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Unspoken alliance between US govt & fascists

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Unspoken alliance between US govt & fascists

Caleb Maupin is a political analyst who lives in New York City, and is an activist with the International Action Center and Workers World Party. He was part of the Occupy Wall Street mo

Published time: May 14, 2014 12:58

Members of the Ukrainian far-right radical group Right Sector (Reuters/Valentyn Ogirenko)

​The fact that US government is supporting the Right Sector and Svoboda in Ukraine as they praise Hitler and engage in a campaign of terrorism is shocking to many people in the United States.

It runs contrary to everything they have been told about the US and its history. The narrative commonly taught in US schools is one of the US being a ‘homeland of freedom and democracy’ that battles against ‘tyrants’ and ‘fascists’, not supports them.

In fact, the relationship between the US government and fascist groups has always been an unspoken, unstable, and unacknowledged friendship. The relationship does not just take place in far off countries like Ukraine, but within the domestic United States.

Case study: Franzier Glenn Miller

Franzier Glenn Miller walked into a Jewish Retirement Community Center in Overland Park, Kansas on April 13, 2014. He opened fire, screaming "Heil Hitler!" When he was done shooting, three people were dead, and one injured. Miller justified his violent terrorism with anti-Semitism, carrying Hitler's ‘Mein Kampf’ with him. Among his victims was 14-year-old boy. Miller is now in custody awaiting trial.

The quietly acknowledged fact is that Miller's life prior to his recent killing spree is dotted with support from the US government.

The tragic day in Kansas was not the first time Miller had participated in the killing of innocent people. Miller has been a Hitler-worshiping racist for decades, and 35 years ago he was a member of the National Socialist Party of America in Greensboro, North Carolina. In 1979, he and his allies in the Ku Klux Klan assassinated five leaders of the Communist Workers Party. The infamous Greensboro Massacre shocked the nation.

The Communist Workers Party, a small Marxist-Leninist group was holding a peaceful rally against the Ku Klux Klan, which was becoming active in the area, terrorizing the African-Americans who worked in the textile factories. On that tragic day a caravan of members of the Ku Klux Klan and various Neo-Nazi groups drove up to the anti-racist march. Miller, then a young man, was riding in one of the cars. The fascists had been given a map of the planned march route by the local police. Among the armed fascists were agents from the US Bureau of Alcohol, Firearms, and Tobacco. The Klansmen and Nazis calmly got out of their cars and removed rifles from the trunks. They then opened fire, killing Cesar Cauce, Bill Sampson, Michael Nathan, James Waller and Sandi Smith.


Members of the Ukrainian far-right radical group Right Sector (Reuters/Vasily Fedosenko)

The event made headlines around the world. A few of the fascists were put on trial for murder, but were found ‘not guilty’, despite a video clearly showing the killings. Though members of the Communist Workers Party disrupted the Democratic Convention, loudly demanding that federal charges be filed against the Klansmen, then-President Jimmy Carter ignored their pleas. The survivors of the massacre sued the city of Greensboro, the Ku Klux Klan, and the American Nazi Party, proving in court that government officials assisted in the murder of the five communist leaders. They were awarded $350,000.

Miller brags in his autobiography that he was in the fascist caravan in 1979 that drove to the rally and shot the five Communists, yet he was never charged with any crime.

In the aftermath of Miller's killing spree, it has also been revealed that he was once part of the US Federal Government's Witness Protection Program. They helped Miller to change his name legally, and gave him and his family financial support at some point during the early 1990s. The reasons for this have not been disclosed.

Radio hosts & prison gangs

Miller is not the only fascist in the modern US to have been revealed to have government support.

Nazi radio host Hal Turner was famous for his unapologetic racism. He sold miniature nooses on his website, celebrating the extra-legal executions carried out by the KKK known as ‘lynchings’. His radio broadcasts seethed with hate, and on one of them he threatened the life of Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney.

It has now been revealed that Turner received millions of dollars from the FBI over the course of his career. In 2012, his lawyer has even suggested that Turner did not agree with the message, and that the entire Nazi radio show was arranged by federal officials.

"I don't think he was a racist,” the attorney said. “He was doing a lot of those things at the behest of the FBI."

In the prisons across the US that 2.5 million people call home, one of the largest gangs is the Aryan Brotherhood. In the 1960s, when black prisoners were rallying around George Jackson, the ‘Soledad Brother’ who led the prison wing of the Marxist-Leninist Black Panther Party, the Nazi group sprouted up in San Quentin State Penitentiary, eventually spreading across the US.

