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How did Oswald know that no-one was in the Domino Room in the minutes before the Motorcade passed?

Tony Krome

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Baker has a good idea which floor he's on

We know Sawyer rode the passenger elevator to the 4th floor and looked around before returning to the 1st floor

Mr. BAKER - The next thing that I noticed was Inspector Sawyer, he was on one of those floors there, he is a police inspector.
Mr. DULLES - City of Dallas Police?
Mr. BAKER - Yes, sir. And he was on, I really didn't notice which floor he was on, but that is the first thing I saw as we descended how this freight elevator, you know, it has got these picket boards in front of it and it has got it open so far, and it seemed to me like we stopped for a moment and I spoke to him and I told him that I had been to the roof, and there wasn't anything on the roof that would indicate anybody being up there, and then we started on down.
Mr. BELIN - Did you stay on the elevator while you spoke to him?
Mr. BAKER - Yes, sir.
Mr. BELIN - Do you remember what floor it was that you spoke to him on or how many floors down that you went from the top before you saw him?
Mr. BAKER - No, sir; not at that time. It seemed to me like it was on either the third or the fourth floor.

As we all know, Baker, in his affidavit, stated he saw a white man moving away from the 3rd or 4th floor stairway. The white man was wearing a light brown jacket. In his testimony, he mentions that the man wearing the light brown jacket, was also wearing a white shirt;

Mr. BAKER - At that particular time I was looking at his face, and it seemed to me like he had a light brown jacket on and maybe some kind of white-looking shirt.

Rowland describes a similarly clothed man holding a rifle at Port Arms on the 6th floor;

Mr. SPECTER - What, if anything, did you observe as to the clothes he was wearing? 
Mr. ROWLAND - He had on a light shirt, a very light-colored shirt, white or a light blue or a color such as that. This was open at the collar. I think it was unbuttoned about halfway, and then he had a regular T-shirt, a polo shirt under this, at least this is what it appeared to be.

She (Rowland's wife) said, "What did he look like," and I told her just that--I gave her more or less a brief description of what he looked like, open collared shirt, light-colored shirt, and he had a rifle

Both Baker & Rowland appear to be describing a light collared shirt/jacket over a light regular T-Shirt on both men.

When Truly and Baker arrived at the 1st floor freight elevators, Truly thought both elevators were level at the 5th floor. They then took to the stairs. When they arrived at the 5th floor, Truly could see the east elevator through the now empty west elevator shaft. The west elevator had moved while they were in the stairwell. 

If Rowland and Baker saw the same man, it's possible that the man descended the stairs from the 6th floor to the 5th floor, took the west elevator to the 4th floor, and then appeared to be walking away from the stairwell when Baker saw him.

The above scenario is only possible if the west elevator had continued down, otherwise Truly would have noticed the west elevator still in place on the 4th floor.

There was one guy that admitted he was on the 5th floor right by the elevators when the assassination took place. Could this guy have taken Roland's man to the 4th floor then continued down? This guy should have been enjoying his lunch break, but he decided that going back to work early and hanging around elevators was more important.



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On 10/6/2022 at 10:52 PM, Tony Krome said:

Check Baker's testimony. His first thought was that he suspected the shots came from the Dal-Tex building or the TSBD.

It makes perfect sense that after dismounting his bike, he ran to a position between both buildings;

Mr. BAKER - Well, to me, it sounded high and I immediately kind of looked up, and I had a feeling that it came from the building, either right in front of me or of the one across to the right of it.
Mr. BELIN - What would the building right in front of you be?
Mr. BAKER - It would be this Book Depository Building.
Mr. BELIN - That would be the building located on what corner of Houston and Elm?
Mr. BAKER - That would be the northwest corner.
Mr. BELIN - All right. And you thought it was either from that building or the building located where?
Mr. BAKER - On the northeast corner.

He checks the rooftops, the fire escape, then returns to enter the front doors of the TSBD after Frazier and Molina have moved on.


Quite agree.

