscribed and its bargaining position severely slashed. Pakistan’s and Iran’s nuclear installations would remain vulnerable under hawkish US oversight. US-Indian-Israeli dominance of the SCAR-GMER will be complete!

The geo-economic imperatives: Such a proposed state of Balochistan would greatly facilitate the US and the West to exploit and harvest its and Afghanistan’s enormous mineral deposits. Furthermore, Balochistan provides the only viable natural trade corridor to link the world’s largest fossil fuel deposits of the GMER and the CARs to the energy deficient and voracious economies of India and China. The US would like to create and control such east-west and north-south trade corridors. The USA’s New Silk Road Project (NSRP) is a step in this very direction. This would also deny China, Russia and the CARs these trade corridors and the warm waters of the Arabian Sea. Most critically it would deprive China of a most important pearl in its “strategy of string of pearls - Gwadar!” The USA will thus have a stranglehold over the economic jugular of the region.

The modus operandi: Extensive bipartisan support in the US Congress will be sought to make these bills part of the US government policy. A sympathetic international environment and opinion will be crafted through the United Nations (UN), European Union (EU), their various organisations and other international fora, and the Western, Indian and some elements of Pakistani media.

The “Baloch case” will, probably, hinge upon “the right of self-determination”, “ethnic cleansing” and “human rights violations” - a la Bosnia Herzegovina (ethnic cleansing) and Sudan and East Timor (rights of self-determination). At the appropriate time, a Baloch government-in-exile will announce a Unilateral Declaration of Independence (UDI), which will be immediately accepted by the UN, the US and its allies. A pliant UN Security Council (UNSC) will then pass the requisite resolution for international intervention in Balochistan. A plebiscite for Baloch independence under UN auspices will follow. An international expeditionary force will also be assembled for strategic effect.

The reality: Of all the Baloch tribes, the errant ones are but a small part! The large majority of the Baloch as well as the Pashtun/Hazaras/settlers are not inclined towards independence or secession. Therefore, there is no casus belli for any international intervention - diplomatic, informational, political or military - in Balochistan, Pakistan.

Sure, there are issues in Balochistan that need to be tackled post-haste. But the solution has to be homemade and essentially political in nature. An alien solution cannot be rammed down Pakistan’s throat. This is an internal matter for Pakistan, indeed! All actions have to be taken by the Pakistanis, for the Pakistanis and strictly within the ambit of Pakistan and Pakistan alone. Period.

Once challenged, nuclear Pakistan will react very violently and decisively to safeguard its solidarity and territorial integrity. All options, by default, will always stay on the table! All regional and global powers like China, Russia and fora, like the UN, the EU, the OIC, the SCO, the ECO etc, must play their due pre-emptive roles at the UNSC and all other related international platforms to forestall any such gargantuan misadventures.

To US-India-Israel’s abiding regret, Pakistan-Iran-Afghanistan will close ranks to collectively ward off this threat in the making!

The author is a retired brigadier and a former defence attaché to Australia and New Zealand. He is Secretary General of Pakistan Forum for Security and Development.

Email: im_k@hotmail.com


Gee mybe COLBY will be BRAVE enough to invite the above retired brigadier to the FORUM !!


(BELOW an on the ground journalist)

The Frontier Post

Ignoring Security Agencies' services in Balochistan

Posted on May 11, 2012

Sajjad Shaukat


Since the Supreme Court of Pakistan has been hearing the cases of the missing persons in the country, the situation of Balochistan is more serious in this respect, where sense of deprivation and grievances has already accelerated among the people. But it is most regrettable that without paying attention to the facts, our own political leaders, media anchors and so-called human rights groups have continuously been maligning country's key security agencies regarding the disappeared persons of Balochistan. In this regard, these internal elements have ignored the services of Pak Army, Frontier Constabulary (FC), Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) and Military Intelligence (MI).

In the recent years, Pakistan's military has made strenuous efforts to develop the infrastructure in Balochistan, providing the people employment opportunities and basic necessities of life to bring the Balochs in the mainstream of the country. Pak Army has not only established schools and colleges in Balochistan, but also set up technical and industrial institutes, besides giving military training to the youth.

In this regard, on October 11, last year, Prime Minister Syed Yusuf Raza Gilani addressed the passing-out parade in Quetta. While pointing out various efforts of the Pak Army in alleviating the people of Balochistan, Prime Minister Gilani appreciated Chief of Army Staff General Ashfaq Parvez Kayani for ensuring best possible training to bring the youth from the area into the national mainstream. The recruits exhibited their prowess in anti-terrorist skills and demonstrated ways to neutralise militants.

On the other side, ISI, FC and MI have captured a number of terrorists, foreign agents, and thwarted various subversive acts through pre-arrests of the militants in Balochistan. Despite its limited resources as compared to the American CIA, Indian RAW and Israeli Mossad, it is particularly owing to the services of ISI that it also provided pre-information about the external elements which have been conspiring against the integrity of Pakistan by supporting separatism in the province of Balochistan.

On February 11, 2012, while giving a comprehensive overview of Balochistan situation in a briefing held at ISPR, IG, FC Balochistan, Maj-Gen. Obaid Khan signified, "out of 30 districts, five including Quetta have volatile situation. During last three months, four FC posts were attacked in these districts in which several soldiers lost their lives. In 2011, 78 FC personnel were martyred while only in January this year 38 personnel were killed."

He explained: "FC has been fighting to give normal life to people and ensure security of development projects. We are providing security to four main highways as well as to 20 mega projects which include dams, mines of minerals and oil and gas installations."

It is notable that in the past, Pakistan government had launched a successful approach of reconciliation particularly with the Baloch lords. The level of violence had fallen to the minimum. It was in these circumstances that the then Corps Commander, Lt-Gen Khalid Shamim Wynne claimed on November 9, 2008: "We have moved from the insurgency phase to the reconciliation phase, however, if foreign elements continue to infiltrate in Balochistan, they could stir trouble and undermine our efforts to restore peace." His observation proved quite true as covert support to the Baloch separatists by CIA, RAW, Mossad succeeded in sabotaging the peace process in the province.

In fact, the unrest started in Balochistan when various projects were undertaken by the previous government with the help of army to develop backward regions of the province. The sole aim was to eliminate frustration among the people by providing infrastructure and employment opportunities. The Baloch feudal lords (Sardars) who were running their own private jails and 'farrari camps', and had been backed by India, US and Israel, opposed all the developmental projects as they did not want to give up the old system of feudalism. It was Pak Army which occupied private jails and farrari camps and thus set free several innocent people.