According to the FBI's own reports, the white Aryan Brotherhood members account for only 0.01 percent of the prison population, yet its members carry out roughly 20 percent of the murders inside US correctional facilities. Prisoners often describe the Aryan Brotherhood as "doing what the guards can't do for themselves" in beating, or even executing, inmates who anger prison authorities.

It is clear that many US law enforcement agencies and officials have a cooperative relationship with fascists. The fact that figures like Miller have been protected, that Hal Turner has been given millions of dollars, that the Greensboro massacre was aided, and the Aryan Brotherhood is strong inside the prison system all point to this unacknowledged reality.

The historical roots of the alliance

The relationship between the US government and fascist organizations has deep historical roots.

The Ku Klux Klan originated as a state-sponsored organization in former slave-holding states. The dispossessed slave holders used the Klan to terrorize freed slaves and hold back efforts toward agrarian reform and social advancement by African Americans.

The Klan sprung up half a century before the Nazis of Germany or the Fascisti of Italy, but they had all the attributes of later fascist movements. They were obsessively racist. They glorified the past, calling themselves Knights and using medieval imagery. They wore elaborate costumes and engaged in secret rituals. They attempted to present themselves as economic populists, while being funded by wealthy capitalists. Most of all, they were committed to violence and terrorism as a political tactic to uphold the existing social order against progressive forces.

It is safe to call the Klan ‘the original fascists’, as they were a prototype, replicated for decades after in many countries around the world.

The Ku Klux Klan was revived in 1915 after a Hollywood movie promoting them called ‘The Birth of a Nation’ was shown all across the US. The creator of the film was Thomas Dixon, a close friend of US President Woodrow Wilson.

US Supreme Court Justice Hugo Black was a member of the Ku Klux Klan, and it is speculated that numerous other US officials were also.

The Ku Klux Klan was not the only fascist organization to be embraced by the US government. The American Legion, an organization of US military veterans formed after the First World War, was openly supportive of fascism. The organization invited Italian fascist dictator Benito Mussolini to its 1930 convention as an honored guest. Commander of the American Legion Alvin Owsley proclaimed, "Do not forget that the Fascisti are to Italy what the American Legion is to the United States!"


Supporters of the right wing party Pravyi Sector (Right Sector) (AFP Photo/Genya Savilov)

Marine Corps General Smedley Butler revealed that the American Legion was actually plotting a coup d’état against US President Franklin Delano Roosevelt. Butler testified before the House of Representatives about the "business plot" to remove Roosevelt and establish a fascist dictatorship in the United States, and they confirmed his claims were very credible.

Henry Ford, one of the most prominent industrial capitalists in the United States, openly praised Adolf Hitler and widely distributed Nazi propaganda. Father Charles E. Coughlin, the ‘radio priest’, praised Hitler on the airwaves all across the United States, and received a great amount of funding as preached hatred for Jews and called for violence against Communists.

Fascists in the United States, like fascists everywhere, are the armed troops of Wall Street. When workers went on strike in the 1930s demanding better wages, the Ku Klux Klan attacked the Congress of Industrial Organization and did all they could to prevent industrial unions from growing. When African-Americans demanded civil rights and equality, the Ku Klux Klan, the White Citizens Council, and other fascist groups tortured, and murdered them. When the working people of Italy occupied their factories and demanded economic justice, the Blackshirts rolled into power and outlawed their unions. As working people in Germany rallied around the Communist Party and the Red Front Fighters League, Adolph Hitler took power and created a repressive state to keep the rule of Krupps and Thyssens intact.

As the people become more and more enraged at the Wall Street monopolists, democracy is abolished in order to preserve their power against popular sentiments. Fascism has always been about preserving capitalism and holding back those who fight for equality and social progress.

Why Ukraine matters to Americans

Many people in the United States may be unconcerned about events in Ukraine. They may think that the ruthless slaughter of innocent people there is unrelated to events within the US itself.

They could not be more wrong.

The ugly episode of terror and violence in Ukraine began when the government refused to join the IMF and the EU, and instead sought to preserve some element of economic independence. The response to this was the unleashing of a campaign of fascist terror that eventually overturned the elected government.

As the people of eastern and southern Ukraine rebel against the Wall Street/IMF/EU regime imposed on them, the response has been a horrific campaign of violence and terror, carried out by costume wearing, Hitler worshiping, racist thugs.

There is nothing exclusively Ukrainian about these events. All across the world, as the people fight against the cuts, and demand that their economic needs take priority over Wall Street profits, fascism emerges. Golden Dawn, the Neo-Nazi terror organization, has been unleashed on the people of Greece in response to their uprisings against austerity. As British workers and students rise up, the British National Party and the English Defense League are growing.

