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Biography: Gerry Hemming

Gerry Hemming

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Gerald Patrick Hemming joined the U.S. Marine Corps in 1954. He left the marines in October 1958 and the following year travelled to Cuba where he gave help to Fidel Castro and his revolutionary forces. In January 1959 he met Lee Harvey Oswald. Later he switched sides and in 1961 established Interpen. This group of experienced soldiers were involved in training members of the anti-Castro groups in the early 1960s.

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Guest John Gillespie


"You should have written that said son-of-a-bitch Brown lied through his teeth to both the Congress and the American people; yet still remains on the "Shrub" payroll teat !!"



I want to tell you how much I appreciate seeing "teat" in the above correspondence. It's just a delight to see it used in any context, really, especially here. The rare occasions when it does appear it is usually misused or misspelled. But right here, with your byline and next to that picture of yours, it's a rose under the April snow, my man.

That said, it may be your sole contribution of any value to these pages. I mean, c'mon, Ger, you can only live off that Cuban thing of 45+ years ago for so long. Think about it. What have we gotten from you except the incessant typing about weaponry and jungle rot? When push comes to shove about anything of substance, suddenly you get coy as if you actually know some thing or some one. You talk the talk of tradecraft quite a bit but does that really include the constant wearing of garments designed to help hide oneself in a greenhouse? Frankly, one begins to wonder about the extent of this fatigue usage, but I digress. Put up or shut up or, indeed, go back to C-Span (What? They got cable on No-Name!?).


...and another thing, gerry or gary or whatever: the irony is not lost that A.J. Weberman - who made you a nobody (yeah, congrats, A.J. Weberman is your life sponsor) - went through Dylan's garbage and it is we who now go through yours.

From the Shawmut Peninsula, where soon we will celebrate Evacuation Day,

John Gillespie

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