It is of particular attention that Indo-Israeli lobbies which are well-penetrated in US-led European NGOs, human rights organisations and media have started a deliberate campaign against Pak Army and ISI, implicating them for extrajudicial killings and forced abductions in Balochistan. While, without indicating ground realities and by ignoring the services of security forces and agencies in Balochistan, Pakistan's internal entities also followed the blame game of the foreign enemies. Some leaders of Jamaat-i-Islami, particularly PML-N have always criticised security forces, accusing them for disappeared persons. In this regard, opposition leader of the PML-N, Chaudhry Nisar, while hinting towards ISI and MI misperceived on February 29, this year that these intelligence agencies were not in control of government. Pakistan's so-called human rights organisations and some media anchors also accused Pak Army and country's superior agency in relation to the disappeared people. While speaking in the tone of Pakistan's external elements, these internal elements also repeatedly said that military operation should be stopped in Balochsitan. But in reality, now, there is no military operation, being conducted in the province.

It seems that by spreading disinformation about human rights violations in the province, some politicians seek to increase their vote bank by targeting the security forces - misguiding the general masses by making Balochistan a tool of political manipulation. Similarly, either some of our media anchors and human rights groups want to get good coverage in the foreign media or some of them are on the payroll of foreign enemies.

It is mentionable that on February 8, 2012, the hearing of the US Congress Committee on Foreign Affairs, chaired by Dana Rohrabacher discussed target killings and human rights violations in Balochistan by blaming Pakistan's security agencies. He has also co-authored an article, favouring an independent Balochistan. It has exposed US blatant support to the Baloch separatist leaders who have taken shelter in Switzerlad, London and America, and are responsible for missing persons through their affiliated militant groups. ISPR Maj-Gen. Athar Abbas has repeatedly disclosed this fact including funding of the Baloch nationalists and NGOs by the external elements.

Notably, on March 1, 2012, Raja Irshad, the council for the ISI and MI told the Supreme Court bench that "foreign elements" were involved in fomenting terrorism in Balochistan, so the agencies could not work with their "eyes closed" to the Balochistan issue.

Reality behind the human rights violations and the disappeared people in Balochistan is that a number of these persons have gone to Afghanistan and India as they were serving their foreign secret agents. Some of them were murdered by foreign secret agencies in order to implicate Pak Army and ISI. For example, Balach Marri was killed in Afghanistan. Notably, since 2001, a majority of Pakistanis also left for Afghanistan for Jehad purposes, without informing their families, while many Balochs also joined the Jahadi groups. Most of the people were abducted by the miscreants in Balochistan, and then taken to Afghanistan for ransom. Moreover, suicide attackers themselves died during blasts, they also fall in the category of missing persons.

Besides, Balochistan's geo-strategic location with Gwadar seaport has irritated America and India because China has invested billions of dollars to develop this seaport. However, it is due to multiple strategic designs that the US and India seek to control Balochistan against Pak-China interests, while subduing Iran. This is also due to the mineral resources of Balochistan -especially gold and copper that US-led India and Israel have accelerated target killings, hostage-takings, suicide attacks, fueling sectarian and ethnic violence in Balochistan by assisting Balochistan Liberation Army (BLA) and another group, Jundollah (God's soldiers). Their insurgents which get logistic support from CIA and RAW kidnapped and killed many innocent people, including the security personnel in the province, while claiming responsibility in this respect. The main purpose of US is the dismemberment of Pakistan by separating the province of Balochistan.

It is noteworthy that in August, 2011, US ambassador to Pakistan, Cameron Munter, had requested Pakistan government for opening a US consulate in Balochistan. But knowing the real intentions of America, Islamabad had flatly rejected the offer.

Last year, I had visited Balochistan along with other journalists. I saw a number of institutes, set up by army, which were providing technical training to thousands of Balochs. I had also a trip to far-flung areas of the province and witnessed various mega projects and mineral sites. I was greatly surprised that no military operation is going on in Balochistan as propagated by the foreign elements. People told me that some subversive events are taking place by the minority separatist elements to create instability in the province.

Now, Pakistan is facing multiple crises. So instead of sharing the blame game of the US-led countries, all our internal entities must remove the 'stereotypes', created among the general masses about security forces and agencies in connection with Balochistan.

Edited by Steven Gaal
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The same thing happened in Guatemala in the 1960s-70s , and one such case recently came to Justice when the leaders of the military unit that killed an entire village were prosecuted, based on the testimony of one of their own men - the unit's cook, and the fact that they didn't kill two babies, and raised them as their own. Since the father of one of the children was not killed in the massacre, the DNA helped convict those responsible, nearly 20 years later.

So those doing these killings in Syria today, certainly allied with the government, can someday be brought to justice, if anyone cares to pursue it.


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BILL KELLY "So those doing these killings in Syria today, certainly allied with the government, can someday be brought to justice, if anyone cares to pursue it.


BILL Ive responded in Houla the 'real' Story thread.

Edited by Steven Gaal
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Balochistan and geopolitics

By: Nadir Mir | March 02, 2012 | 8

Recently, a resolution was passed in the US Congress to divide Pakistan and carve out an ‘independent Balochistan’. With this, an old neocon dream was revived. This time the so-called globalists and propagandists, masquerading as human right activists, are the cheerleaders. Against this backdrop, Colonel Ralph Peter’s map of the ‘New Middle East’ truncating, balkanising every country -


  1. Congressional resolutions are meaningless
  2. The proposed resolution was condemned by the Obama administration and leaders of both parties. Note that your source below called the congressman a "maverick".


3. It never passed the articles linked below from well after March 2 indicate it’s still pending. On April 7 the Economist reported that it was “not voted on”. Since Google News has had no hits about it since April we can assume it died.


Apr 26, 2012 http://paktribune.co...och-242902.html

March 26, 2012 http://www.thenews.c...da-and-Pakistan

March 15, 2012 http://www.dailytime...15-3-2012_pg3_2

Former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger’s interview, If you can’t hear the drums of war, you must be deaf, with Alfred Heinz on November 27, 2011, is a clear expression of this desire.

LOL the “interview” was satirical Dr. K’s birth name is Heinz Alfred Kissinger


Your source is a real winner!

THE NATION (redux)

A threat in the making

By: Imran Malik | March 19, 2012 | 4


Maverick US Congressmen Rep Dana Rohrabacher (R-California) and Rep Louie Gohmert (R-Texas) have initiated efforts to change the entire political structure of South West Asia (SWA) by creating an independent Balochistan comprising Pakistani, Iranian and Afghan Baloch areas in cahoots with the Afghan Northern Alliance (ANA) and a group of angry…

Gee another op-ed piece from the same magazine as the other rube, point us to where author says the US, British, Indian and/or Israeli governments are aiding Baloch separatists.

