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Whaley was right: Neches and Beckley do intersect

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2 hours ago, Donald Willis said:

Yes, I noticed that the Commission route didn't follow yours.  I wonder if the differing routes account for the two-minute time discrepancy between the WC & Myers (12 minutes & 14 minutes, resp.)...

Belin knew "the most direct route would be to take Beckley to Davis Street and then turn left or east on Davis, walking a short block to Crawford, and taking Crawford to 10th, and then 10th east to Patton... ." I can't make heads or tails of CE371, but this is the route indicated in CE1968.

Another anomalous CE2003 distance is the 1.7 miles from 1026 N Beckley to 231 W Jefferson (Texas Theater). Per Google maps the actual distance is 1 mile.

It's as if another roundabout route is being clocked, and I don't know what to make of inflating these distances.



Edited by Michael Kalin
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On 2/23/2024 at 2:27 AM, Gerry Down said:

The problem here though is Whaley physically drove the WC the route he says he took with LHO, and he took them down to Neely.

That Neely location made the timing tight for the WC to get LHO back to his rooming house.

So why would Whaley show the WC that he took LHO to Neely?

To me, this is the most important point. Whaley drove after the assassination to the EXACT SPOT where he dropped off Oswald. In my mind that is where he dropped Oswald off. Everything else is smog.

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7 hours ago, Robert Morrow said:

To me, this is the most important point. Whaley drove after the assassination to the EXACT SPOT where he dropped off Oswald. In my mind that is where he dropped Oswald off. Everything else is smog.

Might be time to check your PCV. Belin browbeat Whaley mercilessly on 4/8/64, beginning with the reenactment of the route at noon. Whaley was accompanied by five passengers, including a Secret Service agent and an attorney general from Texas. You can bet your boots Belin & Ball spelled out beforehand in no uncertain terms exactly what he was to do.

The Secret Service man must not have gotten the drift. An SS report of 5/25/64 devotes almost a full page to Neches, followed by a hand drawn map. Note the detail of the key paragraph:


Neches Street runs directly west from it's [sic] intersection with Eldorado Street. Neither Ballard nor Neches Streets intersect with Zangs. There is a wide driveway running through the lot which separates Eldorado Street from Zangs at the intersection of Neches and Eldorado. This driveway is about 100 feet long and would enable a vehicle to pass from Eldorado to Zangs without proceeding to the legal intersection. Also a person on foot could pass from the intersection of Neches and Eldorado to Zangs by means of this driveway or by a vacant lot and an alley which are in close proximity to the intersection.

In an earlier SS report (12/5/63) the library is mentioned as a possible destination:


A theory that Oswald might have been going to Jefferson Branch Library after leaving his rooming house is doubted because he was first seen walking west on 10th Street when he encountered Officer Tippit. His destination after he left his rooming house is still a matter of conjecture.

Whose theory was this? The report doesn't say, but dismissal on the grounds "he was first seen walking west on 10th Street when he encountered Officer Tippit" ought to raise an eyebrow. From my point of view it's support from an unexpected quarter for the surmise that the library was the intended destination of Whaley's passenger.

Edited by Michael Kalin
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The 12/5/63 Secret Service report lends credence to DPD Detective Buhk's 12/3/63 report that "there were Secret Serivce men" at the library. The pieces of the puzzle are starting to come together -- one LHO "walking west on 10th Street" to the murder scene, another LHO discharged at Neches, stopping at his room, then heading toward the library where Secret Service men waited to intercept him, turning around on Jefferson (perhaps near the used car lot at 510, broadcast on channel one) to seek out a contact at the alternative rendezvous, the Texas Theater.

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On 2/26/2024 at 6:32 AM, Robert Morrow said:

To me, this is the most important point. Whaley drove after the assassination to the EXACT SPOT where he dropped off Oswald. In my mind that is where he dropped Oswald off. Everything else is smog.

And yet Neely was not mentioned by Whaley  in his 11/23 affidavit, nor in his first 2 or 3 Commission stints.  Sometime in between that last (2nd or 3rd) session & the 4/8/ final  session, the word "Neely entered his mind, either from diligent research or from suggestions by Commission staff.  He just, suddenly, drops the word "Neely" during the 4/8 session, without explaining where it came from or why.  Or what happened to his several "Neches" references...

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