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Bill Brown

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    J.D. Tippit, Oak Cliff

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  1. Does anyone reading through this thread really believe Lee Bowers was missing a finger? As in Bowers was kidnapped, threatened and had a finger cut off before being released by his kidnappers?
  2. Regarding the death of Lee Bowers, many of you are (for whatever reason) ignoring the words of ambulance driver Noel Coward, who said Bowers was unresponsive and unable to talk and was dead at the scene. The death certificate stated that Bowers died from "multiple head and internal injuries" and that the time of death in relation to these injuries was "instant". Dr. Roy Bohl was the attending physician at Waxahachie Hospital when Bowers arrived in an ambulance. Dr. Bohl refuted any notion that Bowers was in a "strange state of shock", per Penn Jones' allegation. It seems many of you would prefer a nice juicy conspiracy at every turn instead of simply taking in the facts and forming the only reasonable conclusion.
  3. Yes but I was working under the assumption that if they were on their knees, they were leaning a bit forward.
  4. Look. The bottom line is he said the bullets didn't match the shells. He said nothing about manufacturer. There is no scientific method which can link spent bullets to spent shell casings. Perhaps he should have been more clear and less lazy.
  5. I haven't seen the footage you're referring to. Those who were shot in the head, were they on their knees? If so, of course they're going to fall forward, regardless of where they were shot from.
  6. Whaley says he "turned left, to the 500 block of North Beckley", i.e. he turned left with the intention of going to the 500 block of North Beckley (which is the destination given by his passenger). From the viaduct, one cannot turn left at the 500 block of North Beckley.
  7. "I agree that the discrepancy is well resolved on the assumption of a 5th bullet fired which missed Tippit (3 Winchesters and 2 Remingtons fired). But at least be accurate in responding to what Gil meant." I'll respond to what members actually say, not what they may have meant.
  8. But please don't attempt to publish anything related to a bullet's transfer of energy upon striking it's target. No bullet striking the head from the right front would cause the violent back and to the left motion. You're confusing bullets with baseball bats.
  9. "3. I think your timeline needs to assume Oswald actually made it to 10th and Marsalis and had to wait for a period of time to conclude that the bus was late or not coming. It does not make sense that Oswald would suddenly turn around one block short of his presumed destination." It seems you didn't completely read my article. The theory is based on Oswald, upon arriving at the point where Tenth Street makes it's drastic curve to the right, seeing Deputy Sherriff Unit 109 two or three blocks down and immediately turning around, not wanting to walk any closer to that patrol car. This has Oswald turning around short of his destination.
  10. So when you don't like what a witness says (ambulance driver Noel Coward and attending physician Dr. Roy Bohl), just raise the question that perhaps they were threatened. Got it.
  11. "In Lee Bowers case, he was driven off the road by a mystery vehicle into a concrete wall, and he told the EMTs prior to his death that he thought his coffee had been drugged at a local diner, before returning to his car. Bowers had also, reportedly, told family members that he had not reported everything that he witnessed on 11/22/63-- in the parking lot behind the picket fence-- because he was afraid." Bowers never said a word to any EMT at the scene. He was unresponsive and wasn't able to talk, i.e. he was unconscious. He certainly was NOT driven off the road by a mystery vehicle. Noel Coward (Pat Martin Funeral Home ambulance driver who responded to the accident) said that he believed Bowers was dead at the scene. The death certificate stated that Bowers died from "multiple head and internal injuries" and that the time of death in relation to these injuries was "instant". This tells you that death occurred when the head injuries and internal injuries occurred. In addition to what Coward believed, the death certificate also tells you that Bowers was killed at the scene. Dr. Roy Bohl was the attending physician at Waxahachie Hospital when Bowers arrived in an ambulance. Dr. Bohl refuted any notion that Bowers was in a "strange state of shock", per Penn Jones' allegation. The Penn Jones stuff (about Bowers being in a state of shock and talking to the EMT at the scene) is pure nonsense.
  12. Just for starters.... 1. The bullets removed from Off. Tippit’s body would have matched the shells found at the murder scene. There is no scientific method which can link spent bullets to spent shell casings. 2. Off. J.M. Poe would have found his initials on the shells in evidence. Poe testified to the Warren Commission that he can't be sure that he marked the shells. 3. The spent shells would have been described by police in their broadcast as .38 Specials fired from a revolver. Gerald Hill later admitted that he made a mistake, that he assumed the shells were automatics because they had been found at the scene. He said that whenever shells are found at the scene of a shooting, it almost always means that they were automatic shell casings (having been automatically ejected from the weapon as each round was fired off). He said he couldn't imagine a shooter actually manually unloading the spent shells from a revolver and that he (at the time he made his report on the police radio) was unaware that witnesses at the scene described the shooter doing that exact thing. In other words, Hill assumed they were automatics because they were found at the scene. She;;s from a revolver are hardly ever found at the scene.
  13. However you choose to characterize this thread, it has turned into one about religion. Anyway... For roughly two years, I used a "shoulders up" photo of myself. Recently, I changed it to the current photo of me down in the Dallas Police basement where Oswald was shot. If you go to my profile and click on the photo, my face clearly is not "hidden". I don't owe you any further explanations.
  14. But the thread has been derailed. Other derailed threads get moved.
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