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Where did the description of the killer come from?

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13 hours ago, Mervyn Hagger said:

David, what a load of whisper-thin rubbish.

First of all let's examine the source of your connectivity.

You are claiming that it all began with KLIF and one reporter monitoring a Dallas Police Department radio frequency on a police scanner during November 22, 1963, "which almost certainly had to be what happened that day."

Very persuasive words (NOT!), David.



"Had to be"


"Almost certainly" - that is a contradiction. If it is certain it is, if it is "almost", it may be and may not be. Which is it?

Your answer is that it "had to be."


Because your entire flimsy answer depends upon everyone accepting these waffle-words and rushing on to accepting your next point.


I will gladly address your points two, three and so on, after you clear up what you mean in point number one.

Are you trying to tell everyone to just trust you, because you believe that certain things are true, and therefore because you BELIEVE something we should all bow down to the creed of the Sacred Church doctrine of David Von Pein?

You can tell by listening to just a little of KLIF Radio's assassination coverage that KLIF is a very efficient news-gathering organization. Joe Long's coverage of the day's tragic events on 11/22/63 was second-to-none in quality, competence, and professionalism, in my opinion.

And it should also be noted that the KLIF Radio reporters didn't just "rip and read" the news coming in from the wire services. They were actively seeking out as much news as they could get from the available sources, such as calling up the Dallas Police Department (twice) prior to 12:54 PM to try and pry some information out of their telephone operator. Plus, KLIF talked to various people at the Trade Mart and at Parkland Hospital as the events unfolded as well.

So the KLIF staff wasn't just sitting around on their rear ends waiting for the bulletins to come to them. They were going out and getting a lot of the early news that day for themselves.

And part of that news-gathering process, quite obviously, included monitoring the DPD radio calls within minutes of the shots being fired at the President. In fact, as I was re-listening to my KLIF files last night, at one point I heard what certainly sounds like chatter from a police radio/scanner in the background as KLIF reporter Joe Long was on the air live [go to 1:44:26 in this video].

Another solid indication that shows the likelihood that the KLIF reporters were, indeed, monitoring the DPD radio system comes at the 1:38:15 mark in the KLIF video I just linked above. At that point in the broadcast, you can hear Joe Long say this:

"There was that sudden call, 'All units report Code 3 in the downtown area to Elm & Houston'."

The above words are almost exactly the words that were uttered by the Dallas police dispatcher over the DPD radio at 12:41 PM. See the transcript of the DPD Radio Tapes here.

So when somebody (such as, say, a Mr. Mervyn Hagger) suggests that there was no possible way for the KLIF reporters to have legitimately acquired the information they gathered about the description of the Presidential assassin as quickly as they gathered it, then I think the best and most appropriate response to counter such an allegation is this one:



Edited by David Von Pein
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37 minutes ago, David Von Pein said:

You can tell by listening to just a little of KLIF Radio's assassination coverage that KLIF is a very efficient news-gathering organization. Joe Long's coverage of the day's tragic events on 11/22/63 was second-to-none in quality, competence, and professionalism, in my opinion.

And it should also be noted that the KLIF Radio reporters didn't just "rip and read" the news coming in from the wire services. They were actively seeking out as much news as they could get from the available sources, such as calling up the Dallas Police Department (twice) prior to 12:54 PM to try and pry some information out of their telephone operator. Plus, KLIF talked to various people at the Trade Mart and at Parkland Hospital as the events unfolded as well.

So the KLIF staff wasn't just sitting around on their rear ends waiting for the bulletins to come to them. They were going out and getting a lot of the early news that day for themselves.

And part of that news-gathering process, quite obviously, included monitoring the DPD radio calls within minutes of the shots being fired at the President. In fact, as I was re-listening to my KLIF files last night, at one point I heard what certainly sounds like chatter from a police radio/scanner in the background as KLIF reporter Joe Long was on the air live [go to 1:44:26 in this video].

Another solid indication that shows the likelihood that the KLIF reporters were, indeed, monitoring the DPD radio system comes at the 1:38:15 mark in the KLIF video I just linked above. At that point in the broadcast, you can hear Joe Long say this:

"There was that sudden call, 'All units report Code 3 in the downtown area to Elm & Houston'."

