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How Tall was Bill Shelley?

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I've searched everywhere I can think of, and cannot come up with a height for Bill Shelley. Does anyone know?

He does not appear to be a very big man, and it seems most others tower over him in the photos of him and others.

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I've searched everywhere I can think of, and cannot come up with a height for Bill Shelley. Does anyone know?

He does not appear to be a very big man, and it seems most others tower over him in the photos of him and others.

No idea, Bob. He was hard enough to find pre-assassination photographs of.

He does look fairly tall, though, in those frames where he, Danny Arce, and 6' 2" Bonnie Ray Williams are getting into the police car.

FWIW, we do know that Billy Lovelady was quite short, like 5' 7", I my memory is serving me well.

--Tommy :sun

Edited by Thomas Graves
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5'8", actually.

So Billy Lovelady was 5' 8".

That's wonderful, Bob.

Thanks for sharing.

Do you think Shelley was shorter than Lovelady? The same height? Taller?

Just how tall would you like Shelley to be?

--Tommy :sun

Edited by Thomas Graves
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[Detective C. W. Brown circled]



He looks quite short in these photos.

Dear Robert,

How short does he look to you? Take a wild guess. You know, give or take a couple of inches.

All I can say from the top of my head is that we know that Detective Brown was short, Bonnie Ray Williams was 6' 2", and it's obvious Shelly is not standing straight up in this photo because he's either in the act of starting to get into the police car (he ended up getting in on the other side), or helping the policeman open the door for Arce and Williams..

I would guess that Shelley was at about 5' 10".

Say! If Shelley was in the military, why don't you try to find his records?

(After all, you're the one who is desperately trying to find out how tall he was. Probably so you can "prove" that that couldn't possibly be Shelley walking down the Elm Street Extension with "Shorty" Lovelady in Couch / Darnell, right? Or do you think you may have spotted him conversing with Gloria Calvery over on the "island"? -- That would be wonderful!)

Why don't you contact some of his relatives? Or some of his old co-workers? Or some of the people he used to compete against in dog shows?

Maybe you can smother 'em with the world famous "Robert Prudhomme Charm" !

Or do you think it doesn't matter now because you've already somehow "proved" that he was "quite short"? Haven't you.


--Tommy :sun

Edited by Thomas Graves
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PS Oh Goodie Goodie!

Look what I've found!

Shelley (the skinny guy on the right) looks significantly taller in this clip than in the photos you chose, doesn't he Bob?

(General observation: It's funny how everyone looks shorter next to 6' 2" Bonnie Ray Williams, and everyone looks taller next to Detective C.W. Brown.)

And look at Shelley's thin body, and his facial profile, and the suit he was wearing that day!

And dig that distinctive Edd Byrnes (q.v.) hairdo!

(Looking at it now with it glowing like that in the sunshine, I think that what I've read about his having red hair must have been true!)

And look at how much of his white collar is visible above his jacket on his long, thin neck! Like, two inches!


--Tommy :sun

PS That's detective C.W. Brown in the flashing red circle.

PPS The press guy who saunters up in the background was obviously a giant like me (6'5"). No, I'm not talking about the one with the camera, I'm talking about the one with the white label on his chest.

Edited by Thomas Graves
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[Detective C. W. Brown circled]



He looks quite short in these photos.

Dear Robert,

How short does he look to you? Take a wild guess. You know, give or take a couple of inches.

All I can say from the top of my head is that we know that Detective Brown was short, Bonnie Ray Williams was 6' 2", and it's obvious Shelly is not standing straight up in this photo because he's either in the act of starting to get into the police car (he ended up getting in on the other side), or helping the policeman open the door for Arce and Williams..

I would guess that Shelley was at about 5' 10".

Say! If Shelley was in the military, why don't you try to find his records?

(After all, you're the one who is desperately trying to find out how tall he was. Probably so you can "prove" that that couldn't possibly be Shelley walking down the Elm Street Extension with "Shorty" Lovelady in Couch / Darnell, right? Or do you think you may have spotted him conversing with Gloria Calvery over on the "island"? -- That would be wonderful!)

Why don't you contact some of his relatives? Or some of his old co-workers? Or some of the people he used to compete against in dog shows?

Maybe you can smother 'em with the world famous "Robert Prudhomme Charm" !

Or do you think it doesn't matter now because you've already somehow "proved" that he was "quite short"? Haven't you.


--Tommy :sun

Why do you sound like one of the LN's that frequent forums such as the JFK Assassination Forum when you get abusive, Thomas?

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Looking at this photo, I don't think he is even 5'5". Just my opinion, so don't start ranting, Thomas.

Dear Robert,

You talkin' to me?

Five-five, huh? Wow!

How tall do you think Danny Arce was. about 5' 5" ?

What about the policeman with the shotgun, How tall do you think he was without his hat on? About 5' 8" ?

--Tommy :sun

PS Why do you want to know how tall Shelley was? If you tell me, I'll try to help you find out. If not, ... well I guess it doesn't really matter, does it, because you've already "proved" it, havent you.


Edited by Thomas Graves
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[Detective C. W. Brown circled]



He looks quite short in these photos.

Dear Robert,

How short does he look to you? Take a wild guess. You know, give or take a couple of inches.

All I can say from the top of my head is that we know that Detective Brown was short, Bonnie Ray Williams was 6' 2", and it's obvious Shelly is not standing straight up in this photo because he's either in the act of starting to get into the police car (he ended up getting in on the other side), or helping the policeman open the door for Arce and Williams..

I would guess that Shelley was at about 5' 10".

Say! If Shelley was in the military, why don't you try to find his records?

(After all, you're the one who is desperately trying to find out how tall he was. Probably so you can "prove" that that couldn't possibly be Shelley walking down the Elm Street Extension with "Shorty" Lovelady in Couch / Darnell, right? Or do you think you may have spotted him conversing with Gloria Calvery over on the "island"? -- That would be wonderful!)

Why don't you contact some of his relatives? Or some of his old co-workers? Or some of the people he used to compete against in dog shows?

Maybe you can smother 'em with the world famous "Robert Prudhomme Charm" !

Or do you think it doesn't matter now because you've already somehow "proved" that he was "quite short"? Haven't you.


--Tommy :sun

Why do you sound like one of the LN's that frequent forums such as the JFK Assassination Forum when you get abusive, Thomas?

Dear Bob,

Yeah, I suppose you're right. I really should try to sound much more level-headed and rational and open-minded and sincere and friendly and non-defensive and diplomatic and polite and charming and objective and non-confrontational like you always are on this forum. You know, like when you accused me, in an unsolicited 6:54 am Personal Message, of being "disinfo" and threatened, in that same PM, to "expose" me (or words to that effect)? Six fifty-four in the morning, huh? (Question: Was that before or after you milked the cows, fed the chickens, slopped the hogs, and checked your trot lines and traps for fresh "kills"? From the style and color of the shirt and the color-coordinated, groovy, Future Farmers of America or 4-H "cap" you're wearing in your profile picture, I can only assume that that's what you have to do every morning before you can finally take your galoshes, go thaw your hands out by the wood burning stove, have your "breffer," drink a couple of cups of he-man black coffee, and finally go "on line".)

BTW, Why didn't you follow through on that threat? Why did you apologize to me (via another PM) a few days later, instead? You know, a couple of days after I'd casually mentioned (on the forum, itself) that I was considering looking for a good lawyer?

I mean, it's never too late, Bob.

--Tommy :sun

Edited by Thomas Graves
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