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George de Mohrenschildt's girlfriend/partner in Belgium


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George von  Möhrenschildt/Jerzy Morenszyldt – his girlfriend partner in Belgium

George von Möhrenschildt himself said very little about his partners and friends in Belgium :

-         George de Mohrenschildt FBI interview 1945 (from WC/CD 537) :   “.. entered in the manufacture of ski clothes in Antwerp, Belgium with two Jewish individuals who understood the clothing business, under the name of Sigurd Inc.”

-         Warren Commission Hearings, George de Mohrenschildt, Volume IX, April 22, 1964 :  “… I had an interest in a sport shop with a  girl friend of mine” /  “… from my father, and whatever savings my girlfriend had. She was an excellent saleswoman”. / “… Dissolved it, quarreled with my girlfriend, decided to come to the States”.

-         The Faux Baron, Nancy Wertz, 2013information from Jeanne de Mohrenschildt “..connections with his two partners at Sigurd, one of which was his girlfriend, Sylvie..” /   “..George called her his Bon-Bon..”

So I tried finding them (or her) myself

1930 : George von Möhrenschildt enters Belgium on 10/8/1930. His name was registered being JERZY MORENSZYLDT and he was born  4/4/1911 in MOZYRZ , Poland.  The first month he rented a room in the Emiel Banningstreet 21 in Antwerp.  After that he moved to the Louizastreet 38 in Antwerp, here he stayed till July 26, 1932.  (Antwerp, Felix Archive, Immigration Files, File number217.104, V 1.660.988  Jerzy Morenszyldt).

1931 : on Nov. 4, George was sentenced by the Tribunal Correctional Court of Antwerp to 8 days in prison on charges of resisting a police officer, 182 francs fine or 8 days imprisonment on charges of drunkenness and use of a false name.  Sentence was suspended pending completion of a 3-year probation period (FBI Files on George DeMohrenschildt, Batch 22, investigation by ROGER STEINKOLK, Security Office, Bonn, dated September 26, 1957, and covers investigation in Brussels, Belgium, during the period September 9 to 26, 1957) 


1932  : on July 26,   George  officially goes to live with Marie LAMY, by that time she had moved to Mechelsesteenweg 84, Antwerp.  This was only some blocks from her previous address (Mechelsesteenweg 43).  This was also her business address.  (Antwerp, Felix Archive, Immigration Files, File number217.104, V 1.660.988  Jerzy Morenszyldt)

1933 :  after 3 years of attending the Institute,  George de Mohrenschildt  got his “Licentiate” degree in International Trade and Maritime Transport at the “Institut de Commerce” in Antwerp,  (newspaper "Gazet van Antwerpen" first results published on  07/22/1936, later results published in October 1936).   In the same year he enters the University of Liege, Belgium (Antwerp, Felix Archive, Immigration Files, File number 217.104 Jerzy Morenszyldt), Student visa, written attestation from the University)

April 24, 1933 : the Polish Consulate in Antwerp informs the authorities to change his name into JERZY VON MOHRENSCHILDT  (Antwerp, Felix Archive, Immigration Files, File number217.104, V 1.660.988 , Additional Information, Jerzy Von Möhrenschildt)

1935 – 1936 : from the Liège University George de Mohrenschildt, first gets a Degree in Common Law and Diplomatic History on Oct. 8, 1935.  He gets his PhD degree in Commercial sciences from the University of Liège on Oct., 3, 1936 and after having written a dissertation “The Economic Influence of the United States on Latin-America”. (Antwerp, Felix Archive, Newspapers, Gazette de Namur Oct. 1935 and Oct. 1936)

1937 – 1938 : Georges gets a Polish passport #687/37 issued in Antwerp (at the Polish Consulate) on July 30, 1937 (as JERZY VON MORENSKILDT).  He applies for a US Immigration visa in March 1938.  He leaves Belgium early May and arrives in New-York on May 13, 1938.  With him he has a Letter of reference from the MAISON SIGURD,  ANTWERP dated May 1, 1938 (NARA Record number 179-10002-10105, WC document – information reviewed by FBI for HSCA - 02/28/1964).   

NOTE : from July 26, 1932 up to the moment he left Belgium for the USA in 1938, has always been registered as living with Mary LAMY at the Mechelsesteenweg 84 in Antwerp.

MARIE LAMY - summary :

1)    Marie LAMY already had a clothing-business in 1930 at a different address  : Mechelsesteenweg  43 in Antwerp.  Marie LAMY, was born on June 8, 1901 in the city of Namur in Belgium (EK 675862).   (Antwerp, Felix Archive, Immigration Files, File number217.104  Jerzy Morenszyldt).    On Sept. 25, 1930 a lot of fabrics are stolen from her warehouse.  First estimate of the stolen goods value is 8,000 Belgian francs, a few days  later this amount is adjusted to 46,000 Belgian francs (Belgicapress, Newspapers GVA, dd. 9/26/1930 and 10/2/1930).

