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Michael Crane

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    Manteca Ca
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    MMA ,Football,Music,BB-Q's,Concerts,Boating & Racing.

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  1. You and I just have different taste and that is fine. Different strokes for different folks. I do like me some Beverly though.
  2. Here you go Joe.Tell me what you think about Beverly's ability to sing.
  3. I'm leaning towards a different guy that was very informed on the assassination. This is really bugging me now. When I go lay down in bed,and I'm watching a JFK assassination Youtube video,it will come on next/automatically once in awhile when the video is over.
  4. I'm going to look.It might have been The City of Allen Youtube page.
  5. I having trouble remembering which conference she was at. She sang and then introduced the next guest IIRC. Anyways,she sang and then the conference began.I think it was with Jim Marrs,but there is a very good chance that is wrong.
  6. There is a video out there on Youtube where she sings.There isn't any music to help her sound good and it is just awful. Should I see if I can locate it?
  7. Beverly was an admitted gold digger.She can't sing worth a darn,but she did have yellow paint on her shoes where the plotters painted the curb as a possible kill zone.
  8. It's my opinion that Greer noticed the windshield and the chrome strip bullet strike.The windshield might not have made much noise,but is a visual,and the chrome strip is something that you would hear. Thanks for your input Kevin.That must have taken some time to look up.
  9. I haven't looked close,but I don't see a reason that Greer should have hit the brakes (besides windshield shot) Maybe it's possible that he seen Clint Hill in the rear view mirror and let him get in?
  10. Kellerman said that there was a flurry of shots that came into the limo. I believe that Greer panicked & hit the brakes right when the shot hit the windshield. He might have believed that he was heading straight into hostile gunfire.
  11. The forgers want the brain matter flying forwards instead of backwards. Jackie picked up his brain matter and then asked one of the Parkland doctors if it would help JFK's condition. Let me just include that it could of been part of JFK's skull also,but let's just keep it simple and say part of JFK's head.
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