As workers in the US begin to demand justice as they did in the Wisconsin State Capitol Building, in Zuccotti Park, and on the streets of Oakland, nothing stops the bankers from unleashing fascist terror here as they have done elsewhere. These forces will stop at nothing to preserve their power.

If it can be done to the working people of Ukraine, of Greece and of Britain, it can be done to working people here in the US.

When the Spanish Republic was attacked by fascists in 1936, people all over the world came to their aid. When workers in London fought fascist Oswald Mosley at the Battle of Cable Street, and workers in New York City shut down the Madison Square Garden rally of the German-American Bund, their rallying cry was the same: "You Shall Not Pass!" (No Passaran!)

The attitude of working people in the United States to the horrific scenes like have taken place in Odessa must be the same. Fascism serves Wall Street, and hurts all working people. It must be opposed.

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Newly discovered documents show that in the years after World War II, former members of the Nazi Wehrmacht and Waffen-SS formed a secret army to protect the country from the Soviets. The illegal project could have sparked a major scandal at the time.

For nearly six decades, the 321-page file lay unnoticed in the archives of the BND, Germany's foreign intelligence agency -- but now its contents have revealed a new chapter of German postwar history that is as spectacular as it is mysterious.

The previously secret documents reveal the existence of a coalition of approximately 2,000 former officers -- veterans of the Nazi-era Wehrmacht and the Waffen-SS -- who decided to put together an army in postwar Germany in 1949. They made their preparations without a mandate from the German government, without the knowledge of the parliament and, the documents show, by circumventing Allied occupation forces.

The goal of the retired officers: to defend nascent West Germany against Eastern aggression in the early stages of the Cold War and, on the domestic front, deploy against the Communists in the event of a civil war. It collected information about left-wing politicians like Social Democrat (SPD) Fritz Erler, a key player in reforming the party after World War II, and spied on students like Joachim Peckert, who later became a senior official at the West German Embassy in Moscow during the 1970s.

The new discovery was brought about by a coincidence. Historian Agilolf Kesselring found the documents -- which belonged to the Gehlen Organization, the predecessor to the current foreign intelligence agency -- while working for an Independent Historical Commission hired by the BND to investigate its early history. Similar commissions have been hired by a number of German authorties in recent years, including the Finance and Foreign Ministries to create an accurate record of once hushed-up legacies.

Kesselring uncovered the documents, which were given the strange title of "Insurances," while trying to determine the number of workers employed by the BND.

Instead of insurance papers, Kesselring stumbled upon what can now be considered the most significant discovery of the Independent Historical Commission. The study he wrote based on the discovery was released this week.

An Ease in Undermining Democracy

The file is incomplete and thus needs to be considered with some restraint. Even so, its contents testify to the ease with which democratic and constitutional standards could be undermined in the early years of West Germany's existence.

According to the papers, German Chancellor Konrad Adenauer didn't find out about the existence of the paramilitary group until 1951, at which point he evidently did not decide to break it up.

In the event of a war, the documents claimed, the secret army would include 40,000 fighters. The involvement of leading figures in Germany's future armed forces, the Bundeswehr, are an indication of just how serious the undertaking was likely to have been.

Among its most important actors was Albert Schnez. Schnez was born in 1911 and served as a colonel in World War II before ascending the ranks of the Bundeswehr, which was founded in 1955. By the end of the 1950s he was part of the entourage of then Defense Minister Franz Josef Strauss (CDU) and later served the German army chief under Chancellor Willy Brandt and Defense Minister Helmut Schmidt (both of the SPD).

Statements by Schnez quoted in the documents suggest that the project to build a clandestine army was also supported by Hans Speidel -- who would become the NATO Supreme Commander of the Allied Army in Central Europe in 1957 -- and Adolf Heusinger, the first inspector general of the Bundeswehr.

Kesselring, the historian, has a special connection to military history: His grandfather Albert was a general field marshal and southern supreme commander in the Third Reich, with Schnez as his subordinate "general of transportation" in Italy. Both men tried to prevent Germany's partial surrender in Italy.

In his study, Kesselring lets Schnez off easily: He doesn't mention his ties to the right-wing milieu, and he describes his spying on supposed left-wingers as "security checks." When asked about it, the historian explains that he will deal with these aspects of the file in a comprehensive study in the coming year. But the BND has recently released the "Insurances" files, making it possible to paint an independent picture.

