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I would like to begin a thread about certain discrepancies I have found in JFK's autopsy report, written by Commander James Humes. The report can be found in Appendix IX of the Warren Commission Report.


Unfortunately, this is a pdf file, and I am unable to copy and paste excerpts from it. I have had a couple of members attempt to teach me how to c/p from a pdf file but, with my limited computer skills, they might as well have been speaking Greek to me.

Could I perhaps request that someone, who knows how to do this, c/p the relative paragraphs and sentences for me?


I should add I have been unsuccessful in finding a non-pdf version of Appendix IX of the WCR online.

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I would like to begin a thread about certain discrepancies I have found in JFK's autopsy report, written by Commander James Humes. The report can be found in Appendix IX of the Warren Commission Report.


Unfortunately, this is a pdf file, and I am unable to copy and paste excerpts from it. I have had a couple of members attempt to teach me how to c/p from a pdf file but, with my limited computer skills, they might as well have been speaking Greek to me.

Could I perhaps request that someone, who knows how to do this, c/p the relative paragraphs and sentences for me?


I should add I have been unsuccessful in finding a non-pdf version of Appendix IX of the WCR online.

Try saving it as a pdf. You may be able copy and paste that way.

If that doesn't work, use a snipping tool and save the section you want to post as a JPG file and upload it.

Edited by Greg Parker
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Here you go, Bob. I uploaded the docs to my server. I have to upload to this forum in groups because there is a limit to the number I can post at the same time.

Click on the images to see in full size.





Edited by Greg Burnham
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I would like to begin a thread about certain discrepancies I have found in JFK's autopsy report, written by Commander James Humes. The report can be found in Appendix IX of the Warren Commission Report.


Unfortunately, this is a pdf file, and I am unable to copy and paste excerpts from it. I have had a couple of members attempt to teach me how to c/p from a pdf file but, with my limited computer skills, they might as well have been speaking Greek to me.

Could I perhaps request that someone, who knows how to do this, c/p the relative paragraphs and sentences for me?


I should add I have been unsuccessful in finding a non-pdf version of Appendix IX of the WCR online.

Or you could just ask Greg Burnham to do it.

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I hope it helps, Bob. It's the best I can do. Perhaps you can simply refer to the page number, paragraph, and line numbers for reference purposes.

Not to go off topic, but to save you time, don't attempt to copy and paste "text" from the original PDF or from my .png files because it will never work.

You can't cut and paste "text" from that type of a PDF. The original document was an "image file" that was "saved as" a PDF file. That's not the same as a document that was created in PDF to begin with or a document that was created using any type of "word processor." This document was created using a typewriter! It possesses no code for text. A word processor document that was "exported" as a PDF could have the text lifted from it (C & P), but an image file is a "picture of the text" without it actually containing any recognizable text coding.

It's the best I could do. Good luck!

Edited by Greg Burnham
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Thanks, Dave. What a coincidence, David Josephs just posted the exact same thing for me over at the Deep Politics Forum. It's amazing what a person can do when he humbles himself to ask for help. :)

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Had your PDF been a text pdf you would have been able to copy and paste. Unfortunately the PDF you had was an image pdf and so there was no way you would be able to copy and paste text. Therefore not being able to copy and paste had nothing to do with your computer skills.


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Had your PDF been a text pdf you would have been able to copy and paste. Unfortunately the PDF you had was an image pdf and so there was no way you would be able to copy and paste text. Therefore not being able to copy and paste had nothing to do with your computer skills.


Why thank you, James. Always nice to know I'm not quite as handicapped as I think I am. :)

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