Gee mybe COLBY will be BRAVE enough to invite the above retired brigadier to the FORUM !!

???? What are babbling about Gaal? I neither a moderator nor an administrator here thus I don’t have any more standing than you to invite anyone to join.

(BELOW an on the ground journalist)

The Frontier Post

Ignoring Security Agencies' services in Balochistan

Posted on May 11, 2012

Sajjad Shaukat


Since the Supreme Court of Pakistan has been hearing the cases of the missing persons in the country, the situation of Balochistan is more serious in this respect, where sense of deprivation and grievances has already accelerated among the people. But it is most regrettable that without paying attention to the facts, our own political leaders, media anchors and so-called human rights groups have continuously been maligning country's key security agencies regarding the disappeared persons of Balochistan. In this regard, these internal elements have ignored the services of Pak Army, Frontier Constabulary (FC), Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) and Military Intelligence (MI).

I’m tired of weeding through your crap, point us to where the author provides evidence the US, British, India or Israeli governments are aiding Baloch separatists.

In the recent years, Pakistan's military has made strenuous efforts to develop the infrastructure in Balochistan, providing the people employment opportunities and basic necessities of life to bring the Balochs in the mainstream of the country. Pak Army has not only established schools and colleges in Balochistan, but also set up technical and industrial institutes, besides giving military training to the youth.

This contradicts every source I’ve seen on the topic including the ones YOU have posted.

EDIT - Formatting error fixed, see below.

Edited by Len Colby
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Compare and contrast : Sibel Edmonds =Hero // Len Colby = obscure blogger (see end of this post)


Balochistan: CIA Carving Out New Role


Saturday, 25. February 2012

… but this started before 9/11 and with a direct link to 9/11

0225_Balochistan.pngJust finished reading the latest on CIA-Balochistan, and had to write a quick post and share.

ISLAMABAD: The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), led by David Petraeus the former Commander, US Forces Afghanistan (USFOR-A), has a strategic, multidimensional interest in Balochistan, Pakistan’s largest province. In March 2011, The Peninsula, Qatar’s leading English language daily, revealed that the “CIA is indulging in heavy recruitment of local people as agents (each being paid $500 a month) in Balochistan to locate members of the Quetta Shura, a term used by the Americans for Mullah Omar-led Taliban commanders.”

Over the long term, the CIA has an interest in keeping the strategically important Port of Gwadar out of China’s influence. Over the short to medium term, the CIA also has an interest in supporting Jundallah, also known as People’s Resistance Movement of Iran (PRMI), a violent organization that claims to be “fighting for the rights of Sunni Muslims in Iran.”

The ‘issue’ of Balochistan is an extremely important one; however, I am not sure of the ‘real’ reasons behind the timing for and the sudden intense reportage and US congressional activities on this region lately.

Last year I published the classified-censored transcript of FBI whistleblower Behrooz Sarshar on ‘The FBI “Kamikaze Pilots” Case’, and you can find in there a passing reference to the region:

In the early 90s the Bureau hired an Iranian man as an informant, placed him on its payroll at approximately fifteen hundred dollars per month, and used him and his information in several criminal, counterintelligence and counterterrorism operations and investigations. Over time this informant, a man in his (
Informant’s Age Information Deleted by S.E.
), proved to be extremely reliable, and his information was found to be trustworthy.

This man had been the head of SAVAK’s, Iran’s main Intelligence agency, counterintelligence unit during the Shah’s regime. His area of operations involved the East and Southeastern region of Iran, and the countries under him were Afghanistan, Pakistan and India.
He also managed the unit’s intelligence gathering operations in Sistan and Baluchistan, two semi-independent regions on the border with Afghanistan.
Unlike U.S. agencies, the intelligence agency in Iran conducted most, if not all, of its surveillance and information gathering operations via human intelligence and sources. The man, the informant, was very good at what he did; he had established a large number of sources and informants scattered in the strategically most important areas within these countries.

Despite the demand and pressure by the 9/11 Family members, and thanks to the mainstream and pseudo alternative media’s black out,’ we received no further response or information from the 9/11 Omission members or their staff.

0225_KSM.pngPlease recall Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, who was born in 1964 in the Baluchistan region of Pakistan, and the ‘murky’ background on his capture:

When the Pakistani authorities, prompted by the US intelligence agencies, arrested Ramzi in the last week of September, Khalid managed to escape to Quetta where he had been given sanctuary by the JEI. It is said that in the beginning of this year, the US intelligence was tipped off by a member of the Hazara community in Quetta about the presence of Khalid in their city.

After he was transferred to the custody of the FBI, the US authorities, with the help of their Pakistani counterparts, mounted a search for bin Laden and one of his sons as well as for other dregs of Al Qaeda in the tribal belt of Pakistan, particularly in Balochistan. Many of the dregs managed to elude capture and crossed over into the adjoining Balochi areas of Iran, where some of them were arrested by the Iranian authorities.

Make sure you take into account the ‘smoke & mirrors’ factor when you are reading the background and the latest developments on this now-suddenly- signified region-Balochistan. I am not exactly sure of the ‘real’ motivations and objectives on these latest developments, but I can tell you this much: Before 9/11 our ‘agency’ was in close cooperation and engaged in joint operations with the later-designated 9/11 culprits in Balochistan (Iran had nothing to do with it; in fact, Iran was not the beneficiary but the one who stood to lose by the joint CIA-al Qaeda operations in Balochistan).

Place ‘Balochistan’ on your radar and closely watch the images unfold among all the smoke reflected in the mirrors presented to you by our government-tentacle media.

###################################### # # #

Boiling Frogs Post Welcomes New Partner Eric Draitser

Thursday, 31. May 2012

“Balochistan: Crossroads of Proxy War”

We are proud to announce the addition of a new partner to our team here at Boiling Frogs Post. Please welcome Eric Draitser:

Eric Draitser- Partner Analyst & Producer

0531_balochistan1.pngEric Draitser is an independent geopolitical analyst based in New York City. He is the editor and host of StopImperialism.com and the Stop Imperialism podcast. He has provided analysis for Russia Today, Dr. Webster Tarpley’s World Crisis Radio and other programs. His articles have appeared on GlobalResearch.ca, Infowars.com, and a variety of other news sites.