The army project began in the postwar period in Swabia, the region surrounding Stuttgart, where then 40-year-old Schnez traded in wood, textiles and household items and, on the side, organized social evenings for the veterans of the 25th Infantry Division, in which he had served. They helped one another out, supported the widows and orphans of colleagues and spoke about times old and new.

Fears of Attack from the East

But their debates always returned to the same question: What should be done if the Russians or their Eastern European allies invade? West Germany was still without an army at the time, and the Americans had removed many of their GIs from Europe in 1945.

At first, Schnez' group considered allowing themselves to be defeated and then leading partisan warfare from behind the lines, before relocating somewhere outside of Germany. In the event of a sudden attack from the East, an employee with the Gehlen Organization would later write, Schnez wanted to withdraw his troops and bring them to safety outside of Germany. They would then wage the battle to free Germany from abroad.

To prepare a response to the potential threat, Schnez, the son of a Swabian government official, sought to found an army. Even though it violated Allied law -- military or "military-like" organizations were banned, and those who contravened the rules risked life in prison -- it quickly became very popular.

The army began to take shape starting at the latest in 1950. Schnez recruited donations from businesspeople and like-minded former officers, contacted veterans groups of other divisions, asked transport companies which vehicles they could provide in the worst-case scenario and worked on an emergency plan.

Anton Grasser, a former infantry general who was then employed by Schnez' company, took care of the weapons. In 1950, he began his career at the Federal Interior Ministry in Bonn, where he became inspector general and oversaw the coordination of German Police Tactical Units in the German states for the event of war. He wanted to use their assets to equip the troop in case of an emergency. There is no sign that then Interior Minister Robert Lehr had been informed of these plans.

Schnez wanted to found an organization of units composed of former officers, ideally entire staffs of elite divisions of the Wehrmacht, which could be rapidly deployed in case of an attack. According to the lists contained in the documents, the men were all employed: They included businesspeople, sales representatives, a coal merchant, a criminal lawyer, an attorney, a technical instructor and even a mayor. Presumably they were all anti-Communists and, in some cases, motivated by a desire for adventure. For example, the documents state that retired Lieutenant General Hermann Hölter "didn't feel happy just working in an office."

Most of the members of the secret reserve lived in southern Germany. An overview in the documents shows that Rudolf von Bünau, a retired infantry general, led a "group staff" out of Stuttgart. There were further sub-units in Ulm (led by retired Lieutenant General Hans Wagner), Heilbronn (retired Lieutenant General Alfred Reinhardt), Karlsruhe (retired Major General Werner Kampfhenkel), Freiburg (retired Major General Wilhelm Nagel) and many other cities as well.

By Klaus Wiegrefe

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Part 2: Records Have Disappeared

Schnez's list wasn't passed on, but the documents state he claimed it included 10,000 names, enough to constitute the core staff of three divisions. For reasons of secrecy, he inducted only 2,000 officers. Still, Schnez had no doubts that the rest would join them. There didn't seem to be any dearth of candidates for the units: After all, there was no lack of German men with war experience.

It remained to be determined where they could relocate to in case of emergency. Schnez negotiated with Swiss locations, but their reactions were "very restrained," the documents state he later planned a possible move to Spain to use as a base from which to fight on the side of the Americans.

Contemporaries described Schnez as an energetic organizer, but also self-confident and aloof. He maintained contacts with the League of German Youth and its specialized organization, the Technischer Dienst (Technical Service), which were preparing themselves for a partisan war against the Soviets. The two groups, secretly funded by the United States, included former Nazi officers as members, and were both banned by the West German federal government in 1953 as extreme-right organizations. Schnez, it seems, had no qualms whatsoever associating himself with former Nazis.

Schnez also maintained a self-described intelligence apparatus that evaluated candidates for the "Insurance Company," as he referred to the project, and determined if they had suspicious qualities. A criminal named K. was described as "intelligent, young and half-Jewish."

US documents viewed by SPIEGEL indicate that Schnez negotiated with former SS Obersturmbannführer Otto Skorzeny. The SS officer became a Nazi hero during World War II after he carried out a successful mission to free deposed Italian dictator Benito Mussolini, who had been arrested by the Italian king. The former SS man had pursued plans similar to those of Schnez. In February 1951, the two agreed to "cooperate immediately in the Swabia region." It is still unknown today what precisely became of that deal.

In his search for financing for a full-time operation, Schnez requested help from the West German secret service during the summer of 1951. During a July 24, 1951 meeting, Schnez offered the services of his shadow army to Gehlen, the head of the intelligence service, for "military use" or "simply as a potential force," be it for a German exile government or the Western allies.