2)    July 26, 1932 : George von Möhrenschildt is living with Marie Lamy in the house at Mechelsesteenweg 84. (Antwerp, Felix Archive, Immigration Files, File number217.104, V 1.660.988 , Additional Information, Jerzy Von Möhrenschildt)

3)    1932-1938 :  George’s living address is the same from the day he goes living with Marie Lamy, up to him leaving Belgium in 1938 (continuously Mechelsesteenweg 84, Antwerp).  During this time he regularly has to apply for renewing his visa and confirm his address (Antwerp, Felix Archive, Immigration Files, File number217.104, V 1.660.988 , Additional Information, Jerzy Von Möhrenschildt)

4)    In January 1939 many Flemish/Belgian newspapers are reporting a large theft of money, golden dollars, Belgian francs,  juwelry, etc  from Marie LAMY’s house in Antwerp at the Mechelsesteenweg 84.  She had a German housekeeper that disappeared the same day  the theft occurred.   Total value of stolen property was estimated to be some 60,000 Belgian francs (Misc. Newspapers e.g. GVA, Vooruit, De Gentenaar, Jan. 1939)

5)    In September 1941  Marie LAMY is again mentioned in a newspaper-article that states  a lot of clothing belonging to her was stolen, but this time from a warehouse in Namur.   So as it seems she had returned to her hometown during WWII, bringing with her stock from Sigurd, or perhaps she tried continuing her business in Namur ?   It also is stated that she was married, but her husband was a POW in Germany (newspaper Pays de Namur, Sept. 26, 1941, in French)  PS : the article mentions an “enormous” quantity of clothing.

6)    sometimes we see the address is being mentioned as Mechelsesteenweg 84-86,  the property had 2 mailboxes (private/business)

7)    In 1950 there still was a clothing manufacturing business at the address Mechelsesteenweg 84 in Antwerp.  A newspaper advertisement was published to hire workers that could handle sewing machines and were skilled in making clothing (advert. In La Vie de Bruxelles, 1950)

Edited by Jean Paul Ceulemans
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I have been looking for a "Sylvie", but no luck so far... There is a possible connection with a girl named Sylvie Lamy that lived in Brussels and Namur, and was connected to the clothing industry, but I have no indication she lived in Antwerp.  There is a possibility George had his address in Antwerp but actually lived elsewhere in Belgium with his girlfriend (but officially there is only Marie LAMY...) 

1921 : announcement of the engagement between Jules MICHAUX and Sylvie LAMY (she is a tailor) . (La Wallonie, Sept. 28 1921)

1931 : on sept 1, CLIFORT Company, merchant in clothing-fabrics,  files for a  financial bankruptcy, the address Troonstreet 87 in Brussels. The two partners in the company are Laurent Clifort and Pierre Michée.(Belgicapress,  Newspaper “La Derniere Heure”, Sept 1, 1931)

1937 : at the address Troonstreet  87 in Brussels is located MAISON LAMY, they are in the clothing business and specialize in Military Clothing, tailor-made civil clothing and Specialises in sports-clothing.  As it seems the Clifort Comapany has been taken over by LAMY.  (Belgicapress, a number of identical Announcement in Newspaper “Les Sports” during the month of July, 1937)

1939 :  LAMY Tailor-made Military Clothing for Officers, Troonstreet 87 Brussels (Belgicapress, La Nation Belge, Announcements, Advertising, Nov. 23 , 1939)

1939 : a Jules MICHAUX is one of many men selected for military duty (the list of all these men are printed in most Belgian newspapers)

1940 : A person is looking to buy a property in Namur (Belgium), currently living Troonstraat 87, Brussels (Belgicapress, Le Centre, Announcements/dvertisements,  Oct. 23, 1940)

Note : we have Marie LAMY located in Namur in 1941

1944 : Jules MICHAUX  is listed as having died in the concentration camp of Mauthausen in Germany on Dec. 21, 1944

Note : we know Marie LAMY her husband was a POW in Germany, but Jules Michaux was married to Sylvie LAMY, not Marie LAMY. 

1945 : Troonstreet 87 in Brussels, Tailor-made clothing  (Belgicapress, Newspaper “La Dernière Heure , Announcements/Advertising, Febr. 2 , 1945)



Edited by Jean Paul Ceulemans
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2 hours ago, Paul Brancato said:

Keep digging. Never know when a golden nugget might appear. 

Yep, but I am never disappointed by the results, as there is always something of interest within the search.

E.g. I would never have know about Tomasz' sister-in-law being "the first lady of Polish Americans"

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