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The Conyers Report

John Simkin

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Has anyone read "What Went Wrong In Ohio: The Conyers Report On The 2004 Presidential Election".

This is what Ray Beckerman said about it on the Amazon website:

There is no other way to put it: this is a landmark document in American history. It establishes beyond doubt that the electors from the swing state of Ohio in 2004 were appointed illegally, in violation of state and federal law, and in violation of the United States Constitution.

It was prepared in the thick of the controversy, and presented to all members of Congress prior to their acceptance of the Ohio electors.

That all but 1 Senator, and all but 31 Congresspeople, chose to accept those electors, anyway, represented one of the lowest points in the history of our nation, as it was a crass, flagrant, and unprincipled abandonment of the rule of law to do so.

Historians will be scrutinizing this period, to understand how the nation that introduced democracy to the modern world, became, in essence, a dictatorship.

And it will be clear to all posterity that Congressman Conyers, all the House Judiciary Democrats, and their fantastic staff, were heroes, fighting against overwhelming odds for the preservation of Liberty itself.

This document is a landmark. Every American must read it.

Gore Vidal gave an interview in today's Guardian. He wrote the introduction to John Conyers' book. He says the book has not been reviewed (or mentioned) in any newspaper or television station. Well, at least you appear to have one honest politician in America. He seems as dangerous as Paul Wellstone. Maybe we can persuade him to investigate the assassination of JFK.


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Dear John, I have not read it,but it looks very interesting. Its gotten zero play in the main stream media. As to the media Re: your country -how much info has been released that the two soldiers released from the BASRA jail had been dressed as ARABS,killed several IRAQ police, had car wired with explosives for detonation ????????? As you may know , there is an internet rumor that BIG OIL/USA military can deal better with 3 stable seperate IRAQ nations...FIRST MAKE CIVIL WAR........see below...D NOTICE ?? on BRITISH soldiers creating terrorism ???? thanks sg

This is a classic case of spinning a story. The attacks on the British by the citizens of Basra are cited as proof that there can be no troop withdrawal. Left totally unmentioned is the fact that the two captured British soldiers had been caught wearing Arab clothing, sniping at police officers and driving a car full of explosives. In other words, the two undercover Brits were playing at being insurgents, confirming for many Iraqi the suspicion that much of the so-called "insurgent" bombings are actually being carried out by the occupation forces.

Obviously Britain has imposed a "D-notice" on the media with regards to this story.





Edited by Steven Gaal
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John, You are much concerned about control in the flow of information. I brought the topic up RE: voting fraud -for there has been an almost complete media lockdown of info on e voting fraud. Now re BASRA see

http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/basraSAS.html INFO DELETED FROM NET.

The world is divided into three superpowers: Eastasia, Eurasia, and Winston’s homeland, Oceania. Each superpower is always at war with at least one of the others. The perpetual wartime conditions provide a convenient way for the government of Oceania to keep its citizens repressed.

We have always been at WAR with Eastasia & Eurasia havent we ?? John,any info in your country that the released soilders were undercover BOMBERS ????????? sg



Edited by Steven Gaal
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Dear John, I have not read it,but it looks very interesting. Its gotten zero play in the main stream media. As to the media Re: your country -how much info has been released that the two soldiers released from the BASRA jail had been dressed as ARABS,killed several IRAQ police, had car wired with explosives for detonation ????????? As you may know , there is an internet rumor that BIG OIL/USA military can deal better with 3 stable seperate  IRAQ nations...FIRST MAKE CIVIL WAR........see below...D NOTICE ?? on BRITISH soldiers creating terrorism ???? thanks sg

This is a classic case of spinning a story. The attacks on the British by the citizens of Basra are cited as proof that there can be no troop withdrawal. Left totally unmentioned is the fact that the two captured British soldiers had been caught wearing Arab clothing, sniping at police officers and driving a car full of explosives. In other words, the two undercover Brits were playing at being insurgents, confirming for many Iraqi the suspicion that much of the so-called "insurgent" bombings are actually being carried out by the occupation forces.

Obviously Britain has imposed a "D-notice" on the media with regards to this story.





No, this story was reported by the BBC and the rest of the media in the UK. They presented both stories and then said that one side was obviously lying. My view is the British government is lying but I suspect that most of the population think that the authorities in Basra are the guilty party.

It is now estimated that around half of the Iraq Police Force are really working for the insurgents. That was always going to happen but I am surprised that it is as high as 50%. It is the reason why the British government has decided to stop its plan to withdraw troops in Iraq. Bush is in the same position. Iraq has become the nightmare that was predicted by the critics of the invasion. Bush and Blair are in deep, deep, trouble and I cannot see how they can get out of this mess. The policy of containment in 2000 was working. Bush and Blair have created another Vietnam.

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In Vietnam, friend and foe were visually indistinguishable.

Ditto Iraq.

In Vietnam, the government did not have control of the country.

Ditto Iraq.

In Vietnam, it became apparent that there was no way to militarily win in a country in which the insurgency was everywhere.

Ditto Iraq.


Ditto Iraq.

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