A few weeks ago I listened to James Corbett’s excellent interview with Eric, and began following his incredible work closely-daily. Then I became hooked- so very impressed with his knowledge, astute analyses and observations, writings, interview skills, and most importantly with his independent and critical mind. Then, I proposed to him- and … he accepted.

Yesterday Peter B. Collins and I interviewed Eric for an hour. I will post the interview tomorrow. The interview will be open to all-including non-subscribers. Meanwhile you can check out his latest analyses and interviews here at his website: http://stopimperialism.com/

Here is Eric Draitser’s latest analysis on Balochistan:

Balochistan: Crossroads of Proxy War

0531_balochistan2.pngThe current unrest in Balochistan centers around forced disappearances, kidnappings, targeted killings, assassinations and terrorism. However, these are merely the tactics of a much broader, more geopolitically complex war in which the United States and its Western allies are engaged. Though seemingly insignificant against the backdrop of all the regional and international crises affecting our world, Balochistan is, in fact, a nexus: the point at which diametrically opposing strategic interests converge.

The United States views Balochistan, an area that encompasses western Pakistan, eastern Iran, and a piece of southern Afghanistan, as critical to the maintenance of US hegemony in the Middle East and Central and South Asia. Conversely, China regards the region as necessary for its own economic and political evolution into a world superpower. Seen in this way, Balochistan becomes central to the development of geopolitical power in the 21st Century.

Location, Location, Location

Balochistan is located in one of the most geographically and politically significant places anywhere in the world. Not only does the region sit astride three countries which have become central to Western political and military power projection, it is also central to the development and export of energy from Central Asia, access to the Indian Ocean, and a host of other geopolitical imperatives for both the West and the SCO/BRICS countries. Because of this, the region has grown exponentially in importance to all the major powers of the world.

Though the land seems, on the surface, to be inhospitable, it also holds great wealth just beneath the soil. Aside from what is believed to be a large quantity of natural gas and/or oil, the earth under the feet of the Baloch people holds vast quantities of minerals necessary for economic development. Because of this, the conflict raging in the region takes on the added dimension of being a resource war, on top of a geographical and political one.

Balochistan’s location has another crucial element that makes it geopolitically necessary: it sits at the crossroads of the most important trade routes between West and East. Although, in the public mind, trade crossroads seem to be a thing of the past (one might imagine the Silk Road being traveled by camel), in fact, they are essential to development. Land-based trade, something the Chinese understand to be a linchpin of their economic and political evolution into a superpower, is impossible without a stable and dependable Balochistan, and this is precisely what the United States and the West seeks to prevent.

This focus on land-based access to trade should always be seen in the context of energy. China’s insatiable thirst for oil and gas makes the development of pipelines from Central Asia, Iran, and elsewhere invaluable to them. The Iran-Pakistan pipeline, the Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India (TAPI) pipeline, and other projects all serve to increase the importance of Balochistan in the eyes of the Chinese. Additionally, the Chinese-funded, Pakistani Gwadar Port is the access point for Chinese commercial shipping to the Indian Ocean and on to Africa. With all of this as a backdrop, one can begin to see just why Balochistan is so significant to the Chinese and, conversely, why the United States and its Western puppets seek to destabilize it.

Western Subversion and Destabilization

The Western imperialist powers have an obvious interest in preventing a stable Balochistan from emerging. Not only is the region essential to the Chinese, it is also a major part of the covert war being waged against both Iran and Pakistan. Terrorist groups with direct and indirect links to Western intelligence agencies operate with impunity in Balochistan, a vast area that is nearly impossible to police. The Pakistani government is not oblivious to the fact that foreign intelligence agencies are behind much of the violence in Balochistan, a fact that was even stated publicly by former President Musharraf. In fact, Islamabad, though they cannot state it publicly, is aware that its survival rests on the ability to quell the unrest in Balochistan, which in turn means they must effectively combat the foreign-controlled separatism.

In an article published by the Qatari English-language newspaper The Peninsula, the author cited credible sources as saying that “the CIA is indulging in heavy recruitment of local people as agents (each being paid $500 a month)”. Additionally we know that the CIA, under the leadership of Gen. Petraeus, has been using Afghan refugees to destabilize Balochistan. The significance of these revelations should not be understated. The fact that the CIA is recruiting agents and informants throughout Balochistan indicates that the US strategy of subversion is multi-faceted. On the one hand, a network of agents allows for intelligence and information manipulation while, on the other hand, the United States engages in terrorism through a variety of terrorist groups it controls or manipulates either directly or indirectly. As was reported in Foreign Policy magazine, the CIA and Mossad compete to control Jundallah, an important fact because it shows the way in which the Western imperialists use Balochistan, the base of Jundallah, to wage covert war on Iran, including the assassination of scientists, terrorist bombings aimed at critical infrastructure, and targeted killings of ethnic minorities.

Aside from Jundallah, the CIA and its counterparts (MI6, Mossad, and India’s RAW) are actively engaged in the handling and manipulation of a variety of other terror groups operating in Balochistan. The Baloch Liberation Army, headed by Brahamdagh Bugti and others, has long-standing ties with British MI6 going all the way back to the early days of Pakistan’s independence. This group is responsible for countless terrorist actions in the region, all of which have been aimed at innocent civilians. This, and other groups like it, illustrates the way in which the United States and its allies use the weapon of terrorism to create chaos for the purpose of destabilizing Balochistan, thereby preventing economic development both for the Balochi people and, by extension, China.

0531_balochistan3.pngPhoto: In the 1980′s US Congressman Rohrbacher (right) would actually travel to Afghanistan and “fight” alongside the Mujaheddin. It is also reported that he met Bin Laden and his foreign fighters – making him, like many others leading the fraudulent “War on Terror,” quite the hypocrite. The US use of proxy forces to ravage parts of the world is confirmed, and Rohrbacher’s direct role in such ploys is now in Pakistan is also confirmed. US State Department-funded propaganda front Radio Free Europe in their article titled, “U.S. Lawmaker Questions Approaches To Pakistan, Afghanistan,” memorializes Rohrbacher’s role in the US-Soviet proxy war.