A notation in papers from the Gehlen Organization states that there had "long been relations of a friendly nature" between Schnez and Reinhard Gehlen. The documents also indicate that the secret service first became aware of the clandestine force during the spring of 1951. The Gehlen Organization classified Schnez as a "special connection" with the unattractive code name "Schnepfe," German for "snipe".

Did Adenauer Shy Away?

It's likely that Gehlens' enthusiasm for Schnez's offer would have been greater if had it come one year earlier, when the Korean War was breaking out. At the time, the West German capital city of Bonn and Washington had considered the idea of "gathering members of former German elite divisions in the event of a catastrophe, arming and then assigning them to Allied defense troops."

Within a year, the situation had defused somewhat, and Adenauer had retreated from this idea. Instead, he pushed for West Germany to integrate more deeply with the West and for the establishment of the Bundeswehr. Schnez's illegal group had the potential to threaten that policy -- if its existence had become public knowledge, it could have spiraled into an international scandal.

Still, Adenauer decided not to take action against Schnez's organization -- which raises several questions: Was he shying away from a conflict with veterans of the Wehrmacht and the Waffen-SS?

There were misgivings within the Gehlen Organization, particularly surrounding Skorzeny. According to another BND document seen by SPIEGEL, a division head raised the question of whether it was possible for the organization to take an aggressive stance against Skorzeny. The Gehlen Organization man suggested consulting "the SS", adding, the SS "is a factor and we should sound out opinions in detail there before making a decision." Apparently networks of old and former Nazis still exercised considerable influence during the 1950s.

It also became clear in 1951 that years would pass before the Bundeswehr could be established. From Adenauer's perspective, this meant that, for the time being, the loyalty of Schnez and his comrades should be secured for the event of a worst-case scenario. That's probably why Gehlen was assigned by the Chancellery "to look after and to monitor the group."

It appears Konrad Adenauer informed both his American allies as well as the political opposition of the plan at the time. The papers seem to indicate that Carlo Schmid, at the time a member of the SPD's national executive committee, was "in the loop."

Little Known about Disbanding of Army

From that point on, Gehlen's staff had frequent contact with Shnez. Gehlen and Schnez also reached an agreement to share intelligence derived from spying efforts. Schnez boasted of having a "particularly well-organized" intelligence apparatus.

From that point on, the Gehlen Organization became the recipient of alert lists including the names of former German soldiers who had allegedly behaved in an "undignified" manner as Soviet prisoners of war, the insinuation being that the men had defected to support the Soviet Union. In other instances, they reported "people suspected of being communists in the Stuttgart area."

But Schnez never got showered with the money he had hoped for. Gehlen only allowed him to receive small sums, which dried up during the autumn of 1953. Two years later, the Bundeswehr swore in its first 101 volunteers. With the rearmament of West Germany, Schnez's force became redundant.

It is currently unknown exactly when the secret army disbanded, as no fuss was made at the time. Schnez died in 2007 without ever stating anything publicly about these events. His records on the "Insurance Company" have disappeared. What is known stems largely from documents relating to the Gehlen Organization that made their way into the classified archive of its successor, the BND.

It appears they were deliberately filed there under the misleading title "insurances" in the hope that no one would ever find any reason to take interest in them.

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The White House’s Nazis

From Hitler’s Germany in the 1930′s to Kiev Today, the United States’ Disturbing Partnerships with Nazis.

by Tony Cartalucci

(NEO) – Among Washington’s most unsavory allies could be counted the unelected hereditary regime of Saudi Arabia, the homophobic, violent mobs of Thaksin Shinawatra in Thailand, and of course Al Qaeda who has been serving America’s geopolitical agenda since the 1980′s when it first gathered the sectarian extremists together as a mercenary army to fight the Soviet Union in Afghanistan. Today the global terror enterprise is fighting on NATO’s behalf in Libya, Syria, Egypt, and southern Russia. But there is one group in particular that special interests within the United States has coddled, before, during, and after World War II that is perhaps the most iconic villain of recent human history – Adolf Hitler’s Nazis. A long and checkered history entwines the United States with the Nazi regime, leading up to present day where the heirs of this toxic ideology are being provided political and material support in overrunning the Eastern European nation of Ukraine. US Collaboration with Nazis Before and During World War 2 Prescott-Bush.jpg?resize=164%2C245Prior to WW2, many prominent American business owners and politicians were involved in the rise of Nazism. Fascist forces around the globe, not just Germany and Italy, gravitated around and contributed to the rise of Adolf Hitler. In the United States, no example of this is more notorious than that of Prescott Bush, farther to US President George H.W. Bush, and grandfather of US President George W. Bush. The Guardian in an article titled, “How Bush’s grandfather helped Hitler’s rise to power,” states:


