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Jerome Corsi: Soviet-Bloc Defector sheds light on Oswald's visit to Mexico

Douglas Caddy

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I find it strange you are still repeating the story that got Dan Rather fired from one of the highest profile jobs in the country, along with his partner in crime.

I find it strange that someone who hangs out on THIS forum doesn't realize Rather was fired by the PTB, for telling the truth about W.

You ever wonder why the Air National Guard would let a cocaine addict fly a fighter jet?

They didn't let him - they grounded him. He had so much difficulty landing his F-102, he was given a check ride which he failed. He was put back in trainer aircraft and was only allowed to fly with an instructor - that made him a student, again. He was then grounded when he refused to take the annual flight physical. I wonder why he refused?


"I find it strange that someone who hangs out on THIS forum doesn't realize Rather was fired by the PTB, for telling the truth about W" Whoa.....do I hear some sour grapes? You'll have to let me in on what/who PTB is, guess I haven't hung around here enough to know that.

I see no reason for your voluntarily choosing to beat a dead horse. You know, I know and the rest of the civilized world knows that the Star of the Universe, Dan "lying" Rather thought he could get Bush defeated by passing out a huge lie. He thought his 'stature' would win him votes. He gambled, he lost. He's now a footnote in history while GWB is an ex US President. I'm not a liberal so I have no sympathy for the lying lame Main Stream Media of which Dan was a darling. I'm pretty sure you can not provide any links to any verified factual data for the 'extravagant' lies you are attempting to pass off. I think that door of history has been opened and closed and the lefties lost.

I do not claim to be an expert on the details of Bush's service, but I do know he completed flight training and was a fighter pilot of a type plane that they stopped using in Vietnam during the period that he was training in it. You very well know that the record is clear that he volunteered for service in Viet Nam and since members of his unit were being regularly assigned there (provided they had fulfilled flight time reqmts, etc) that there was a liklihood that when he met the qualifications he would be assigned there also. during his training, his type aircraft was no longer being sent to Viet nam. He served almost a full 6 year enlistment.

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I will point out that 'when the truth' got all shook out, that Dan Rather and Mapes were out of a job and GW Bush was re'elected president.

Please provide a link from a non-conservative site that proves the above.

G W Bush served 6 years and was a qualified fighter pilot that volunteered for duty in Viet Nam.

1. GW Bush was NEVER a Qualified Fighter pilot. He qualified to solo the F-102 for a BRIEF time. He was GROUNDED before he received ANY combat training, such as gunnery, etc. etc. which is to say that he wasn't "Qualified" to DO anything with his aircraft, except to burn fuel...

2. Bush did NOT serve for 6 years. Following his grounding, he was assigned a desk job to complete his MANDATORY time, but instead went AWOL.

3. He did NOT volunteer to serve "overseas" -- this precludes service in Vietnam. See his TANG papers for confirmation.

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I find it strange you are still repeating the story that got Dan Rather fired from one of the highest profile jobs in the country, along with his partner in crime.

I find it strange that someone who hangs out on THIS forum doesn't realize Rather was fired by the PTB, for telling the truth about W.

You ever wonder why the Air National Guard would let a cocaine addict fly a fighter jet?

They didn't let him - they grounded him. He had so much difficulty landing his F-102, he was given a check ride which he failed. He was put back in trainer aircraft and was only allowed to fly with an instructor - that made him a student, again. He was then grounded when he refused to take the annual flight physical. I wonder why he refused?


"I find it strange that someone who hangs out on THIS forum doesn't realize Rather was fired by the PTB, for telling the truth about W" Whoa.....do I hear some sour grapes? You'll have to let me in on what/who PTB is, guess I haven't hung around here enough to know that.

I see no reason for your voluntarily choosing to beat a dead horse. You know, I know and the rest of the civilized world knows that the Star of the Universe, Dan "lying" Rather thought he could get Bush defeated by passing out a huge lie. He thought his 'stature' would win him votes. He gambled, he lost. He's now a footnote in history while GWB is an ex US President. I'm not a liberal so I have no sympathy for the lying lame Main Stream Media of which Dan was a darling. I'm pretty sure you can not provide any links to any verified factual data for the 'extravagant' lies you are attempting to pass off. I think that door of history has been opened and closed and the lefties lost.

