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Morley: Republican Congressman Intros Bill To Exhume JFK Files

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House CIA Subcommittee to Review JFK Bill

Proposed law would release all assassination files in 30 days

MAR 30
  David Schweikert  
Rep. David Schweikert calls his bill “Justice of JFK” Act

Legislation to compel release of thousands of still-redacted JFK assassination files has been referred to the CIA Subcommittee of the House Intelligence Committee. 

The bill, introduced in January by Rep. David Schweikert (R-Ariz), would require six federal agencies and departments to “publicly disclose in unclassified and unredacted form any assassination record and information in their control or possession relevant to the assassination of President John F. Kennedy.”

The referral, made by the House Republican leadership earlier this month, is significant because the CIA would be most affected by the law, which Schweikert calls the “Justice for Kennedy Act.”

After a partial release of JFK files in December, the U.S. government still withholds portions on an estimated 4,400 JFK files, most of which are held by the CIA. 

The Agency also retains 44 “denied in full” documents about the actions of George Joannides, chief of the covert action branch of the CIA’s Miami station in 1963 whose agents had publicized the actions of accused assassin Lee Harvey Oswald before and after Kennedy’s assassination.

Schweikert touted the bill, which was first reported on JFK Facts, on Tucker Carlson's Fox News show last month.

“For the republic to work you’ve got have information,” Schweikert said. “It might be information that make you uncomfortable. It might information that makes you realize someone didn’t tell you the truth but information makes a republic, makes a democracy, work…Someone may be embarrassed. Screw it. Sorry for the language. But freedom of information is more important than someone’s vanity.”

Chad Nagle of the American Conservative sees the bill as a challenge to “Executive Branch Conceit In the Murder of a President.”

Who’s Who

The CIA subcommittee is chaired by Rep. Rick Crawford (R-Ark.), a U.S. Army veteran and former talk radio host. The ranking Democrat is Rep. Andre Carson (D-Ind.).

Three Republicans on the subcommittee are military veterans:  Rep. Mike Gallagher of Wisconsin, a former military intelligence officer; Rep. Dan Crenshaw of Texas, a former Navy SEAL; and  Rep. Mike Waltz of Florida, a former Green Beret. The other Republicans on the committee are  Rep. Austin Scott  of Georgia and Rep. Elise Stefanik.

Other Democrats on the CIA subcommittee include Rep. Jason Crow of Colorado; a former Army Ranger; Rep. Joaquin Castro of Texas; and  Rep. Raja Krishnamoorthi of Illinois.

The prospects for H.R. 637 becoming law depend largely on Crawford who would have approve hearings on the bill and secure subcommittee approval which would then deliver the legislation the full Intelligence Committee.

Readers who live in the state or district of the subcommittee’s members are urged to contact their representatives and call on them to hold hearings of Schweikert’s bill. 

I do not know if this is promising or not. 
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