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Interview with Anthony Summers - November 20, 2013

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  • 4 weeks later...

Mr. Caddy, without asking you to breach solicitor/client privilege, what is your take on the assassination?
Thanks in advance.

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I am going to respond to your question with an indirect answer that I may supplement at a later date. But at this time I would associate myself with the views of Joseph McBride, who in my opinion comes closest to what I believe happened before, during and after the JFK assassination.

Mr. McBride's views can be found in his new book, "Into the Nightmare," which is the product of 31 years of intense research by him.

Below are four recent interviews of Mr. McBride on Black Op Radio. If you or other members of the forum have not yet listened to these, I recommend doing so as it would be time well spent.


Show #640, July 25, 2013

Show #641 August 1, 2013

Show #642, August 8, 2013

Show #643, August 15, 2013

Edited by Douglas Caddy
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