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The Next 9/11 – Soon?

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The Next 9/11 – Soon?

By Douglas Caddy

Attorney, Houston, Texas

Distinguished researcher and investigator S.K. Bain is the author of a new book that presents a radically different viewpoint on 9/11 from those already in circulation. It postulates the world changing event as being large-scale psychological warfare built upon a deadly combination of occultism, black magic symbolism and highly advanced technology. Its title is The Most Dangerous Book in the World: 9/11 as Mass Ritual (TrineDay). Peter Levenda in his Foreword writes, “S.K. Bain notices things. He sees patterns in the dates, names, places and documents that most of us either ignore or can’t see on our best days.”

Bain believes that “There were those to whom these numbers, and the ancient symbols represented by the Twin Towers, meant much, much more…those who were waiting, watching, applauding as the grim script for the day’s events unfolded brilliantly and flawlessly. These individuals were not Muslim extremists, not motivated by hatred for the ‘Great Satan,’ but paradoxically by a love for Satan himself.”

He further maintains that “Seen by some as the ‘Godfather of Modern Satanism,’ Aleister Crowley is the key to deciphering the script for the 9/11 global megaritual, because on one level, the entire day’s events are an ‘Ode to Aleister Crowley.’”

Indeed, persons by the name of Crowley keep cropping up in what occurred, ranging from Bill Crowley, the FBI agent assigned to the Shankesville area where United Airlines Flight 93 allegedly crashed in Pennsylvania, to Tim Crowley, the air traffic controller at Whitehorse International Airport in Alaska where Korean Airlines Flight 85 that morning without any legitimate reason suddenly was directed by orders from Washington relayed through the Whitehorse control tower to change its transponder code to 7500, an unequivocal hijacking distress signal. The numbers 93 and 85 possess great significance in occultism.

It was Aleister Crowley who once declared, “I was not content to believe in a personal devil and serve him, in the ordinary sense of the word. I wanted to get hold of him personally and become his chief of staff.”


Bain's work is full of examples of occultism that permeate 9/11. He writes that “Of the hundreds of flight schools in the United States, Mohamaed Atta, the ringleader of the 9/11 terrorists and hijacker-pilot of the first plane….attended a school located in the very city where President Bush was visiting that fateful morning, where he was presiding over the Pet-Goat Ritual Reading. Bush was in his Devil’s Paradise while Atta (so we are led to believe) was busy gaining entry into the Islamic Paradise of Martyrs.

“This is neither coincidence nor synchronicity; rather, it is yet another example of the twisted humor and sophisticated logistics employed in the 9/11 MegaRitual.”

Bain draws heavily upon the 1989 book by Michael Hoffman, a former reporter for the Associated Press, Secret Societies and Psychological Warfare. Bain credits Hoffman as being prescient in predicting 9/11, which occurred two years after his book’s publication. In Hoffman’s opinion, it is the subconscious mind that is being targeted in occult ritual: “In occult crimes the objective is not linear, that is to say, is not bound to the achievement of the immediate effects of the attack on the victim, but may in fact be part of a larger, symbolic ritual magnified by the power of the electronic media, for the purpose of the alchemical processing of the subconscious Group Mind of the masses...It is the subconscious that is being addressed in occult ritual, in a process CIA behavioral scientist Dr. Ewan Cameron termed, ‘psychic driving.’

“The Black Arts adepts are not simply ‘crazed’, nor are such intensely publicized ritual murders merely superstitious sacrifices to some kooky devil-god…[but are instead] a brilliantly orchestrated ritual whose ceremonial aspects were as precise and detailed as the internal workings of a clock.”

When I read Hoffman’s perceptive commentary, I was reminded of the books about the occult by a former law client, Howard Hunt, one of the CIA’s most famous agents, who ghost-wrote CIA Director Allen Dulles’ acclaimed The Craft of Intelligence. Hunt named the Maryland compound where he and his family resided, “Witches Island.” In an article “The Works and Workings of E. Howard Hunt” in The New York Times Book Review of June 24, 1973, Sol Yurick observed, “…The struggle [against Atheistic Communism] has been subterranean, which is to say both objectively and in people’s unconscious.

“All of which brings me by a ‘commodius vicus’ to the newest cult hero, E. Howard Hunt. Two of his books, The Coven and Diabolus were written under the code-name, David St. John, On the surface these books seem to be about devil worship, strange rites, exotic customs, sacrifices, ritual murders. The stories are simple, semiliterary…

“These are examples of covertly political novels; propaganda. The adventure is secondary. They are designed to influence feelings about real events by evoking the unpurged portions of the subconscious. The key to understanding comes out of the right-wing of the intelligence world. (There is a left wing, too: the counterthrust is ‘Rosemary’s Baby.’) It is a world full of coded meanings, symbols, references, allusions, levels of ambiguity, Doppelgangers (cf: The Sot-Weed Factor; the role of John Smith), or double-agents….The real horror is that people act on these perceptions. Disastrous consequences flow. The CIA ran a witch-doctor operation in the Congo, 1964. Millions were spent to drop bales of aces of spaces over Vietnam.”

