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John Newman on Dr. Jeremy Gunn of ARRB

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John Newman wrote on Facebook yesterday:

I know many friends of mine are interested in Dr. Jeremy Gunn of the Assassination Records Review Board (ARRB). So, I am happy to report that I was fortunate to have spent almost all of yesterday with him. I can share that Dr. Gunn has moved to a Middle Eastern country where is enjoying life as an academic--a Professor of Political Science, which is a job I obviously can relate to. He is now a specialist in Middle Eastern History and affairs, and teaches courses in this fi...eld. He is fluent in French. Dr. Gunn is still very interested in the Kennedy assassination case and particularly so in where new research is taking us. As the Executive Secretary of the ARRB, Dr. Gunn managed the entire program until it ended in the late 1990s. We are indebted to him for husbanding and managing--some would say refereeing--the release of millions of JFK records.

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This is kind of off topic but does anyone know if there are any video interviews of Sandra Spencer out there? I was reading through her ARRB testimony the other day and was curious if anyone ever had the chance to interview her before she passed away.

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