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Gary Murr

Gary Murr

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I have been interested in, or a student of, the events of Dealey Plaza, November 22, 1963, since early in 1966. I first met Harold Weisberg during that summer and thereafter immersed myself, as time would allow, in all and any writings I could find on the assassination. I believe I was the first Canadian to own a set of the Warren Commission's 26 Volumes. I was in contact with, and did research for, many of the "first" generation critics of the Commission's work. I still maintain contact with some of these surving individuals, including but not exclusively, Josiah Thompson, David Lifton, Paul Hoch, Larry Haapanen, etc.

Though I drifted away for the subject matter for a number of years after the close of the work of the HSCA, I returned, at a fellow researchers request, in the late 1980's involving myself with annotating footnotes for a couple of assassination related manuscripts. It was during this sidelight of work that I decided to write an extensive account of the wounding of Governor Connally, an undertaking that continues to this day. This particular labour of love has, out of necessity, been stretched out over the past 14 years, but is very near completion. This particular project has brought me an entirely new circle of individuals whom I would call "friends." During a stretch of seven years, between 1994 and 2001, I made eight trips to NARA and eventually NARA II. This allowed me the good fortune of renewing my long standing friendship with the late Harold Weisberg, an individual whom I spent time with on every trip to the Washington area.

I have a B.A, majoring in Literature and History; an M.A., majoring in American History, and a Master of Library Science degree, something which has stood me in good sted in my numerous ventures throughout life.

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