The above words are almost exactly the words that were uttered by the Dallas police dispatcher over the DPD radio at 12:41 PM. See the transcript of the DPD Radio Tapes here.

So when somebody (such as, say, a Mr. Mervyn Hagger) suggests that there was no possible way for the KLIF reporters to have legitimately acquired the information they gathered about the description of the Presidential assassin as quickly as they gathered it, then I think the best and most appropriate response to counter such an allegation is this one:



Ah yes, the ruffled David Von Plein comes to light!

He doesn't address what I wrote in my analysis of his own words, he does the 'Steve Martin Thing' and goes to point number two.

But what about point number one?

You see I know a lot about KLIF. I have been in the old studio when it was still on air.

I know the history of KLIF and I have helped to research academic works about it.

Ditto for Gordon McLendon who worked with David Atlee Phillips because Gordon was working with the CIA.

There was no "unit number 4" as such, because the other units in sequence did not exist. Gordon did things like that and it all began with his first network creating the illusion of live play-by-play commentary recreated with sound effects in the basement of the old Oak Cliff Hotel.

Gordon and Clint Murchison were buddies with Robert F. Thompson and the latter even appeared on screen in at least one of Gordon's awful pictures.

Gordon was in Ireland, in Scandinavia and snuggling up to General Somoza.

Gordon was an adviser to the CIA Radio Free Europe, and all of this in the days of the prelude to the Bay of Pigs and the second attempt called AMWORLD under the direction of Bobby Kennedy.

No one was what they appeared to be in the glamour shots of the press.

What Gordon became was one of the men who hid behind the Curtain and pretended to be the Wizard of Oz, which of course was an illusion that Dorothy's dog Toto revealed - in the movie.

In real life Gordon was the 'Old Scotchman' - not the old Scotsman - but the old Scotch man. The whisky drinking man.

I know a lot about Gordon and KLIF and if we all listen to your aircheck we can hear exactly when the news cuts in to the Tommy Roe song, and we can hear what was broadcast for ourselves - complete with time checks.

So please, Mr Von Plein don't accuse me of bullshit when you are its doyen, its king and its champion.

It is my job to show that you are not what you pretend to be, the all knowing, all endorsing Warren Man who knows that only fools would doubt the Lone Gunman and his Magic Bullet storyline.

But try as you might, the majority of people don't buy that ridiculous story, and when I get through with putting everything I know into book form, well, I guess a few more people will know that you, Mr Von Plein, must have been in the employment of the very same people who Gordon worked for. No, not as a 9 to 5 job, or even in any way related to Gordon, because this is all top secret claptrap compartmentalised in true military style. The left hand never knows what the right hand is doing, and you Mr Von Plein are but a little pinky on one hand.

But you do your job, for whatever reason and so this no sleight on you as a human being. For all I know you are a quiet, charming, kind and generous person. I don't know because I don't know you. All I am doing here is responding to your word "bullshit" for which you offer no explanation.

However, listening to Tommy Roe singing 'Everybody' and checking out the lyrics of both that song and the one that followed after the 'pimple cream' commercial, well, knowing what I know of Gordon he must have roaring his head off with laughter that he shared with Murchison and Thompson who were all three pals working together, while Gordon of course also had his friendship with David Atlee Phillips who used Gordon as his pirate radio broadcasting mentor in how to overthrow a government.

That's all.

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^^^^^ Nonsense Redux ^^^^^

BTW, Mr. Hagger, why have you decided to add an L to my name? (Or should I place the blame for that error on Gordon McLendon and the other evil conspirators at KLIF?)

That's all.


Edited by David Von Pein
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9 hours ago, David Von Pein said:

^^^^^ Nonsense Redux ^^^^^

BTW, Mr. Hagger, why have you decided to add an L to my name? (Or should I place the blame for that error on Gordon McLendon and the other evil conspirators at KLIF?)

That's all.


Good question David. I suppose my editor did not catch the typo before my comments went Online.

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