Although a few of the numerous examples of the occult unearthed by Bain have been cited here, one more is merited. He writes, “Today’s Coptic calendar (also called the Alexandria calendar) is based on the ancient Egyptian calendar and is still used in Egypt, and also by the Coptic Orthodox Church. The first month of the year is named Thout, after Thoth, and thus the first day of the New Year is the 1st of Thout.

“On the Gregorian calendar, this date coincides with September 11th – so that date is not only New Year’s Day, but more importantly, it is the symbolic, or observed, date of Sirius’ heliacal rising.

“We already know Thoth as the Egyptian God of Magic and as the precursor/counterpart of the Greek God of Commerce, Hermes – with the pair having jointly played key roles thus far in the Megaritual – yet Thoth was also known as the “reckoner of times and seasons,’ a god of the measurement and regulation of events and of time itself. Thoth was credited with making the calculations for the establishment of the heavens and everything in them, and was said to direct the motions of the heavenly bodies.

“Thus, the entire 9/11 Global MegaRitual unfolded on the first day of the New Year on a calendar derived from the ancient Egyptian calendar, in a month named for Thoth, the Egyptian God of Time (the full significance of which will be made clear soon.)”

Bain’s book is really two books in one. The first book is about 9/11 as mass ritual. This review has barely touched upon the many startling revelations it contains.

The second book within his book is an addendum titled, “The Next 9/11 – A Work of Predictive Fiction.” In Bain’s opinion, 9/11 was merely a prelude to what comes next - and soon. His viewpoint is supported in general by a recent article of Professor Peter Dale Scott, a link to which is below:


Bain opines that “All you really need to take away is that occultists the world over have been looking toward December 2012 for centuries, if not millennia, and thus had one hell of a long time to plan the surprise party.”

Bain marshals evidence that the occultists’ pending master plan “concerns the resurrection of man all right, but the re-creation of mankind as technologically, pharmacologically, genetically-manipulated, mind-controlled slaves, awaiting the bidding of their dark masters. This is the demonic transmutation of the species through fear, terror, torment and torture, the establishment of a mechanistic Ahrimanic paradise.”

In accordance with their plan, “God will be diminished and Lucifer exalted in the minds of man, which is only fitting from their perspective, as the Bible is fiction, and in truth, Lucifer is God.”

Bain predicts the evil forces of the occult with implement their ultimate strategy for control of mankind not on December 21 but on December 25, 2012, which he terms “Black Christmas.” On that date a nuclear bomb will be exploded in front of the Arizona State Capitol in Phoenix. On the same date the Pope will be assassinated in Rome and the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem will be blown up.

Could such incredible events even occur? If 9/11 took place, then why could not these also?

It would be the end of the world as we know it, including the end of Christmas as it has been celebrated.

As to Bain’s cogent reasons and evidence for predicting this, you will have to read the book for yourself. You are encouraged to act hastily.

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Bain predicts the evil forces of the occult with implement their ultimate strategy for control of mankind not on December 21 but on December 25, 2012, which he terms “Black Christmas.” On that date a nuclear bomb will be exploded in front of the Arizona State Capitol in Phoenix. On the same date the Pope will be assassinated in Rome and the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem will be blown up.

How can anyone with half a brain believe such nonsense? Are there people out there who really swallow this tripe?

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One knowledgeable person I talked to about the book's thesis said that it is normal for nations' Intelligent Services to think of ways to take advantage of key dates in order to make a strategic move that is untraceable. Are not the CIA and U.S. Military Intelligence thinking about this possibility if not offensively then certainly defensively?

There has been so much hullabaloo about December 21, 2012, that I don't think it can be counted out that some agency/entity/group/person will use the date to make their point in a dramatic fashion.

Even Warren Buffett has publicly stated that he expects a nuclear bomb to be exploded inside the U.S. at some point in the next 10 years.

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Bain predicts the evil forces of the occult with implement their ultimate strategy for control of mankind not on December 21 but on December 25, 2012, which he terms “Black Christmas.” On that date a nuclear bomb will be exploded in front of the Arizona State Capitol in Phoenix. On the same date the Pope will be assassinated in Rome and the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem will be blown up.

How can anyone with half a brain believe such nonsense? Are there people out there who really swallow this tripe?

Besides being absurd it is wrong on the facts. For example:

- There is no mention of a Bill Crowley in the very through 9/11 Timeline, the only William Crowley was a former NSA director not directly linked to 9/11 let alone the Shanksville crash. A few FBI agents were mentioned regarding that crash none with names remotely resembling Bill Crowley.