I do not claim to be an expert on the details of Bush's service, but I do know he completed flight training and was a fighter pilot of a type plane that they stopped using in Vietnam during the period that he was training in it. You very well know that the record is clear that he volunteered for service in Viet Nam and since members of his unit were being regularly assigned there (provided they had fulfilled flight time reqmts, etc) that there was a liklihood that when he met the qualifications he would be assigned there also. during his training, his type aircraft was no longer being sent to Viet nam. He served almost a full 6 year enlistment.

Every claim you make above about Bush is DEAD wrong. I have refuted your every claim. You obviously know NOTHING about this subject, yet you repeat ALL this horse manure that you "KNOW" is "RIGHT", and you accuse me of BEATING A DEAD HORSE?


Edited by Tom Neal
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I find it refreshing to find at last that rare person who will defend George W. Bush, our ex-president who cannot travel to Europe because he faces being arrested as a war criminal there. All Europe's doors today are open to Kerry, who was defeated for the presidency in 2004 by the lies spread by Corsi and his fellow smear artists laboring in behalf of Bush. Since leaving the White House, George W. Bush's foreign travels have taken him to Africa (enough said) and his internal travels have taken him to New Orleans, where he recently attempted to rewrite history on the 10th anniversary of Katrina by showing at last some compassion for its victims, who were ignored and shunned by his administration in their greatest hour of need and assistance.

Perfectly said, Douglas!

Thank You,


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You do know that Bush requested duty in Vietnam several times. Right? So Kerry had the silver spoon, did I get that right?

At NO time did Bush request duty in Vietnam. There is a box on the TANG form that asks if you are willing to serve "Overseas" - Bush checked "No."


Tom, you're getting confused. you say " There is a box on the TANG form that asks if you are willing to serve "Overseas" - Bush checked "No." and just above you had said "(the box for serving overseas was NOT checked), It can't be 'checked' but 'not checked'. So you're saying he only filled out that form one time in the 6 years he served. I don't know what your axe to grind with Bush is, but you are obviously confused and should attempt to get your story straight.

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I will point out that 'when the truth' got all shook out, that Dan Rather and Mapes were out of a job and GW Bush was re'elected president.

Please provide a link from a non-conservative site that proves the above.

G W Bush served 6 years and was a qualified fighter pilot that volunteered for duty in Viet Nam.

1. GW Bush was NEVER a Qualified Fighter pilot. He qualified to solo the F-102 for a BRIEF time. He was GROUNDED before he received ANY combat training, such as gunnery, etc. etc. which is to say that he wasn't "Qualified" to DO anything with his aircraft, except to burn fuel...

2. Bush did NOT serve for 6 years. Following his grounding, he was assigned a desk job to complete his MANDATORY time, but instead went AWOL.

3. He did NOT volunteer to serve "overseas" -- this precludes service in Vietnam. See his TANG papers for confirmation.

I notice you provide no source of your info while 'demanding' it from me. Your side lost. Get over it.

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I find it strange you are still repeating the story that got Dan Rather fired from one of the highest profile jobs in the country, along with his partner in crime.

I find it strange that someone who hangs out on THIS forum doesn't realize Rather was fired by the PTB, for telling the truth about W.

You ever wonder why the Air National Guard would let a cocaine addict fly a fighter jet?

They didn't let him - they grounded him. He had so much difficulty landing his F-102, he was given a check ride which he failed. He was put back in trainer aircraft and was only allowed to fly with an instructor - that made him a student, again. He was then grounded when he refused to take the annual flight physical. I wonder why he refused?


"I find it strange that someone who hangs out on THIS forum doesn't realize Rather was fired by the PTB, for telling the truth about W" Whoa.....do I hear some sour grapes? You'll have to let me in on what/who PTB is, guess I haven't hung around here enough to know that.

