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Why I Don't Support Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. for President

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       There have been a number of detailed commentaries posted here during the past several months on the subject of RFK, Jr.'s 2024 presidential candidacy.

       Three of the best have been those of progressive Democratic luminaries; Naomi Klein, Robert Reich, and Edward Curtin.

        Klein and Reich raised important questions about RFK, Jr.'s progressive bona fides.   Curtin questioned RFK, Jr.'s endorsement of Netanyahu's Gaza genocide.

       Here are a few of my own observations and summaries.


Why I Don't Support Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. for President

1)  He has no legislative or executive experience in government.

2)  He has stubbornly promoted disinformation about the efficacy and risk of vaccines-- even after being corrected by medical experts.

3)  He has a history of impaired judgment and dysfunctional behavior, including heroin addiction.

4)  He uses anabolic steroids, for body-building, which can cause neuropsychiatric side effects, including rage attacks-- 'roid rage-- and mania. 

5)  His own family-- the Kennedy family-- has urged Americans to vote for Joe Biden.

6)  His own former environmentalist colleagues have denounced his candidacy.

7)  His main source of funding is the extreme right-wing Republican billionaire, Timothy Mellon.

8 ) He has been promoted in the mainstream U.S. media by the right-wing propaganda mogul, Rupert Murdoch.

9)  His own campaign staffer said recently that the purpose of his candidacy is to help re-elect Donald Trump.

10) When confronted with examples of his errors in judgment, he has denied responsibility, and blatantly lied about his behavior.

Edited by W. Niederhut
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  • 3 weeks later...
On 5/28/2024 at 2:38 PM, W. Niederhut said:

       There have been a number of detailed commentaries posted here during the past several months on the subject of RFK, Jr.'s 2024 presidential candidacy.

       Three of the best have been those of progressive Democratic luminaries; Naomi Klein, Robert Reich, and Edward Curtin.

        Klein and Reich raised important questions about RFK, Jr.'s progressive bona fides.   Curtin questioned RFK, Jr.'s endorsement of Netanyahu's Gaza genocide.

       Here are a few of my own observations and summaries.


Why I Don't Support Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. for President

1)  He has no legislative or executive experience in government.

2)  He has stubbornly promoted disinformation about the efficacy and risk of vaccines-- even after being corrected by medical experts.

3)  He has a history of impaired judgment and dysfunctional behavior, including heroin addiction.

4)  He uses anabolic steroids, for body-building, which can cause neuropsychiatric side effects, including rage attacks-- 'roid rage-- and mania. 

5)  His own family-- the Kennedy family-- has urged Americans to vote for Joe Biden.

6)  His own former environmentalist colleagues have denounced his candidacy.

7)  His main source of funding is the extreme right-wing Republican billionaire, Timothy Mellon.

8 ) He has been promoted in the mainstream U.S. media by the right-wing propaganda mogul, Rupert Murdoch.

9)  His own campaign staffer said recently that the purpose of his candidacy is to help re-elect Donald Trump.

10) When confronted with examples of his errors in judgment, he has denied responsibility, and blatantly lied about his behavior.

This post is a smear job. 

Be advised, folks, that Niederhut is a devoted disciple and staunch defender of L. Fletcher Prouty. That should tell you all you need to know about his judgment and credibility.

BTW, a large chunk of RFK Jr.'s donations are coming from people who have never donated to political campaigns before. Also, about 1/4-1/3 of his donations are coming from people who donated to Democrats in 2016 and/or 2020, while about 1/4 of his donations are coming from people who donated to Republicans in the two previous elections. 

A good answer to Niederhut's smear job is the 30-minute documentary Who Is Bobby Kennedy?, narrated by Woody Harrelson:

For those who want to know more about Bobby Kennedy's positions, see my article What Conservatives and Liberals Would Each Get with Robert F. Kennedy Jr. in the White House.

Edited by Michael Griffith
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Be advised, folks, that Michael Griffith has repeatedly posted CIA/John McAdams-linked propaganda smearing Col. L. Fletcher Prouty on the Education Forum.

And Griffith has used the time-honored propaganda technique of repeating-the-lie to smear Prouty-- despite members of the forum repeatedly debunking his propaganda.

Most Education Forum members who have studied Prouty's work know better.

As for RFK, Jr.'s  MAGA billionaire-funded stalking horse campaign, it's a very dangerous threat to the future of democracy and the public welfare in the U.S.

It's also a threat to humanity-- which is why the Kennedy family and RFK, Jr.'s own former environmentalist colleagues have asked him to end his campaign and support the Democratic Party in 2024.

A Trump victory in 2024 would not only threaten the future of American democracy, further stacking the U.S. courts with right-wing plutocratic ideologues, it would also result in further Trump sabotage of the EPA and climate change mitigation, on behalf of Big Oil.

Trump and the GOP have also proposed further de-funding of Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, and Obamacare.

The distinguished, Pulitzer Prize-winning American journalist, James Risen, has said it as well as anyone.

The Media Still Doesn’t Grasp the Danger of Trump (theintercept.com)

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A detailed answer to the kinds of smears this 9/11 Truther is spreading about RFK Jr. is Dick Russell's book The Real RFK Jr.: Trials of a Truth Warrior (2023). Yes, the same New York Times best-selling author named Dick Russell who has done so much ground-breaking research on the JFK case, especially on Richard Case Nagell. 

Russell spends two entire chapters on the issue of RFK Jr.'s research on vaccines and vaccine safety. 

It figures that a person who is a devout Fletcher Prouty apologist and a 9/11 Truther would be here trying to smear Bobby Kennedy Jr.

Just shameful. 

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Posted (edited)

Get real, Griffith.  Prouty was a rare inside source about CIA special ops in the 1950s and early 60s.

Your defamatory McAdams.edu tropes smearing Col. Prouty haven't fooled many people here on the Education Forum-- with one or two exceptions.

As for your 9/11 ignorance-- the scientific evidence proving that the Twin Towrs and WTC7 were demolished by explosives on 9/11 is definitive at this point.

I used to tutor undergrads in physics at Brown, before graduating from Harvard Medical School.

Those massive steel structures collapsed to Ground Zero at near free fall acceleration-- i.e., the substructures were abruptly demolished by explosives.

What are your academic scientific credentials?  Do tell.

Did you study any advanced science during your stint at the U.S. military intelligence language-training facility in Monterrey?

Edited by W. Niederhut
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  • 2 weeks later...

You don't support RFK Jr. (1) because for you the JFK case is just another hobby horse that you use to peddle your far-left political views, and (2) because you are a blindly partisan Democrat, what people used to call a "yellow dog Democrat."

I truly cannot comprehend how any objective, open-minded, patriotic American can still support Biden after his disturbing display of serious cognitive decline in his CNN debate with Trump on Thursday night. The CNN debate is by no means the only time that Biden has showed clear signs of serious cognitive decline. You can find numerous clips of other such episodes of incoherence, freezing, blank stares, slurring of speech, confusion, etc., on YouTube.

For those who find Trump an unacceptable alternative to Biden, there is Robert F. Kennedy Jr., who has a viable shot at winning, who is polling in mid- to high teens across the country, and who the exhaustive Zogby poll of all 50 states found can beat Trump or Biden head-to-head in a two-man race. 

What Conservatives and Liberals Would Each Get with Robert F. Kennedy Jr. in the White House


Edited by Michael Griffith
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