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Scott Kaiser's book "Freedom Fighter: The Life of Edwin Kaiser"

Guest Robert Morrow

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Guest Robert Morrow

Scott Kaiser is going to self publish his book "Freedom Fighter: The Life of Edwin Kaiser." It should come out next year some time. Scott Kaiser has done a lot of primary research on the life of his father Ed Kaiser, who was an associate of Frank Sturgis.

Scott Kaiser believes that Frank Sturgis and another man murdered his father Edwin Kaiser.

Scott Kaiser also has a lot of close ties to the anti-Castro Cuban community and the research he is doing is invaluable. Few other people have such entre into this community and I think Scott is developing some blockbuster material not just on the JFK assassination but on events that happened in the decades after Dallas.

Scott's book is not finished yet, but I will certainly buy a copy when it is. Larry Hancock has an expertise in this area and he has been in contact with Scott Kaiser, who is planning to attend and present at the 50th anniversary of the JFK assassination at JFK Lancer in Dallas in fall, 2013.

I commend Scott Kaiser for the fabulous primary research he has done and is still doing.

Here are his two web sites - one on his father and the other about the book about his dad.





Freedom Fighter - The Life of Edwin Kaiser: Anti-Castro Operations, Watergate, Assassinations, and Documents Linking the Power Elite

A close friend of my father's Tony Calatayud Sr. who I also found in my father's phone book stated; "I believe someone killed your father, in my opinion he was killed, he know too many things! He knew too many things. Remember, he was a very close partner of ahhh, Frank Sturgis and Frank Sturgis even now is in the list of the possible operation relating to the killing of John F. Kennedy."

I believe my father was murdered because he was considering testifying before a Senate committee in exchange for the safety of his family (my mother, my baby sister, and me). The fact that he was going to testify is just one of the facts you will read about in this book.

This and other facts have been unearthed by means of the Freedom Of Information Act and my requests to that office, for his files.

Additionally, I am in possession of hand-written correspondences, current interviews from contemporaries, address books, a manifesto and other source materials that have been instrumental in piecing his story together.

This project started when I discovered a box of FOIA documents laying in my mother's hope chest. She was out of town, visiting her sister in California. I contacted my partner on this project and he and I set out to document my father's life. We are doing this in remembrance of him for my sister and me, our children, and my grandchildren.

As we dug deeper into my father's life story, documents containing names and activities started to surface. These names were not a random assortment of acquaintances and these activities were not typical by any means.

Other entries on the pages shown above, such as Eusenio, Louis, Castro, Lee, etc. have proven to be extremely important in our discovery process. These pages and names represent a fraction of the entries from which we have culled information for this book.

My Father, Edwin Benjamin Kaiser, was deep undercover. He was so deep, that it is still unknown as to whom he reported. A letter written by my father while he was in Israel, stated that his boss from U.S. Customs would contact me on my birthday. Our best informed guess is that he ultimately reported to high seats of power within the Pentagon.

We quickly began to realize that we were dealing with some very sensitive subject matter. At the same time, we became more resolved to complete the goal of documenting my father's life and activities.

Below is a link to part of several interviews I conducted with Jose Pujol. He is one of the men who knew my father, was involved in many of the same activities, and whose name is also found in my father's phone book as well as many of the same Freedom Of Information Act files.

We currently have a manuscript written and know exactly what we need to do to get this into proper shape for publishing. The funds raised by this campaign will be used for a professional content edit, book layout, the physical production of this book, and shipping to our supporters.

Please help us in our research to gain insight in regards to the many sacrifices made by our American born Heroes who have endured the fight for freedom, the quest for democracy, and the right to believe.

Thank you for taking the time to view our project and for your donation to help us succeed!

We can't do it without you!

*Delivery of published book and perks will take place upon completion of project; expected mid-2013.

Below, is a memo from the Deputy Director for Operations of the CIA to the Director of the FBI's Intelligence Division, concerning my father, his aliases and both bureau's attempts at identifying him.

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Edwin Kaiser's Covert LifeAnd His Little Black Book Linking Cuba, Watergate and the JFK Assassination


Edwin Benjamin Kaiser was a thrill-seeking patriot who became enmeshed with many of America’s biggest conspiracies, the full significance of which is pieced together and explored in this exciting account by his son, Scott Kaiser. Through handwritten letters and contact book entries left by Edwin Kaiser, and a bevy of discovered government documents, an exciting puzzle forms around the life of a man who was at once a patriot, an arms smuggler, a revolutionary leader, an assassin, and a husband and father. In the 1970s Edwin was the military head of an anti-Castro movement called Cubanos Unidos, and during his life he was frequently in contact with Frank Sturgis—during which time Edwin confessed to the author an assassination plot against President Nixon and confirmed Sturgis’ role in the death of JFK. This thrilling mix of paramilitary bravado, government conspiracy, family history, and firsthand anecdote shows how Edwin Kaiser was willing to lay it all on the line to accomplish what he thought was right.

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