I see no reason for your voluntarily choosing to beat a dead horse. You know, I know and the rest of the civilized world knows that the Star of the Universe, Dan "lying" Rather thought he could get Bush defeated by passing out a huge lie. He thought his 'stature' would win him votes. He gambled, he lost. He's now a footnote in history while GWB is an ex US President. I'm not a liberal so I have no sympathy for the lying lame Main Stream Media of which Dan was a darling. I'm pretty sure you can not provide any links to any verified factual data for the 'extravagant' lies you are attempting to pass off. I think that door of history has been opened and closed and the lefties lost.

I do not claim to be an expert on the details of Bush's service, but I do know he completed flight training and was a fighter pilot of a type plane that they stopped using in Vietnam during the period that he was training in it. You very well know that the record is clear that he volunteered for service in Viet Nam and since members of his unit were being regularly assigned there (provided they had fulfilled flight time reqmts, etc) that there was a liklihood that when he met the qualifications he would be assigned there also. during his training, his type aircraft was no longer being sent to Viet nam. He served almost a full 6 year enlistment.

Every claim you make above about Bush is DEAD wrong. I have refuted your every claim. You obviously know NOTHING about this subject, yet you repeat ALL this horse manure that you "KNOW" is "RIGHT", and you accuse me of BEATING A DEAD HORSE?


You haven't refuted anything, are you having an illusion? The papers that were 'fake but accurate' that cost Danny his job can't be used as verification for your story.

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I do not claim to be an expert on the details of Bush's service, but I do know he completed flight training and was a fighter pilot of a type plane that they stopped using in Vietnam during the period that he was training in it. You very well know that the record is clear that he volunteered for service in Viet Nam and since members of his unit were being regularly assigned there (provided they had fulfilled flight time reqmts, etc) that there was a liklihood that when he met the qualifications he would be assigned there also. during his training, his type aircraft was no longer being sent to Viet nam. He served almost a full 6 year enlistment.

Every claim you make above about Bush is DEAD wrong. I have refuted your every claim. You obviously know NOTHING about this subject, yet you repeat ALL this horse manure that you "KNOW" is "RIGHT", and you accuse me of BEATING A DEAD HORSE?

You haven't refuted anything, are you having an illusion? The papers that were 'fake but accurate' that cost Danny his job can't be used as verification for your story.

Mr. Drew,

As usual, you don't even READ the posts you respond to, so it is POINTLESS to continue this OT. Rest assured I will never again waste my time replying to anything you post. You will NO DOUBT take this as a victory...

Enjoy life inside your BUBBLE...

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I do not claim to be an expert on the details of Bush's service, but I do know he completed flight training and was a fighter pilot of a type plane that they stopped using in Vietnam during the period that he was training in it. You very well know that the record is clear that he volunteered for service in Viet Nam and since members of his unit were being regularly assigned there (provided they had fulfilled flight time reqmts, etc) that there was a liklihood that when he met the qualifications he would be assigned there also. during his training, his type aircraft was no longer being sent to Viet nam. He served almost a full 6 year enlistment.

Every claim you make above about Bush is DEAD wrong. I have refuted your every claim. You obviously know NOTHING about this subject, yet you repeat ALL this horse manure that you "KNOW" is "RIGHT", and you accuse me of BEATING A DEAD HORSE?

You haven't refuted anything, are you having an illusion? The papers that were 'fake but accurate' that cost Danny his job can't be used as verification for your story.

Mr. Drew,

As usual, you don't even READ the posts you respond to, so it is POINTLESS to continue this OT. Rest assured I will never again waste my time replying to anything you post. You will NO DOUBT take this as a victory...

Enjoy life inside your BUBBLE...

Sorry you're so bitter that your side lost. If you were interested in the truth about GWB you would have read by now. Dan Rather sued CBS for 70 milion bucks to try to prove he was right and GWB was not. You have heard how that lawsuit turned out, haven't you?

And I don't mind it when sore losers tell me they're not going to respond. Some people can't take defeat. Sound familiar? Good bye.

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Tom Neal,

You ask whether I think GW Bush is better than Kerry?

Better in what sense?

Sorry Jon,

Due to the content of the many replies, I actually thought the subject of this thread WAS Bush v. Kerry. When Mark K. questioned the "relevance" I read the Subject and only then discovered my error. I already admitted "my bad" and don't want to continue to derail the discussion.

Thanks for your response though,


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