Political Sabotage

The tactics of subversion are not limited to terrorism and espionage in Balochistan. One of the most critical dimensions of this issue is the use of political destabilization through the US Congress. Lawmakers such as Representative Dana Rohrbacher (R-CA), who himself has led the anti-Pakistan charge, have argued vigorously for the “right of self-determination of the people of Balochistan”. Of course, what he means by this is that he, and others who have a vested interest in the issue, support separatism and the destruction of modern Pakistan. In so doing, Rohrbacher and other members of the Congress act, as they always do, as apologists and facilitators of the US imperial strategy of dividing nations in order to control them. Rohrbacher, who himself has long-standing ties to Al-Qaeda (former mujahideen) fighters, is a vociferous proponent of a fiercely anti-Pakistan agenda, one which treats that nation as a threat to the United States. Naturally, the only threat Pakistan truly poses is that, in the course of the development of China, Pakistan has chosen to be on the side of economic development, rather than allow itself to be perpetually subjugated to the will of the United States.

The resolution introduced by Rohrbacher, who is the chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations, called for the US to support Baloch separatism and end relations with the democratically elected government in Islamabad. He has repeatedly issued threats and other provocations which have been correctly interpreted by the Pakistani government as meddling in their internal affairs. The goal of these resolutions and provocations has been to make the case, both politically and in the court of public opinion, that Pakistan is a terrorist state which, because of the twisted logic of the American people, means that the US should be able to do whatever it wants to them.

The goals of the Western imperialists vis-à-vis Balochistan have been, and remain, very simple: destabilize the region in order to block the Chinese from using it to assert their regional dominance and continue on the path to economic development. Using the same, tired tactics of terrorism and political subversion, they hope to achieve these aims. However, unlike the case of the British imperialist ruling class of a century ago, the United States must contend with a Pakistan that maintains a strong current of nationalism, one that rejects the hegemony of the United States in the region, and one that has friends internationally. Unfortunately for the Baloch people, the US ruling class has learned nothing from history and continues to use them as pawns against their perceived enemy in Beijing. Without a strong, nationalist government in Islamabad, one that is willing to do more than just protest US actions, there will be no peace in Balochistan. Instead, the situation will only deteriorate as the US elites continue their drive for dominance in the 21st Century, whatever the human and financial cost may be.

################################### # # #







SIBEL EDMONDS is the founder and president of the National Security Whistleblowers Coalition (NSWBC), a nonprofit organization dedicated to aiding national security whistleblowers. She has appeared on national radio and TV as a commentator on matters related to whistleblowers, national security, and excessive secrecy & classification, and has been featured on CBS 60 Minutes, CNN, MSNBC, NPR, and in the New York Times, Washington Post, Vanity Fair, The American Conservative, and others. Her book, ‘Shooting the Messenger’, co-authored with Professor William Weaver, is forthcoming from Kansas University Press in the fall of 2010.

PEN American Center awarded Ms. Edmonds the 2006 PEN/Newman’s Own First Amendment Award for her “commitment to preserving the free flow of information in the United States in a time of growing international isolation and increasing government secrecy”. She is also the recipient of the 2004 Sam Adams Foundation Award. …more

click link • The American Conservative Magazine Article (about SIBEL EDMONDS )

click link • Vanity Fair Article ( about SIBEL EDMONDS )

Edited by Steven Gaal
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Gee, the way this is formatted ,you would think Sajjad Shaukt made the quote below and is thus a fabrication and a breech of forum rules.


I’m tired of weeding through your crap, point us to where the author provides evidence the US, British, India or Israeli governments are aiding Baloch separatists.

An obvious formatting error, if there was a rule against making mistakes you should be banned.





Compare and contrast : Sibel Edmonds =Hero // Len Colby = obscure blogger (see end of this post)


As for the rest it's more of the same either 1) its not sourced 2) it's not evidence of support for separatists in Balochistan and/or 3) it's based on information from questionable sources.

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Sir,pardon me but, questionable sources would not include Sibel Edmonds.


Compare and contrast : Sibel Edmonds =Hero // Len Colby = obscure blogger (see video below)


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You skipped my post #2 material on purpose you sly fox. Colby impossible to please,likes THE NATION ,but when you give him two

THE NATION articles ,now he doesnt like. Cause THE NATION has a Muslim author ???? BIAS ???? Colby sees Muslim, Colby hates Muslim. OK we 'understand you' (may not like). Time and again this thread ,if its a Muslim author you say they are unreliable and a bad source.


part of POST #2 info



Andrew Gavin Marshall: Imperial Eye on Pakistan

Posted on 13. Mar, 2012 by Editor in Opinion

The Council on Foreign Relations published a backgrounder report on RAW, India’s intelligence agency, founded in 1968 “primarily to counter China's influence, [however] over time it has shifted its focus to India’s other traditional rival, Pakistan.” For over three decades both Indian and Pakistani intelligence agencies have been involved in covert operations against one another. One of RAW’s main successes was its covert operations in East Pakistan, now known as Bangladesh, which “aimed at fomenting independence sentiment” and ultimately led to the separation of Bangladesh by directly funding, arming and training the Pakistani separatists. Further, as the Council on Foreign Relations noted, “From the early days, RAW had a secret liaison relationship with the Mossad, Israel’s external intelligence agency.”[41]


You skipped this also...golly not a good pattern ??

I said click on name for link . BUT NO !!!!!!!!!!!!!! COLBY IGNORES POST INFO HE DOESNT LIKE.


The Destabilization of Pakistan

by Prof. Michel Chossudovsky 12/30/2007

+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ SEE LINK FOR MAPS IN ARTICLE



The assassination of Benazir Bhutto has created conditions which contribute to the ongoing destabilization and fragmentation of Pakistan as a Nation.

The process of US sponsored "regime change", which normally consists in the re-formation of a fresh proxy government under new leaders has been broken. Discredited in the eyes of Pakistani public opinion, General Pervez Musharaf cannot remain in the seat of political power. But at the same time, the fake elections supported by the "international community" scheduled for January 2008, even if they were to be carried out, would not be accepted as legitimate, thereby creating a political impasse.

There are indications that the assassination of Benazir Bhutto was anticipated by US officials:

"It has been known for months that the Bush-Cheney administration and its allies have been maneuvering to strengthen their political control of Pakistan, paving the way for the expansion and deepening of the “war on terrorism” across the region.

Various American destabilization plans, known for months by officials and analysts, proposed the toppling of Pakistan's military...

The assassination of Bhutto appears to have been anticipated. There were even reports of “chatter” among US officials about the possible assassinations of either Pervez Musharraf or Benazir Bhutto, well before the actual attempts took place. (Larry Chin, Global Research, 29 December 2007)

Political Impasse

"Regime change" with a view to ensuring continuity under military rule is no longer the main thrust of US foreign policy. The regime of Pervez Musharraf cannot prevail. Washington's foreign policy course is to actively promote the political fragmentation and balkanization of Pakistan as a nation.

