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Propaganda in the 20th Century

Nico Zijlstra

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History, Art and Social Sciences can work together in projects and lessons on propaganda in the 20th Century.

Rich collections of posters have been preserved from WW1 and WW2. After 1950 other means of masscommunication took over and we find only few examples of propagandaposters in the Cold War.

Here are some useful links:

An international propagandaposter-project based on understanding and analysing propaganda-techniques is the Propaganda Project Sintermeerten.

This site also offers links to several propaganda-sites.

Lessons on propaganda can be found in The Dutch Royal Library. This site has an English and a Dutch version available.

The BBC has some interesting examples on Nazi Propaganda.

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There's an interesting collection of resources relating to Allied psychological warfare available on this site.

I've got some WW1 recruitment and Propaganda posters tucked away here. At some stage I'll have to remove them or hide them from the public access part of my site though (copyright). This gallery contains some cartoons that are propaganda.

A range of Propaganda leaflets from the Second World War can be found on this site.

The US National Security Archive does contain some documents relating to Propaganda in the Cold War.

This site looks at American Anti-Communist Propaganda during the Cold War.

There are also a few sites that cover more recent conflicts and Propaganda. For example:


From: http://www.btinternet.com/~rrnotes/psywars...eaf/gulfapp.htm

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