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Raw Color Footage of assassination of Robert Kennedy

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Do you think that the photographer was filming during the shooting itself? What is the source of the film?

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Paul brings up the point I've always wondered about- why was there no film footage at all during the actual shooting?

Some quick observations- I believe that was Kennedy brother-in-law Stephen Smith who was the first speaker to urge the crowd to disperse. The woman at his side was probably RFK's sister Jean, although she looked a bit different and certainly seemed amazingly calm under the circumstances.

I was struck by the fact that the pantry seemed less crowded and not as loud as I assumed it must have been, considering what was going on. There wasn't quite the sense of pandemonium I expected.

Thanks for sharing, Doug.

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I am unable to answer your questions, Paul, because this was posted on my Facebook page by someone I do not know. After I viewed it, I thought it appropriate to post here in the forum. It has the same quality of horror and chaos that occurred with JFK's assassination.

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Since posting the above I have received clarification from a reliable and knowledgeable source that "The footage was shot (by) Jim Watt of KNBC-TV, the NBC affiliate in Los Angeles."

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