A new political leadership is anticipated but in all likelihood it will take on a very different shape, in relation to previous US sponsored regimes. One can expect that Washington will push for a compliant political leadership, with no commitment to the national interest, a leadership which will serve US imperial interests, while concurrently contributing under the disguise of "decentralization", to the weakening of the central government and the fracture of Pakistan's fragile federal structure.

The political impasse is deliberate. It is part of an evolving US foreign policy agenda, which favors disruption and disarray in the structures of the Pakistani State. Indirect rule by the Pakistani military and intelligence apparatus is to be replaced by more direct forms of US interference, including an expanded US military presence inside Pakistan.

This expanded military presence is also dictated by the Middle East-Central Asia geopolitical situation and Washington's ongoing plans to extend the Middle East war to a much broader area.

The US has several military bases in Pakistan. It controls the country's air space. According to a recent report: "U.S. Special Forces are expected to vastly expand their presence in Pakistan, as part of an effort to train and support indigenous counter-insurgency forces and clandestine counterterrorism units" (William Arkin, Washington Post, December 2007).

The official justification and pretext for an increased military presence in Pakistan is to extend the "war on terrorism". Concurrently, to justify its counterrorism program, Washington is also beefing up its covert support to the "terrorists."

The Balkanization of Pakistan

Already in 2005, a report by the US National Intelligence Council and the CIA forecast a "Yugoslav-like fate" for Pakistan "in a decade with the country riven by civil war, bloodshed and inter-provincial rivalries, as seen recently in Balochistan." (Energy Compass, 2 March 2005). According to the NIC-CIA, Pakistan is slated to become a "failed state" by 2015, "as it would be affected by civil war, complete Talibanisation and struggle for control of its nuclear weapons". (Quoted by former Pakistan High Commissioner to UK, Wajid Shamsul Hasan, Times of India, 13 February 2005):

"Nascent democratic reforms will produce little change in the face of opposition from an entrenched political elite and radical Islamic parties. In a climate of continuing domestic turmoil, the Central government's control probably will be reduced to the Punjabi heartland and the economic hub of Karachi," the former diplomat quoted the NIC-CIA report as saying.

Expressing apprehension, Hasan asked, "are our military rulers working on a similar agenda or something that has been laid out for them in the various assessment reports over the years by the National Intelligence Council in joint collaboration with CIA?" (Ibid)

Continuity, characterized by the dominant role of the Pakistani military and intelligence has been scrapped in favor of political breakup and balkanization.

According to the NIC-CIA scenario, which Washington intends to carry out: "Pakistan will not recover easily from decades of political and economic mismanagement, divisive policies, lawlessness, corruption and ethnic friction," (Ibid) .

The US course consists in fomenting social, ethnic and factional divisions and political fragmentation, including the territorial breakup of Pakistan. This course of action is also dictated by US war plans in relation to both Afghanistan and Iran.

This US agenda for Pakistan is similar to that applied throughout the broader Middle East Central Asian region. US strategy, supported by covert intelligence operations, consists in triggering ethnic and religious strife, abetting and financing secessionist movements while also weakening the institutions of the central government.

The broader objective is to fracture the Nation State and redraw the borders of Iraq, Iran, Syria, Afghanistan and Pakistan.

Pakistan's Oil and Gas reserves

Pakistan's extensive oil and gas reserves, largely located in Balochistan province, as well as its pipeline corridors are considered strategic by the Anglo-American alliance, requiring the concurrent militarization of Pakistani territory.

Balochistan comprises more than 40 percent of Pakistan's land mass, possesses important reserves of oil and natural gas as well as extensive mineral resources.

The Iran-India pipeline corridor is slated to transit through Balochistan. Balochistan also possesses a deap sea port largely financed by China located at Gwadar, on the Arabian Sea, not far from the Straits of Hormuz where 30 % of the world's daily oil supply moves by ship or pipeline. (Asia News.it, 29 December 2007)

Pakistan has an estimated 25.1 trillion cubic feet (Tcf) of proven gas reserves of which 19 trillion are located in Balochistan. Among foreign oil and gas contractors in Balochistan are BP, Italy's ENI, Austria's OMV, and Australia's BHP. It is worth noting that Pakistan's State oil and gas companies, including PPL which has the largest stake in the Sui oil fields of Balochistan are up for privatization under IMF-World Bank supervision.

According to the Oil and Gas Journal (OGJ), Pakistan had proven oil reserves of 300 million barrels, most of which are located in Balochistan. Other estimates place Balochistan oil reserves at an estimated six trillion barrels of oil reserves both on-shore and off-shore (Environment News Service, 27 October 2006) .

Covert Support to Balochistan Separatists

Balochistan's strategic energy reserves have a bearing on the separatist agenda. Following a familiar pattern, there are indications that the Baloch insurgency is being supported and abetted by Britain and the US.

The Baloch national resistance movement dates back to the late 1940s, when Balochistan was invaded by Pakistan. In the current geopolitical context, the separatist movement is in the process of being hijacked by foreign powers.

British intelligence is allegedly providing covert support to Balochistan separatists (which from the outset have been repressed by Pakistan's military). In June 2006, Pakistan's Senate Committee on Defence accused British intelligence of "abetting the insurgency in the province bordering Iran" [balochistan]..(Press Trust of India, 9 August 2006). Ten British MPs were involved in a closed door session of the Senate Committee on Defence regarding the alleged support of Britain's Secret Service to Baloch separatists (Ibid). Also of relevance are reports of CIA and Mossad support to Baloch rebels in Iran and Southern Afghanistan.

It would appear that Britain and the US are supporting both sides. The US is providing American F-16 jets to the Pakistani military, which are being used to bomb Baloch villages in Balochistan. Meanwhile, British alleged covert support to the separatist movement (according to the Pakistani Senate Committee) contributes to weakening the central government.

The stated purpose of US counter-terrorism is to provide covert support as well as as training to "Liberation Armies" ultimately with a view to destabilizing sovereign governments. In Kosovo, the training of the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) in the 1990s had been entrusted to a private mercenary company, Military Professional Resources Inc (MPRI), on contract to the Pentagon.

The BLA bears a canny resemblance to Kosovo's KLA, which was financed by the drug trade and supported by the CIA and Germany's Bundes Nachrichten Dienst (BND).

The BLA emerged shortly after the 1999 military coup. It has no tangible links to the Baloch resistance movement, which developed since the late 1940s. An aura of mystery surrounds the leadership of the BLA.

