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Jools Gallagher

Jools Gallagher

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A 28 year old Investment Banker working in the city of London with a passion for travelling and a newly acquired interest in history. Firstly let me say what a real treasure it was to stumble upon your Spartacus website whilst trying to learn a bit about the Vietnam war recently. It was a detailed, yet concise account of the situation and I really learned a lot from it. From reading this I was directed to links about JFK and from here the assassination forum. For many years I have been fascinated by the assassination and the forum offers some unique insights by some very dedicated people. I look forward to reading it whenever I can. Like many I was seduced by the mysteries surrounding the life and death of JFK and have read many accounts, transcripts an opinions about the subject in recent years. Whilst I am still a newcomer to the subject and cannot offer much in the way of personal knowledge I hope that by learning and understanding the events before during and after the assassination I may be able to form my own objective opinions.

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