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Bill Fite

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    math JFK's

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  1. If the target melon is placed on a flat surface, one can impart backspin to the target melon by hitting it below the midpoint - kind of like a cue ball in pool. But, if the target is suspended from below by a spring or from above by a rope like a head is suspended by the neck -> no backspin. In France, there are plenty of documentaries on WW2 shown on TV. I've seen one in the past where the SS lines up victims in front of a trench and then shoots them in the back of the head -> they all fall forward. A week or so ago there was another one on with a segment on the rape of Nanking. The Japanese soldiers had 2 victims kneeling in front of them, approached them from the back with rifles and shot them in the back of their heads -> they fell forward. I believe in the Conservation of Momentum, not only in the film, but also in the pattern of bullet fragments in the skull X-rays.
  2. I lived in Denver when the park ranger set the National Park on fire. Got up early that morning went outside, saw the orange sky and thought, not knowing what it was, so this is the end of the world. What I found strange, in that moment, was how calm I was with that thought.
  3. Hillary and Bill Clinton endorse Kamala Harris as Joe Biden's successor Bill and Hillary Clinton have endorsed Kamala Harris to succeed Joe Biden as the Democratic presidential nominee: Great - the person most responsible for Donald Trump's successful election and her husband and Biden (who has a lot of mental trouble) have endorsed Harris. Oh and add a centrist gov from the South as VP..... What could go wrong?
  4. @Greg Doudna Thanks for all the interesting details.
  5. I agree. I hope that the candidate that is finally nominated is someone who hasn't run for president in the primaries in the past - a new face non-centrist.
  6. Just pointing out that I think your logic and comparisons are off. This isn't 1968. The main issue now will be explaining why the Democratic Party kept Biden's condition hidden, but that will pass in a week or two.
  7. Well there ya go - it's all over then. The Dems should just not field a candidate in your world. Oh and by the way - by your logic a political party that nominated a woman has never won in the United States. Does that mean you are against nominating women for president?
  8. So then I assume you are hoping that the VP is not the nominee and will go down to defeat not breaking w the policies of Biden? since that's about the only thing I can see is similar on the Dem side.
  9. Curious -- are you expecting: An assassination of the leading and most famous liberal candidate? An assassination of the leading civil rights leader? Trump and Bannon plotting to sabotage Paris Peace talks? The VP being the nominee and refusing to condemn the war in SE Asia which is sending the kids down the street back in boxes? Student demonstrations at the Democratic Convention evolving into riots put down brutally by police? Any of those things like in 1968?
  10. deleted message for edit to French election comparison - added Sunday voting & counting blank ballots info
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