Banker and politician Prescott Bush wasn’t the only prominent member of America’s monied elite to collaborate with Hitler’s Nazis. Chase Bank, controlled by the Rockefeller family, assisted Germany in the plundering of Jewish assets as well as with other financial services. The New York Daily News reported in an article titled, “Chase Banked on Nazis – Report,” that:George Bush’s grandfather, the late US senator Prescott Bush, was a director and shareholder of companies that profited from their involvement with the financial backers of Nazi Germany. The Guardian has obtained confirmation from newly discovered files in the US National Archives that a firm of which Prescott Bush was a director was involved with the financial architects of Nazism. His business dealings, which continued until his company’s assets were seized in 1942 under the Trading with the Enemy Act, has led more than 60 years later to a civil action for damages being brought in Germany against the Bush family by two former slave labourers at Auschwitz and to a hum of pre-election controversy.


Chase National Bank the precursor of today’s Chase Manhattan Bank allegedly helped the Nazis plunder Jewish property in France during World War II, according to a published report. The New York-based bank controlled by the Rockefeller family closed Jewish accounts even before the Germans ordered them to do so and did business with the Nazis while they were sending Jews to the gas chambers, Newsweek magazine reports in this week’s edition. And while the U.S. was at war with the Nazis, Chase also apparently helped German banks do business with their overseas branches, the magazine reported. Chase Manhattan is now the largest bank company in the U.S. with more than $300 billion in assets.

The same report would astoundingly claim (emphasis added):


Recently declassified documents revealed that at least 300 U.S. companies continued doing business in Germany during the war, Newsweek reported. And subsidiaries of Ford and General Motors have been accused of forcing thousands of Jews, Poles and others to work as slave laborers.

Clearly before and during World War 2, a substantial representation of special interests within the United States chose opportunism over American values – aiding and abetting one of the worst purveyors of human misery in the 20th century. While some may claim that this was merely a handful of special interests within the US and did not represent the overall political agenda of America, it should be noted that many of these special interests were holding or influencing offices of power while collaborating with the Nazis, and continued to do so well after the war was over. Prescott Bush, for example, was a US Senator until 1963 and the Rockefeller family would fill positions as governors, senators, and even the US vice presidency.Operation Paperclip

After World War 2, the United States rushed to gather up Nazi intelligentsia to exploit their talent in America’s own bid for global hegemony. Operation Paperclip, as it was called, in many cases scooped up scientists and technicians who may have collaborated with the Nazis during the war, but did so with little other choice. Some escaped or tried to escape the Nazi regime at great personal risk. However, others, it turned out, played a much deeper role in Nazi Germany’s atrocities, and continued their dark deeds under covert programs within the US Central Intelligence Agency. The New York Times in an article titled, “Nazis Were Given ‘Safe Haven’ in U.S., Report Says,” reveals this extensive program, claiming that perhaps up to 10,000 Nazis were given sanctuary in the United States. One must wonder if among the 300 companies that collaborated with the Nazis during the war, whether at least some of them served as sponsors for this influx of “émigrés.” The NYT report states:

Perhaps the report’s most damning disclosures come in assessing the Central Intelligence Agency’s involvement with Nazi émigrés. Scholars and previous government reports had acknowledged the C.I.A.’s use of Nazis for postwar intelligence purposes. But this report goes further in documenting the level of American complicity and deception in such operations. The Justice Department report, describing what it calls “the government’s collaboration with persecutors,” says that O.S.I investigators learned that some of the Nazis “were indeed knowingly granted entry” to the United States, even though government officials were aware of their pasts. “America, which prided itself on being a safe haven for the persecuted, became — in some small measure — a safe haven for persecutors as well,” it said.

