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Why is LBJ considered a great politician?

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LBJ was before my time, but I saw a interview of Nixon today from back in the early 80s (


and he says that he was one of the greatest politicians of the 20th century (TDR/FDR being the others).

I've heard the same from other historians so I have to ask why/what/ and how?

Yes Civil Rights Act was a big accomplishment for the time, but he stunk up Vietnam and the war on poverty from what the history books say. Why is he held in such high regard by the MSM?

I'd like to also hear from the people living during those times he was President. Most times history gets changed and what we read in the books is not always accurate whereas people living during those times most often give a better opinion.

Edited by Rodney Rivers
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Is LBJ really regarded as a great president? I can understand why lying immoral scum like Nixon may say so. I doubt that generally LBJ is held in high regard. Isn't it really about legitimising the Presidency and in turn the moral and legal bancruptcy of the Government of the United States?

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