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Is Dennis David still alive?

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Because,I just found this online & thought that it would be very exciting to see these video tapes.

Records Created by GNC Communications

Mr. David volunteered that in 1992 he went to Pittsburgh and participated in a group meeting/interview

of Navy personnel who had participated in President Kennedy‘s autopsy or events related to the autopsy,

set up by GNC Communications (a company based out of Connecticut); participants in this group meeting,

which was videotaped, were himself, James C. Jenkins (JFK autopsy technologist), Paul K. O’Connor

(JFK autopsy technologist), Floyd Riebe (John Stringer’s photography assistant), and Jerrol Custer (X-ray

technician). Another participant was Dr. Cyril Wecht, forensic pathologist. Subsequently, in 1994, he said

that someone at GNC Communications had arranged for (and paid for) the videotaping of a hypnosis

session in which he (Dennis David) was hypnotized (in New York state) and his memories of events

related to the assassination were probed under hypnosis. Mr. David volunteered that what he thought

was about 1 O-1 5 minutes under hypnosis, actually turned out to be about 1.5 hours, and that on a scale of

1 to 10, the hypnotist/interviewer had characterized his veracity as “an 11,” meaning that he considered

Mr. David to be very credible. Mr. David said he had personal VHS videotape copies of both the 1992

group interview/meeting, as well as of the 1994 hypnosis session. When I asked whether we might have

access to these videotaped records, he seemed uncertain as to whether this would violate GNC’s

copyright of these materials, and suggested that it would be preferable if we contacted GNC ourselves to

pursue these records.

In conclusion, I told Mr. David that we may wish to contact him again, if we felt there was a need to

clarify, or to tape record, any of the topics covered in this interview. He said that would be fine.

Any comments?

Edited by Michael Crane
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