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On 10/7/2022 at 12:44 AM, Tony Krome said:

Baker has a good idea which floor he's on

We know Sawyer rode the passenger elevator to the 4th floor and looked around before returning to the 1st floor

Mr. BAKER - The next thing that I noticed was Inspector Sawyer, he was on one of those floors there, he is a police inspector.
Mr. DULLES - City of Dallas Police?
Mr. BAKER - Yes, sir. And he was on, I really didn't notice which floor he was on, but that is the first thing I saw as we descended how this freight elevator, you know, it has got these picket boards in front of it and it has got it open so far, and it seemed to me like we stopped for a moment and I spoke to him and I told him that I had been to the roof, and there wasn't anything on the roof that would indicate anybody being up there, and then we started on down.
Mr. BELIN - Did you stay on the elevator while you spoke to him?
Mr. BAKER - Yes, sir.
Mr. BELIN - Do you remember what floor it was that you spoke to him on or how many floors down that you went from the top before you saw him?
Mr. BAKER - No, sir; not at that time. It seemed to me like it was on either the third or the fourth floor.

As we all know, Baker, in his affidavit, stated he saw a white man moving away from the 3rd or 4th floor stairway. The white man was wearing a light brown jacket. In his testimony, he mentions that the man wearing the light brown jacket, was also wearing a white shirt;

Mr. BAKER - At that particular time I was looking at his face, and it seemed to me like he had a light brown jacket on and maybe some kind of white-looking shirt.

Rowland describes a similarly clothed man holding a rifle at Port Arms on the 6th floor;

Mr. SPECTER - What, if anything, did you observe as to the clothes he was wearing? 
Mr. ROWLAND - He had on a light shirt, a very light-colored shirt, white or a light blue or a color such as that. This was open at the collar. I think it was unbuttoned about halfway, and then he had a regular T-shirt, a polo shirt under this, at least this is what it appeared to be.

She (Rowland's wife) said, "What did he look like," and I told her just that--I gave her more or less a brief description of what he looked like, open collared shirt, light-colored shirt, and he had a rifle

Both Baker & Rowland appear to be describing a light collared shirt/jacket over a light regular T-Shirt on both men.

When Truly and Baker arrived at the 1st floor freight elevators, Truly thought both elevators were level at the 5th floor. They then took to the stairs. When they arrived at the 5th floor, Truly could see the east elevator through the now empty west elevator shaft. The west elevator had moved while they were in the stairwell. 

If Rowland and Baker saw the same man, it's possible that the man descended the stairs from the 6th floor to the 5th floor, took the west elevator to the 4th floor, and then appeared to be walking away from the stairwell when Baker saw him.

The above scenario is only possible if the west elevator had continued down, otherwise Truly would have noticed the west elevator still in place on the 4th floor.

There was one guy that admitted he was on the 5th floor right by the elevators when the assassination took place. Could this guy have taken Roland's man to the 4th floor then continued down? This guy should have been enjoying his lunch break, but he decided that going back to work early and hanging around elevators was more important.



And that was Jack Dougherty, correct? 

If so, do you see him playing any role, that day?

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2 hours ago, Ron Ege said:

And that was Jack Dougherty, correct? 

If so, do you see him playing any role, that day?

Here is a quote from Truly;

"Both back elevators were up at the top, which was strange, I guess, since everyone should have been out to lunch"

In other words, by default, Truly would consider Dougherty's claim of working during the lunch break was strange.

But in the minutes before and after the assassination, Dougherty is by the elevators on the 6th & 5th floors.

To be clear, I have no shots fired from the TSBD. Any "roles" played by some employees of the building, like standing at Port Arms with a rifle in full view from the street, or poking a barrel from a window, was played out for the framing of Oswald.

I do not have "strangers" in the building. The person confronted by Baker, likely on the 4th floor, was a worker known to Truly, and was possibly the same person Rowland saw from the street. I don't believe that person is Dougherty, but I believe Dougherty had eyes on this person, as well as eyes on Jarman and Co on the 5th floor.

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