- Atta did almost all his flight training in Venice, FL, he also trained briefly in about 5 other cities one of which was Sarasota. He was also tied to about a dozen other cities in the US. There was nothing remotely satanic about the story “My Pet Goat”

If TrineDay wants to be taken seriously they should fact check books before publication.

Edited by Len Colby
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Numerology? Seriously?

What's next? "Phrenology As A Guide To Exposing Government Cover-Ups" by Nancy Reagan?

I know it's human nature to look for patterns, as a survival mechanism in pre-history, but when people constantly leave the thin branch to "find" them, it's gone way beyond coincidence, and is entering Never-Never Land....

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Bain predicts the evil forces of the occult with implement their ultimate strategy for control of mankind not on December 21 but on December 25, 2012, which he terms “Black Christmas.” On that date a nuclear bomb will be exploded in front of the Arizona State Capitol in Phoenix. On the same date the Pope will be assassinated in Rome and the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem will be blown up.

How can anyone with half a brain believe such nonsense? Are there people out there who really swallow this tripe?

Besides being absurd it is wrong on the facts. For example:

- There is no mention of a Bill Crowley in the very through 9/11 Timeline, the only William Crowley was a former NSA director not directly linked to 9/11 let alone the Shanksville crash. A few FBI agents were mentioned regarding that crash none with names remotely resembling Bill Crowley.

- Atta did almost all his flight training in Venice, FL, he also trained briefly in about 5 other cities one of which was Sarasota. He was also tied to about a dozen other cities in the US. There was nothing remotely satanic about the story “My Pet Goat”

If TrineDay wants to be taken seriously they should fact check books before publication.

This is what Bain writes in his book in addition to what has already been quoted:

“Roughly ten miles south of Sarasota is Venice, Florida, and the Venice Municipal Airport, home to Huffman Aviation, where Mohamed Atta and another purported 9/11 conspirator allegedly took flight training. Subsequently, both individuals trained for a brief time at Jones Aviation in…Sarasota.”

Bain devotes an entire chapter to “The Pet Goat.” I can only quote a small portion here as to why he attaches significance to the book Bush was reading to the children: “Since 1855, the name Baphomet has been associated with a ‘Sabbatic Goat’ image drawn by Eliphas Levi. Levi called his image ‘The Goat of Mendes,’ presumably following Herodotus’ account that the god of Mendes – the Greek name for Djedet, Egypt – was depicted with a goat’s face and legs. The Baphomet of Levi was to become an important figure within the cosmology of Thelema, the mystical system established by Aleister Crowley in the early twentieth century.”

Bain also writes that “One Bill Crowley was the field director of the Pittsburg Office of the FBI, which has jurisdiction at Shanksville.” He goes on to state that those behind the evil event were involved in “…ingeniously engineering circumstances so that the Crowley name appears in numerous media reports connected with the incident.”

One may deride what Bain has written in his 356-page book without even reading it but my educated guess based on what I read is that intelligence agencies here and abroad are giving it a close scrutiny at the present time.

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Based on your posts Bain bends and exaggerates and distorts the truth. Yes Atta trained briefly in Sarasota but it is one many American cities he spent time in. After some Googling I discovered there was an FBI agent named Bill Crowley in Pittsburgh, but has the spokesman (a position he had held since at least 1999. There was an ATC named Tim Crowley involved in the flight 85 incident but he was NOT the one who told the pilot “to change its transponder code to 7500” nor was the order “without any legitimate reason” or 'sudden'. He seems not even to have been in the tower when the order was given:

The first inkling of a possible problem came about 8 a.m.

A technician with ARINC, an airline contractor in Maryland, who was scanning air-to-ground teletypes from jets for anything suspicious, spotted three chilling letters in a message from Flight 85, a Boeing 747 in the air near the Aleutian Islands.

Embedded in the text was the code for a hijacking: "HJK."

The company urgently dialed up the Federal Aviation Administration in Washington, D.C.


As soon as the Korean airliner flew into radio contact over land just west of Dillingham, a controller asked the pilot to confirm that first hijack signal.

The pilot punched in the "7500" hijack code.


Controller Tim Crowley, a shop steward for the National Air Traffic Controllers Association, had arrived at work around 8 a.m. The Korean incident was under way.

The center was heavy with that bizarre quiet that only comes when there's trouble.

He surveyed the room.

About a dozen controllers peered into four rows of radar scopes, busy clearing the skies, finding places to land dozens of inbound jets flying toward Anchorage after the military ordered all civilian aircraft grounded.

Crowley, serving in his union capacity rather than as a controller this day, mingled with them as a liaison, making sure controllers got clear instructions from supervisors and managers. He visited with union members in the break room. Some wanted to go home and be with their families. But nobody cursed, and nobody prayed.


Those two Crowleys were only remotely involved in 9/11 a list of people who were equally or more involved would include thousands of people.

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