While collaboration with the Nazis before and during World War 2 was mainly the domain of monied special interests with political influence over the US government, Operation Paperclip and the harboring of Nazis with dark pasts was the occupation of the inner most workings of the US government itself. Little is revealed in the way of what “intelligence purposes” these Nazis were used for, but right-wing fascist juntas across the world during the Cold War, particularly in South America where the Nazis had a foothold during the World War, might offer some hints. White House Resurrects Nazi Menace on Russia’s Doorstep It is clear that the special interests driving US foreign policy do not actually adhere to the many values it claims America champions – they merely hide behind them. This is what leads to America politically aligning itself with abhorrent dictatorships like the House of Saud, the Shinawatra regime, or Al Qaeda militants in Afghanistan, Serbia, Libya, and now Syria. It is also what has led to the United States and the European Union – through NATO – to align themselves with Neo-Nazis and the ultra-right in Ukraine, resurrecting along Russia’s borders the menace of Nazism millions laid their lives down for during World War 2 to stop. The bolstering of Ukraine’s ultra-right began in 2004, when the United States directly funded and organized the “Orange Revolution. The Guardian would admit in its 2004 article, “US campaign behind the turmoil in Kiev,” that:


While the Guardian attempts to justify American meddling in multiple nations as an attempt to “salvage rigged elections and topple unsavoury regimes,” it does not deny that the meddling took place and goes on to explain in great detail just how that meddling was carried out. The ultra-right Neo-Nazis now occupying Kiev in the wake of the so-called “Euromaidan,” are the heirs of the “Orange Revolution.” The parties that benefited from 2004′s unrest, including the “Fatherland Party,” now hold power. While the “Orange Revolution” was carried out more covertly, the “Euromaidan” was openly backed by both the US and the European Union. At the height of the protests, US Senator John McCain would literally take the stage with the ultra-right, Neo-Nazi Svoboda Party leaders as well as meet with “Fatherland Party” member and future “prime minister,” Arseniy Yatsenyuk. Additionally, in mid-April, CIA director John Brennan was confirmed to have traveled to Kiev. Forbes in their article, “Why CIA Director Brennan Visited Kiev: In Ukraine The Covert War Has Begun,” reported that:…while the gains of the orange-bedecked “chestnut revolution” are Ukraine’s, the campaign is an American creation, a sophisticated and brilliantly conceived exercise in western branding and mass marketing that, in four countries in four years, has been used to try to salvage rigged elections and topple unsavoury regimes. Funded and organised by the US government, deploying US consultancies, pollsters, diplomats, the two big American parties and US non-government organisations, the campaign was first used in Europe in Belgrade in 2000 to beat Slobodan Milosevic at the ballot box.


Forbes would continue by suggesting arrangements were being made to prepare Ukraine for a possible proxy war with Russia – describing the shortcomings of Western backing during another proxy confrontation with Russia, the Georgia-Russia conflict in 2008 where Western equipped Georgian troops were humiliated after invading South Ossetia and incurring a counterattack by superior Russian forces. US-EU Kiev Junta are Nazis The West has invested heavily in covering up the fact that its new proxies in Kiev are ultra-right Neo-Nazis. However, the Western media itself has, in the past, extensively documented the nature of each of the most prominent groups that compose the current, unelected regime. In a January 2014 Spiegel Online article titled, “‘Prepared to Die’: The Right Wing’s Role in Ukrainian Protests,” it described Svoboda in no uncertain terms (emphasis added): The Svoboda party also has excellent ties to Europe, but they are different from the ones that Klischko might prefer. It is allied with France’s right-wing Front National and with the Italian neo-fascist group Fiamma Tricolore. But when it comes to the oppression of homosexuality, representative [igor] Myroshnychenko is very close to Russian President Vladimir Putin, even if he does all he can to counter Moscow’s influence in his country. It goes on to state (emphasis added):Over the weekend, CIA director John Brennan travelled to Kiev, nobody knows exactly why, but some speculate that he intends to open US intelligence resources to Ukrainian leaders about real-time Russian military maneuvers. The US has, thus far, refrained from sharing such knowledge because Moscow is believed to have penetrated much of Ukraine’s communications systems – and Washington isn’t about to hand over its surveillance secrets to the Russians.


In Channel 4′s (UK), “Ukraine: far-right extremists at core of ‘democracy’ protest,”

it mentions both Svoboda MP Myroshnychenko as well as current Svoboda party leader Oleh Tyahnybok (emphasis added):Myroshnychenko was press spokesman for the Ukrainian national football team in the lead up to the 2008 European Championships, but he isn’t exactly cosmopolitan. He would even like to see foreign professional football players deported because they “change Ukraine’s ethnic map.” There have been other, similar incidents. In a 2012 debate over the Ukrainian-born American actress Mila Kunis, he said that she wasn’t Ukrainian, rather she was a “Jewess.”Indeed, anti-Semitism is part of the extremist party’s platform; until 2004, they called themselves the Social-National Party of Ukraine in an intentional reference to Adolf Hitler’s National Socialist party. Just last summer, a prominent leader of party youth was distributing texts from Nazi propaganda head Joseph Goebbels translated into Ukrainian.