Baloch population in Pink: In Iran, Pakistan and Southern Afghanistan

Washington favors the creation of a "Greater Balochistan" which would integrate the Baloch areas of Pakistan with those of Iran and possibly the Southern tip of Afghanistan (See Map above), thereby leading to a process of political fracturing in both Iran and Pakistan.

"The US is using Balochi nationalism for staging an insurgency inside Iran's Sistan-Balochistan province. The 'war on terror' in Afghanistan gives a useful political backdrop for the ascendancy of Balochi militancy" (See Global Research, 6 March 2007).

Military scholar Lieutenant Colonel Ralph Peters writing in the June 2006 issue of The Armed Forces Journal, suggests, in no uncertain terms that Pakistan should be broken up, leading to the formation of a separate country: "Greater Balochistan" or "Free Balochistan" (see Map below). The latter would incorporate the Pakistani and Iranian Baloch provinces into a single political entity.

In turn, according to Peters, Pakistan's North West Frontier Province (NWFP) should be incorporated into Afghanistan "because of its linguistic and ethnic affinity". This proposed fragmentation, which broadly reflects US foreign policy, would reduce Pakistani territory to approximately 50 percent of its present land area. (See map). Pakistan would also loose a large part of its coastline on the Arabian Sea.

Although the map does not officially reflect Pentagon doctrine, it has been used in a training program at NATO's Defense College for senior military officers. This map, as well as other similar maps, have most probably been used at the National War Academy as well as in military planning circles. (See Mahdi D. Nazemroaya, Global Research, 18 November 2006)

"Lieutenant-Colonel Peters was last posted, before he retired to the Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff for Intelligence, within the U.S. Defence Department, and has been one of the Pentagon’s foremost authors with numerous essays on strategy for military journals and U.S. foreign policy." (Ibid)

Map: click to enlarge

It is worth noting that secessionist tendencies are not limited to Balochistan. There are separatist groups in Sindh province, which are largely based on opposition to the Punjabi-dominated military regime of General Pervez Musharraf (For Further details see Selig Harrisson, Le Monde diplomatique, October 2006)

"Strong Economic Medicine": Weakening Pakistan's Central Government

Pakistan has a federal structure based on federal provincial transfers. Under a federal fiscal structure, the central government transfers financial resources to the provinces, with a view to supporting provincial based programs. When these transfers are frozen as occurred in Yugoslavia in January 1990, on orders of the IMF, the federal fiscal structure collapses:

"State revenues that should have gone as transfer payments to the republics [of the Yugoslav federation] went instead to service Belgrade's debt ... . The republics were largely left to their own devices. ... The budget cuts requiring the redirection of federal revenues towards debt servicing, were conducive to the suspension of transfer payments by Belgrade to the governments of the Republics and Autonomous Provinces.

In one fell swoop, the reformers had engineered the final collapse of Yugoslavia's federal fiscal structure and mortally wounded its federal political institutions. By cutting the financial arteries between Belgrade and the republics, the reforms fueled secessionist tendencies that fed on economic factors as well as ethnic divisions, virtually ensuring the de facto secession of the republics. (Michel Chossudovsky, The Globalization of Poverty and the New World Order, Second Edition, Global Research, Montreal, 2003, Chapter 17.)

It is by no means accidental that the 2005 National Intelligence Council- CIA report had predicted a "Yugoslav-like fate" for Pakistan pointing to the impacts of "economic mismanagement" as one of the causes of political break-up and balkanization.

"Economic mismanagement" is a term used by the Washington based international financial institutions to describe the chaos which results from not fully abiding by the IMF's Structural Adjustment Program. In actual fact, the "economic mismanagement" and chaos is the outcome of IMF-World Bank prescriptions, which invariably trigger hyperinflation and precipitate indebted countries into extreme poverty.

Pakistan has been subjected to the same deadly IMF "economic medicine" as Yugoslavia: In 1999, in the immediate wake of the coup d'Etat which brought General Pervez Musharaf to the helm of the military government, an IMF economic package, which included currency devaluation and drastic austerity measures, was imposed on Pakistan. Pakistan's external debt is of the order of US$40 billion. The IMF's "debt reduction" under the package was conditional upon the sell-off to foreign capital of the most profitable State owned enterprises (including the oil and gas facilities in Balochistan) at rockbottom prices .

Musharaf's Finance Minister was chosen by Wall Street, which is not an unusual practice. The military rulers appointed at Wall Street's behest, a vice-president of Citigroup, Shaukat Aziz, who at the time was head of CitiGroup's Global Private Banking. (See WSWS.org, 30 October 1999). CitiGroup is among the largest commercial foreign banking institutions in Pakistan.

There are obvious similarities in the nature of US covert intelligence operations applied in country after country in different parts of the so-called "developing World". These covert operation, including the organisation of military coups, are often synchronized with the imposition of IMF-World Bank macro-economic reforms. In this regard, Yugoslavia's federal fiscal structure collapsed in 1990 leading to mass poverty and heightened ethnic and social divisions. The US and NATO sponsored "civil war" launched in mid-1991 consisted in coveting Islamic groups as well as channeling covert support to separatist paramilitary armies in Bosnia, Kosovo and Macedonia.

A similar "civil war" scenario has been envisaged for Pakistan by the National Intelligence Council and the CIA: From the point of view of US intelligence, which has a longstanding experience in abetting separatist "liberation armies", "Greater Albania" is to Kosovo what "Greater Balochistan" is to Pakistan's Southeastern Balochistan province. Similarly, the KLA is Washington's chosen model, to be replicated in Balochistan province.

++++++++++++ IMF helps break up Pakistan see below +++++++

Balkanizing Pakistan


Edited by Steven Gaal
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You skipped my post #2 material on purpose you sly fox. Colby impossible to please,likes THE NATION ,but when you give him two

THE NATION articles ,now he doesnt like. Cause THE NATION has a Muslim author ???? BIAS ???? Colby sees Muslim, Colby hates Muslim. OK we 'understand you' (may not like). Time and again this thread ,if its a Muslim author you say they are unreliable and a bad source.


LOL once again you are totally wrong, well at least you are consistent! I addressed post #2 in post #12, so there was no need to spam that stuff again, please do try and pay attention.

I generally like the Nation which is not to say I accept every claim made in every article it publishes, for example I think McBride was wrong about ‘Papa Doc’ being the “George Bush of the CIA” referenced in the infamous Hoover memo. But why should my respect for the American magazine extend to the unrelated Pakistani newspaper with the same name? That would especially extend to the articles you cited which were writtem by columnists which even in western countries are generally exempt from editorial scrutiny. No, I rejected those articles for reasons previously stated. The author of the 1st was especially clueless, he led off with a demostrably false claim and continued by citing a satirical interview as if it were the real deal. Your accusations of of ethno-religious bias are na obvious case of projection.

