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Lee Oswald Fired

Tom Hume

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1. On the 300th day of the year, October 27, 1957, Lee Oswald fired a shot from his derringer into his arm.  


2. On the 200th day of the year, July 19, 1963, Lee Oswald was fired by the Reily Coffee Company. 


3. On the 100th day of the year, April 10, 1963, Lee Oswald supposedly fired a shot at Lt. General Edwin A Walker.


Apropos of...? Just wanted to share.



Edited by Tom Hume
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Or so you say, David. “326” isn’t a nice round number like “100”, “200”, or “300”, and maybe the guy that was pulling Lee Oswald’s strings was into nice round numbers. 


How about this one? Lee Oswald’s patsy bona fides started on the day he landed in the Soviet Union, October 16th, 1959. If that was day “1”, then November 24, 1963 was day “1500”.



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And just think .... there are people bored enough to actually want to sit down and figure out all those useless numerological statistics. As if they really mean something significant. An amazing time-waster.

Edited by David Von Pein
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Numbers Addendum....


If the conspirators/henchmen were that much into numerology, why didn't they arrange to have JFK killed on October 27, 1963, the 300th day of the year, instead of Day #326?

And to add to the "numbers" fantasy game, I'll mention that the most tense and stressful day of the Cuban Missile Crisis (Saturday, October 27, 1962) was the 300th day of 1962. Did Castro or Khrushchev "arrange" for that terrifying day to occur on a "round number" day on the calendar?

(Cue Rod Serling music.)

(Yeah, I got bored today too.)


Edited by David Von Pein
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