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Who Was Alan Smith?

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Posted (edited)
8 hours ago, Matt Cloud said:



Before going off on Jack of CT, I'd need more evidence of a connection to JD and his family. To me, the CT Tippits are relevant only if they knew the Dallas Tippits.

Edited by Richard Bertolino
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What you go off on is up to you.  You're the one that wrote "There's more suggestion that the two Tippit families weren't all that distant at one time."  


In any case, as the FBI memos about the anonymous call to the Tippits of CT records, Jack D. Tippit of CT claimed J.D. Tippit of TX was a "distant relative," but they asked evidently the Norwalk Hour newspaper not to print that connection.  The Hour did anyway. 


The Tippits of CT are relevant for many reasons, many of them highlighted in that memo.  They receive a call about a back-story of Oswald; they turn that over to FBI; Warren Commission does not investigate.  Tippits say caller was Eastern European and Spanish, implicating the two nations already implicated in assassination.  The paper says they are relatives; the cartoonist Tippit worked directly for the Air Force Secretary (recall Oswald may have been set-up to take blame for "leak" of U-2 info).  Son dies in strange circumstances in case never solved; sot from distance 2x at gas station.  In Lubbock.  George Bush's home district.  


In any case, have a look yourself.  I'm not obligated to feed you.  

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30 minutes ago, Matt Cloud said:

It only gets better the closer you look. 


Stephen Allen Tippet marries daughter of USAF Lt. Col. James Moore Kendrick, stationed in Izmir, Turkey, from 1961-63, where Jupiter missiles were based during Cuban Missile Crisis.  Kendrick had been with Von Braun in missile development and renaissance and possibly Aquatone (U-2). 


J.D. Tippit of Connecticut (after coming from Texas) worked for Air Force Secretary Harold Brown in 1965, at least, in Washington.  No mere "cartoonist."

"Daniel Kendrick came out of nowhere in 2013 to claim he was standing on the north side of Elm St. on 11-22-63. It seems possible, then, that he was the boy standing with Smith. (11-22-13 BBC US and Canada article by Mark Mardell, found online)."


Is Daniel Kendrick related to James M. Kendrick?!

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Posted (edited)
7 hours ago, Matt Cloud said:


Arrogance is unnecessary. In my view, I must know that the CT Tippits have something to do with the Dallas Tippits before I care what the CT Tippits did or who they worked for.

Edited by Richard Bertolino
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4 minutes ago, Richard Bertolino said:

Arrogance is unnecessary. In my view, I must know that the CT Tippits have something to do with the Dallas Tippits before I care what the Ct Tippits did or who they worked for.

In other words, you must be told the answer before you acknowledge the possibility.  Got it.  In any case, I already gave you a connection -- quite a few in fact.  And you began this go-around by stating -- by acknowledging -- "there's more suggestion" that they may not have been so distant. 

Totally bizarre exchange, again. 



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"Arrogance" -- whether by me or anyone -- has nothing to do with anything here, and hasn't been on display.  You write a thread about inconsistencies and mysteries surrounding the Tippits.  I added to the list.  You acknowledge such.  Then you come on and say I need to know the answer before I can say any more.  That's not what this forum is about.  It's about developing information that has so far gone undeveloped and analyzing it.  You're ruling out possibilities, and your own ability to look further into new questions, because of, well, what?  You don't like where it might lead?  Sorry.


Any connection between the Tippits of CT and those of TX are obviously highly secret and obscured given that they would probably tend to blow a large chunk of the events of that day out of the water.  Saying that you haven't been given anything to suggest otherwise -- which is flatly untrue -- is disingenuous.  That's the issue; not arrogance.

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