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Was Marie Tippit on Elm street when the president was assassinated?

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5 hours ago, Steve Thomas said:

Does anyone know who this witness was that Westbrook is talking about?

WC testimony of William Westbrook


Mr. BALL. Where were you when this lady came up who was an eyewitness?
Mr. WESTBROOK. We were at the squad car--Tippit's squad car--it had never been moved.
Mr. BALL. You were near 10th and Patton?
Mr. WESTBROOK. And she was telling us what had occurred.
Mr. BALL. Do you remember her name?
Mr. WESTBROOK. No; the other officers got it.
Mr. BALL. Was it a Mrs. Markham?
Mr. WESTBROOK. It could have been, sir; I don't recall, because I directed someone there to be sure and get her name for the report, but she lived directly across the street, and she told us--or was in the process of telling us how it occurred--what she had seen, when someone hollered a patrolman hollered--"It's just come over the radio that they've got a suspicious person in the Texas Theatre."

Steve Thomas


Westbrook is referring to Helen Markham, though he made an incorrect assumption about where she lived.


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5 hours ago, David Josephs said:


@Steve Thomas

I believe you're talk about Mrs. HOLAN... MrsHolanstatementreTippitmurder-smaller.thumb.jpg.9fbae16e9b48c164a095921eca1bfc5d.jpg





Holan did not live on Tenth Street on 11/22/63, nor did she give any information to any of the officers at the scene.


Edited by Bill Brown
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