In December US senator John McCain travelled to Ukraine to offer his support to the opposition, appearing on stage with leaders of the three opposition parties leading the protests – including the far-right Svoboda party. Svoboda is currently Ukraine’s fourth biggest party and holds 36 seats in parliament. It is also part of the Alliance of European National Movements, along with the BNP and Hungary’s Jobbik. Svoboda leader Oleh Tyahnybok is one of the faces of the protests, appearing regularly along with opposition leader and former boxer Vitali Klitschko (see picture right) voicing opposition to Putin’s influence over the region. However, Tyahnybok has provoked controversy in the past with his anti-Semitic claims that a “Moscow-Jewish mafia” controls Ukraine.

In another Channel 4 report titled, “Far-right group at heart of Ukraine protests meet US senator,” it stated (emphasis added):


The Fatherland Party, which is leading the coalition junta, even in name alone echos the disturbing nationalist nomenclature of Adolf Hitler’s Nazi Party. Beneath the rhetorical similarities are disturbing parallels of more substance.


…in 2004 [svoboda] leader Oleh Tyahnybok gave a speech attacking what he called “the Moscow-Jewish mafia ruling Ukraine” and in another speech declared: “the Moskali, Germans, Kikes and other scum who wanted to take away our Ukrainian state.”


Despite the controversy his statements attracted in the West, Tyahnybok was voted Person of the Year by readers of Ukrainian news magazine Korrespondent last year. In another outburst from the party their deputy chief,


Ihor Miroshnychenko, wrote an anti-Semitic attack on Mila Kunis on Facebook: “Kunis is not Ukrainian, she is a Yid. She is proud of it, so Star of David be with her.”

From the Fatherland Party is drawn the current “prime minister” of Ukraine, Arseniy Yatsenyuk. Yatsenyuk is a renowned bigot. He would catch the attention of Amnesty International in its 2008 report, “Overview of Lesbian and Gay Rights in Eastern Europe (.pdf), which cited him saying - when his views regarding homosexual marriage were labelled “conservative” – that:


”I do not agree. If a man has normal views, then you label him a conservative, but those who use drugs or promote sodomy – you label them a progressive person. All of these are perversions.”

In March 2013 LGBT Weekly’s article,


Leading Ukraine Opposition figure surprises

supporters by denouncing gay marriage,” would state:


Leading Ukraine Opposition figure, Arseniy Yatsenyuk, risks disappointing liberal supporters of his All-Ukrainian Union “Fatherland” party, having publicly rejected gay marriage at a recent rally. Yatsenyuk was confronted by a representative of the Western-Ukrainian Lesbian Gay Bisexual and Transgender community who said to him: “Many people live in love, but not in law. Promise me that if you become president, you will legalize same-sex relationships, and I promise that all gays and lesbians will vote for you.” But Yatsenyuk, who leads “Fatherland” in the absence of jailed leader Yulia Tymoshenko, revealed that he rejects gay marriage because his personal beliefs stand in the way of any political position.

And while the West parades out before global audiences “Jewish” commentators claiming the new regime is free of antisemitism, growing fear has been documented amongst Ukraine’s Jewish population during the last decade the West has been propping up the ultra-right. An interesting report in the wake of the Fatherland Party’s failed attempt to take power during 2010′s elections by The Jewish Week titled, “Change For Ukraine, But Likely Not For Jews,” portrayed Ukraine’s Jews in fear of a potential win by “Fatherland” which was perceived as both nationalist and anti-Semitic

. A video report published in 2012 on Jewish News One titled, “Ukraine far-right Svoboda party anti-Semitism,” further exposes the West’s current narrative regarding their proxies in Kiev as nothing more than a public relations campaign designed to cover up what is essentially a Nazis regime.

Past, Present, Future?

It is said that those who fail to learn the lessons of history are doomed to repeat them. Clearly, a large segment of the global population has failed to learn from history leading to an almost verbatim repeat of the horrors of World War 2. Some have warned in the past that when fascism returned, it would not be as obvious as the stock footage of Adolf Hitler and his Nazis legions. However, in Kiev, there are literally Neo-Nazis hailing Hitler, wearing his Nazi Party’s insignia, and carrying out the same campaign of brutal repression, political intimidation, and mass murder that were the hallmarks of Nazi Germany’s descent into darkness.

Those that understand that history is now repeating itself, and recognize the United States, European Union, and their NATO alliance are behind it, must educate those that have yet to recognize the monster that has been reawakened.


Source: Near Eastern Look- Land Destroyer

Edited by Steven Gaal
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