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Bill Fite

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    Carcassonne, France
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    math history music fishing

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  1. I was working on a project in the UK at the time. Couldn't believe that the English (& it was mostly the English and not the Scots) were this incredibly stupid to vote for economic suicide. I guess it made them feel good - kinda like Reagan made people feel good about his trickle down insanity. But it was 2016 so I couldn't say much after the candidates the 2 party system coughed up in the US.
  2. Thanks Douglas I tracked down the Forbes article on this - very interesting reading about how the model works. Basically, it takes the bets on Predictit.org as a better estimate for who is going to win - not the who will you vote for question polls ask - then seems to use that data to predict the outcomes in states & EC votes. The contract price for a Dem win is currently 59¢ which translates to a whopping 59% of the popular vote for the Data Scientist at Northwestern Univ. His site -> https://virtualtout.com has the best explanation of his model for those interested. Currently, he predicts a these numbers for the EC vote count. It's an interesting and short (<5 mins) read. September 17: Harris/Walz (438), Trump/Vance (100) and here's the betting site the predictions are based on: https://www.predictit.org/markets/detail/6867/Which-party-will-win-the-2024-US-presidential-election
  3. Well on France 2 there's a special report tonight on.....Springfield, Ohio. A lot of the world must think the US of A is nuts.
  4. Kirk - the death of a movie star is huge in France. Dominates the news for a few days. They say the worst thing for somebody of historical importances death is to die on the same day as a movie star. But, in comparison, the death of Johnny Hallyday was actually covered more / longer than the death of Elvis. We went to the 125th anniversary of the Eiffel Tower. Got there early and a good thing. There were about half a million people on the Champ de Mars. Before the incredible fireworks / computer light show that projected images from 5 eras onto the tower, Johnny performed. Was actually pretty good. You might like this one - (both are live) Johnny's best cover of a hit or my favorite French one Allumer le Feu -- (Light the fire)
  5. Could be. And maybe that would explain some of the ear witness statements that the first shot sounded like a firecracker and was different from the others?
  6. I eat duck. Quite popular in France. Maigret is the duck breast and confit de canard is potted thigh and leg. Both quite good. We do Margret on the Weber -- but you have to put a container under it to catch all the fat that cooks off. Not to mention fois gras! I even know a restaurant, not far from the tower in Paris where they specialise in duck & every table has a toaster on it to use if you order the fois gras.
  7. Since the risk from a shot that was a diversion would be the same as an on-target shot -- why take the risk and not try for a hit? Isn't a missed shot or a shot pulled due to Jackie being in the line of sight more likely?
  8. His endorsement, like Dick Cheney's, is yet another tsunami compared to Taylor Swift's ripple in the water --- NOT. 😄
  9. new voter registration discussion video (10 mins) - missed by polls While state polling averages can be easily manipulated by running more biased polls in a targeted state to swing the average of polls in the direction the new polls want.
  10. He's lost without an incredibly inept (Mrs Clinton) or weak (Biden) hand-picked DNC candidate to run against.
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