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6th Annual JFK Assassination Conference Announced

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Judyth Baker posted the following on Facebook yesterday::

Am pleased to announce that THE 6TH ANNUAL JFK ASSASSINATION CONFERENCE will be held Nov. 16-17-18 at the Doubletree-Hilton in Dallas. 31 experts, researchers ...and witnesses will bring you "The Final Verdict" on the real killers of the Kennedy brothers and Martin Luther King, plus much more!
Tickets are now available at JFKDallasconference.com By getting your Early Bird tickets now, you'll also enjoy some VERY SPECIAL PRIVILEGES. You'll not only save some money, but you'll have a reserved seat in the best section of the ballroom, and when you arrive, you'll receive a free copy of our special CONFERENCE EDITION of "KENNEDY & OSWALD: THE BIG PICTURE" (while supplies last... this book retails at $24.95!).
You'll see and hear the evidence and the testimonies that should have made "The Final Verdict” quite different in the murders of John Fitzgerald Kennedy, Robert F. Kennedy and Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Last year’s “Mock Trial” of Lee Oswald in Houston did not allow important evidence to be presented, resulting in a hung jury. At this conference, you will see the evidence that a fair and unprejudiced Grand Jury would have seen for each case in turn.

Our witnesses, researchers, experts and investigators will be tasked to present the kind of evidence that would be acceptable to a Grand Jury. Few people realize that had Lee Oswald survived, a Grand Jury very likely would never have let him go to trial: there was too much evidence of his innocence to do so! Some statements will be in the form of depositions, with you as living witnesses. t For far too long, evidence defending the innocence of Lee Harvey Oswald and others accused of these murders has been improperly presented, almost at random. This time, enjoy a feast of facts that can be shared with the most skeptical of your friends and loved ones.

Thousands of once-secret records have now been released, but most remain redacted and censored. Further, the government and media have purposely misinterpreted many of them. Learn the truth: murder, treason and cover-up changed our government and America forever, but we still have time, before all our witnesses and experts leave this world behind, to hear their words and record them for history. What we will be doing this November can change everything. Be part of it! JFK told us, “One person can make a difference, and everyone should try.”
OUR SPEAKERS TBA (See Speaker’s Page for more info!)

Meeting in a new and better hotel! Learn more about the DoubleTree Dallas Market Center Hotel (A limited number of rooms at the special group rate have been reserved, which you can access using the ‘Hotel’ tab). Purchase your conference tickets and Speakers Dinner tickets under “Register.”


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