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COLBY // no need to spam that stuff again, please do try and pay attention. // end COLBY


You call it repeat spam, I call it trying to get a point across. Last paragraph dovetailed Last link.

http://www.scribd.co...nizing-Pakistan LAST link

+++++++++ previous cited article last paragraph.

There are obvious similarities in the nature of US covert intelligence operations applied in country after country in different parts of the so-called "developing World". These covert operation, including the organisation of military coups, are often synchronized with the imposition of IMF-World Bank macro-economic reforms. In this regard, Yugoslavia's federal fiscal structure collapsed in 1990 leading to mass poverty and heightened ethnic and social divisions. The US and NATO sponsored "civil war" launched in mid-1991 consisted in coveting Islamic groups as well as channeling covert support to separatist paramilitary armies in Bosnia, Kosovo and Macedonia.

A similar "civil war" scenario has been envisaged for Pakistan by the National Intelligence Council and the CIA: From the point of view of US intelligence, which has a longstanding experience in abetting separatist "liberation armies", "Greater Albania" is to Kosovo what "Greater Balochistan" is to Pakistan's Southeastern Balochistan province. Similarly, the KLA is Washington's chosen model, to be replicated in Balochistan province.

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COLBY // no need to spam that stuff again, please do try and pay attention. // end COLBY


You call it repeat spam, I call it trying to get a point across.

Anyone who is following this thread already saw the article so posting it again was superfulous. You posted it again on the false premise I had not replied. In any case the correct apporach would have been to simply have posted the link or relevant excerpts.

http://www.scribd.co...nizing-Pakistan LAST link+++++++++ previous cited article last paragraph.There are obvious similarities in the nature of US covert intelligence operations applied in country after country in different parts of the so-called "developing World". These covert operation, including the organisation of military coups, are often synchronized with the imposition of IMF-World Bank macro-economic reforms. In this regard, Yugoslavia's federal fiscal structure collapsed in 1990 leading to mass poverty and heightened ethnic and social divisions. The US and NATO sponsored "civil war" launched in mid-1991 consisted in coveting Islamic groups as well as channeling covert support to separatist paramilitary armies in Bosnia, Kosovo and Macedonia.A similar "civil war" scenario has been envisaged for Pakistan by the National Intelligence Council and the CIA: From the point of view of US intelligence, which has a longstanding experience in abetting separatist "liberation armies", "Greater Albania" is to Kosovo what "Greater Balochistan" is to Pakistan's Southeastern Balochistan province. Similarly, the KLA is Washington's chosen model, to be replicated in Balochistan province. • Quote
Saying something and being able to show that it is true are very different animals, your souirce made all sorts of claims but did not cite evidence to support it. 
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“Over 200 persons have been arrested and Israeli-made weapons, including AK-45, have been recovered from them. It proves that foreign hands are behind the unrest in Karachi,” Malik said.

http://rehmat2.wordpress.com/2011/07/18/mossad-in-karachi/Mossad in Karachi

Posted on July 18, 2011 by rehmat2


As the old saying goes:”No one konws a crook better than another crook”.

Pakistan’s interior minister Rehman Malik is welknown for his connections with CIA, Israeli Mossad and India’s RAW. Malik belongs to non-Muslim Qadiani sect whose members are helping Washington and Tel Aviv to Balkanize Pakistan and create Eretz Balochistan under the protection of US, Israel and NATO.

Surprisingly, the other day, Malik has claimed that the terrorists who are creating choas in Karachi – are using “Israeli made weapons”.

“Over 200 persons have been arrested and Israeli-made weapons, including AK-45, have been recovered from them. It proves that foreign hands are behind the unrest in Karachi,” Malik said.

The Pakistani minister also pointed out that an investigation into the issue has been started.

Malik’s comments came in the wake of deadly violence in Karachi that left hundreds of people dead in recent weeks.

Earlier on Thursday, 15 people were killed and more than two dozen left injured after a statement by a senior official in the ruling party, the Pakistan People’s Party, angered most Pakistani opposition group.

The violence follows a week of unrest earlier in the month of July when 95 people lost their lives in political and ethnic clashes.

The recent spate of violence has been blamed on supporters of Karachi’s leading rival political parties.

Karachi is home to numerous ethnic groups and was hit by clashes between rival ethnic and political factions for much of the 1990s.

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MOSSAD armed Bosnian Serbs seperatists and IMF helped to BALKANIZE Yugoslavia

"X" arms Pakistan seperatists and IMF helping to BALKANIZE Pakistan (post 25,27 & below)


"X" = Mossad to solve equation



Gee thats what Muslim's want, Israeli weapons, well only if poor and MOSSAD gives them the guns.


---oo --oo --oo --o --oo ---oo ooo ----- ooooo

“Over 200 persons have been arrested and Israeli-made weapons, including AK-45, have been recovered from them. It proves that foreign hands are behind the unrest in Karachi,” Malik said.

http://rehmat2.wordp...-karachi/Mossad in Karachi

Posted on July 18, 2011 by rehmat2


As the old saying goes:”No one konws a crook better than another crook”.

Pakistan’s interior minister Rehman Malik is welknown for his connections with CIA, Israeli Mossad and India’s RAW. Malik belongs to non-Muslim Qadiani sect whose members are helping Washington and Tel Aviv to Balkanize Pakistan and create Eretz Balochistan under the protection of US, Israel and NATO.

Surprisingly, the other day, Malik has claimed that the terrorists who are creating choas in Karachi – are using “Israeli made weapons”.

“Over 200 persons have been arrested and Israeli-made weapons, including AK-45, have been recovered from them. It proves that foreign hands are behind the unrest in Karachi,” Malik said.

The Pakistani minister also pointed out that an investigation into the issue has been started.

Malik’s comments came in the wake of deadly violence in Karachi that left hundreds of people dead in recent weeks.

Earlier on Thursday, 15 people were killed and more than two dozen left injured after a statement by a senior official in the ruling party, the Pakistan People’s Party, angered most Pakistani opposition group.

The violence follows a week of unrest earlier in the month of July when 95 people lost their lives in political and ethnic clashes.

The recent spate of violence has been blamed on supporters of Karachi’s leading rival political parties.

Karachi is home to numerous ethnic groups and was hit by clashes between rival ethnic and political factions for much of the 1990s.

Edited by Steven Gaal
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